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What would you do if . . .
. . . you were made Project Director of Mabinogi: World-Wide?
Party PvP was fun, why does it not exist in any other regions?
Also, not to make so many title coupons, enchants gacha-only. Especially not gacha from crossover event we'll never see again.
*I'm not sure what Project Director does exactly.
There are otherwise a lot of things I would do with it which would take up a LOT of my time/energy but I won't mention every detail right now.
One of the things that is sorely needed is to get rid of the Garrison-Role from Black/White Dragon-Raids or to change its parameters.
Ever gotten the Garrison-Role as an Elf ? Your Smash-Delays gimp you even further than the already LOW STR of an Elf.
One of the many things that I will mention for now is that I'd expand Fusion-Bolt into an Advanced-Magic Version.
Basically, you would be able to Fusion-Cast Fire-Ball with Ice-Spear, Fire-Ball with Thunder, Ice-Spear with Thunder, Fire-Ball with Thunder, etc.
As of right now I don't see any Dan-Test Options for Fusion-Bolt so it could perhaps be slotted there in order to Unlock said Extension/Expansion.
I suppose I'll just mention one other thing I'd do with magic : Pair/Group-Casting (two or more people casting spells together for amplified effect).
NEW outfit bags. You gotta specify that or else they will keep releasing the old ones. It's disappointing as hell when they announce that they are going to put outfit bags on sale and it's just old junk. What's worse is I really believe that they think they are appeasing us by doing that. Well Nexon, just letting you know that we're not impressed.
Also a new talent every year would be awesome. Try implementing some of our talent ideas and release a new talent every year to keep us busy with something else besides rehashed events. WE'RE BORED and that's BAD.
It depends on what duties and responsibilities that the project director has.
1) Overhaul the Cash Shop.
-Gacha with new outfits would be fine, but then after a month, outfits from said gacha would be given bags and charged accordingly (as well as if they have an animation).
-Add 1-Day Skill Training Potions of all varieties, including Crusader Skills. The grind is real, folks, and those ten minute potions don't cut it anymore.
-All Pets in Cash Shop (none of that gacha bonus stuff)
-Sky's Stars would be a constant thing. Each week would be a stars special, but if no new items were released, they would be attributed to Eweca Orbs.
-Simon's Bag and Luxury Equipment Bags always available.
-Mabinogi Merchandise FTW
2) Update All Older Traits/Outfits. I'm looking at you, low polygon hairstyles.
3) Update All NPCs to consistent graphics. Best example is Glenis right next to Blaanid. The difference is STARK. Maybe if it's possible, go back and update the graphics of all the generations, at least character wise.
4) Make the Lia Fall appear in the cut scene where Millia is floating in the air during Saga, or am I the only one who gets this?
5) Narrowing the range of stats given to weapons/armor/accessories for your rank in a skill where stats are random. Basically, for Magic Craft/Engineering/Blacksmithing, each rank narrows point range of the resulting item. Players who rank the above skills to Dan 3 or Mastering them should not have to worry about getting the LOWEST possible result when creating an item when you're Dan 3 Mastered. The resulting point range should give you 95-100% stats at that point. It's absurd that stats are RANDOM. I'm Dan 3 Mastered in Magic Craft and Engie and it drives me BONKERS when the stats aren't high given all the work I put into get those up.
6) Keep the current writer and give them a raise.
Ha, but seriously, I dunno.
World-wide? I don't know even enough about the other regions' versions of Mabi.
So I guess first thing first would be to get in the know.
Well maybe... I know if just one thing, I'd like to change Dan test's to have their training counts uncapped, so a person could still rank up with say, 2 SS's but would also be able to pass with like 8 As.
I'd say a week and some change for Magnum Dan 2 to 3 beats never being able to get there ever.
Pardon the "weenie-fication" if you will, but pass-failing is just my least favorite thing, maybe next to gathering Briogh Crystals since I have no fun doing any of the Tech Duinn missions.
But otherwise... well, there are some interesting ideas over in the Feedback section.
A talent for scythes sounds pretty nifty, and that's been suggested there at least a handful of times.
There's also the fact that Eiren's an Ace, but has no Ace Talent associated with her.
She only uses Chains, so I wonder what the others would be.
Plus there's the over-representation of certain talents in Ace talents, like Cleric and Apothecary, whereas none of the Aces currently have Archery or Knight, for example.
Though making up new Ace talents would probably require making up new Aces, and since they're part of the storyline, that'd complicate things.
Or maybe make a new special talent category separate from Aces yet similar in function. As neat as the Aces are, a new organization of special NPCs would probably be cool. Though I feel like I'd be designing them based on what talents they could cover, before any actual characterization and plot usefulness.
Well, this kind of stuff is fun to think about if anything, but I don't really have any grand ideas.
What they said, but I'd also like to revamp the older talents/skills and give them some love
2) Make it so higher level mobs count toward skill training requirements. The skill requires 100 enemies of the same level? Strong, Awful and Boss monsters count toward it.
3) Add optional mini-plots to the dungeons. Wanna search for a missing person, find a lost thing, get involved in a botched science experiment, or investigate strange happenings instead of just running over monsters? Just pick it from a menu before you enter.
4) Add optional DnD-style traps and curses.
5. Make the old 'you might lose an item if you get ko'd' available as an option for those who liked that
6. Bring back item bags for every new set to come out -- players can optionally pay $5 for the item they want instead of blowing $50 and getting nothing but training pots.
7. Permanent size changes that don't affect proportions
8. Every outfit fits every character without race, age or other restrictions.
9. More races with their own stories (dwarf, gnome, hobbit, beastman, vampire, others?) and the ability to change races at rebirth.
10. Get rid of this 'select a main character for this event' stuff
- Buff the stat boosts for older Skills and Talents, to make single-talent specialization more viable.
- Nerf Windmill's training requirements.
Oh, why?
I can only guess, but perhaps she is amused by how modest many of the ideas presented are.
At first, I would complete whatever initiatives were already in the pipeline from my predecessor, then my next set of initiatives would be to ease the transition to changes in the game for players, and are as follows:
- enable an animal transformation for humans, like beast and falcon.
- allow giants and elves to become Paladins and Dark Knights.
- allow Paladins and Dark Knights to switch back and forth as often as they'd like.
- allow the Paladin/Dark Knight transformations to stack with the animal ones.
- enable elf/giant marriage and open all venues to everyone for their ceremony.
- remove EvG and PvDk and expand the PvP manager to allow for groups and special rules that the combatants themselves choose: such as not allowing particular skills or spamming of certain skills.
These initiatives would then allow for the ability to change race at rebirth. Since, the Mabinogi races are different, in different situations they can not be equal. One race will always be better at PvP, one will always be better a PvE, one will always be better in groups, and so on. By allowing race change, this helps to mitigate some of the bad feelings when changes to the game effect which race is best at each of these. So, for example, if you like PvP and chose a particular race because it is best at PvP, then a rule change comes along and now a different race is better at PvP, then this strongly effects the players relationship with the game. With race change one can change to the race which is now best. This doesn't solve any aesthetic issues and would likely require a change in PvP style but it is far better than nothing and gives a player a workable option until a future change should put things back.
After this first set of initiatives, creating a means to weather changes to the game better, we move on to what changes to make. The miracle that is Minecraft notwithstanding, when new folks see Mabinogi they inevitably ask "How old is this game?" While it is true that game play can compensate for graphics, the aforesaid Minecraft as the primary example, I would like to update the graphics quality to the current state of the art. When this has been suggested in the past some folks were concerned about the game not looking "anime" enough but more so folks with older computers were concerned about whether they could continue to play the game at all. I would have a control, perhaps in Video settings, where you could choose to display "Mabinogi Classic" or, lets call it, "Mabinogi Advanced". I'd have the PvP manager indicate which setting each combatant is using, with a button to toggle.
Continuing, the next set of initiatives would be for expanding the capability of hosting a much larger and more widely physically distributed player-base, and are as follows:
- replace the name/server-of-residence primary key with record number. This will allow players to use any, non-offensive, name they want, since names need not be unique. Players can have the name they actually wanted rather than a facsimile of it. We saw the issue with the merge that the requirement of name uniqueness had. This change would allow for a smooth transition to a one-server set-up. That being said, I would retain two "servers": the in-house test server partition of the database and the public partition of the database.
- I would seek to move away from the channel system and replace it with a multi-tiered one. The first tier is the one that the log-in server shunts the user sessions to. If possible I would have these geographically distributed. Although these would be very similar to channels, the differences would be, first, that the log-in server would control where each users session is shunted and so the marshalling of the load would be kept balanced by the log-in server, and second, that the player experience would be as if they were all on the same channel. Higher tiered servers would serve the previous tier and also be distributed geographically, until we get to the highest tier. The lowest tiered servers would perform the most time-sensitive service, with services less so handled by higher tiered servers.
- move to having one world-wide installation of the game. Either using one language, most likely English, or develop on-the-fly translation services so that all on-screen text is translated to the users local language (if possible). This service can be handled by the client.
- since all this creates a "single channel" "single server" game, the game maps have to be reworked to be at least 9+ times bigger. I would also move to a single game-world-map with many small sectors, like how New York City is rendered in the Spider-Man games. Having the towns be much bigger and more densely populated would be cool.
Finally, I've never seen a Nexon advertisement on TV or YouTube or really, anywhere. I see advertisements for other online games. So, I'd change that.