Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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[EVENT] Study Event

Mabinogi Rep: 3,640
Posts: 220
edited September 9, 2020 in Vault
Siyu needs your help preparing for the exams! Use the Standard Study Desk to copy notes from the Thick Books into a Notebook every day. The better the quality of your Notebook, the more rewards you'll earn! Check out the details below.


Event Duration: Thursday, September 10th, After Maintenance - Thursday, October 8th, Before Maintenance

Check out all of the details on its webpost!


  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    edited September 9, 2020
    Hmm, precursor to the new Magigraphy Talent?
    That life talent has you designing magic circles at a desk using a quill, hmm...

    Ha, probably too early to think that, considering it hasn't been out of the KR test server that long.
    Those 8-person chairs are neat, though.
    Haven't been too many multi-person chairs that go above 2 players.
    There was that camping series of chairs, and now here's some more on top, neato.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Hmm, precursor to the new Magigraphy Talent?
    That life talent has you designing magic circles at a desk using a quill, hmm...

    Ha, probably too early to think that, considering it hasn't been out of the KR test server that long.
    Those 8-person chairs are neat, though.
    Haven't been too many multi-person chairs that go above 2 players.
    There was that camping series of chairs, and now here's some more on top, neato.

    Nah, this predates that update long before.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    This. I just the pot making event, I guess.
  • ScurvyJonesScurvyJones
    Mabinogi Rep: 410
    Posts: 17
    I'm upset I can't enjoy the event right now QQ I hope they fix the issues of the functions not working soon.
  • MusicatMusicat
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,550
    Posts: 289
    edited September 11, 2020
    The new Homestead Castanea Reading Table Set's technical scale (placement grid size) should be bigger, as its current scale allows its model (decoration size, e.g. chairs, end table) to cross other objects. The same probably applies to the second new reading table set as well.
    I'm posting it here, since the event has just begun, and, well, the chairs are connected to the event directly, you know. Please notify The Meow if this should be duplicated to a thread in Bugs and Glitches or Feedback and Suggestions forum sector.
  • Pip-BoyPip-Boy
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,760
    Posts: 127
    Musicat wrote: »
    The new Homestead Castanea Reading Table Set's technical scale (placement grid size) should be bigger, as its current scale allows its model (decoration size, e.g. chairs, end table) to cross other objects. The same probably applies to the second new reading table set as well.
    I'm posting it here, since the event has just begun, and, well, the chairs are connected to the event directly, you know. Please notify The Meow if this should be duplicated to a thread in Bugs and Glitches or Feedback and Suggestions forum sector.

    Newer homestead items have been reducing the placement grid to allow for more customization. It's a welcome change imo and the next best thing to getting rid of the grid system altogether to allow free placement. Hopefully older homestead items like the alchemy ovens will be revisited and have their grid size reduced to 1x1 in the future. They take up way too much space for their size.
    GretaYoridenRadiant DawnWolfsingerNegumikoBronzebreak
  • MusicatMusicat
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,550
    Posts: 289
    edited September 15, 2020
    @Pip-Boy is probably right about customization, but having a 2x2 grid on an actual 8x8 decoration is weird. Well, it's actually 3x3 and 9x9
  • YoridenYoriden
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,910
    Posts: 82
    Musicat wrote: »
    The new Homestead Castanea Reading Table Set's technical scale (placement grid size) should be bigger, as its current scale allows its model (decoration size, e.g. chairs, end table) to cross other objects. The same probably applies to the second new reading table set as well.
    I'm posting it here, since the event has just begun, and, well, the chairs are connected to the event directly, you know. Please notify The Meow if this should be duplicated to a thread in Bugs and Glitches or Feedback and Suggestions forum sector.

    I think more items should exceed their technical scale because that means that you can purposely overlap them. It allows for more creativity.

    See- I've got a dragon running around next to me, flowers arranged on the carpet, and a chicken under the table.
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    Yoriden wrote: »
    Musicat wrote: »
    The new Homestead Castanea Reading Table Set's technical scale (placement grid size) should be bigger, as its current scale allows its model (decoration size, e.g. chairs, end table) to cross other objects. The same probably applies to the second new reading table set as well.
    I'm posting it here, since the event has just begun, and, well, the chairs are connected to the event directly, you know. Please notify The Meow if this should be duplicated to a thread in Bugs and Glitches or Feedback and Suggestions forum sector.

    I think more items should exceed their technical scale because that means that you can purposely overlap them. It allows for more creativity.

    See- I've got a dragon running around next to me, flowers arranged on the carpet, and a chicken under the table.

    That's oddly adorable to me and I don't know why XD
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    edited September 13, 2020
    Pip-Boy wrote: »
    Musicat wrote: »
    The new Homestead Castanea Reading Table Set's technical scale (placement grid size) should be bigger, as its current scale allows its model (decoration size, e.g. chairs, end table) to cross other objects. The same probably applies to the second new reading table set as well.
    I'm posting it here, since the event has just begun, and, well, the chairs are connected to the event directly, you know. Please notify The Meow if this should be duplicated to a thread in Bugs and Glitches or Feedback and Suggestions forum sector.

    Newer homestead items have been reducing the placement grid to allow for more customization. It's a welcome change imo and the next best thing to getting rid of the grid system altogether to allow free placement. Hopefully older homestead items like the alchemy ovens will be revisited and have their grid size reduced to 1x1 in the future. They take up way too much space for their size.

    I like the smaller size for this homestead prop. now maybe I can put some future character figures on the rug or something small. so yeah I agree it adds more for homestead customization. would love to reduce the size of alchemy ovens to 1x1 as they don't need to be bigger then that. with some of our homesteads filling up fast we need smaller props but that alone won't stop players from filling up their homesteads. I still think we need something like guild homesteads so players can gather herbs, mushrooms, and things like that without worrying about that stuff taking space on their homesteads. maybe even a few more homestead expansions cause I don't see how some players are still going to have any homestead space left in another 2 or 3 years unless homesteads change somehow or you take down a lot of props you like.
  • MusicatMusicat
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,550
    Posts: 289
    edited September 16, 2020
    @Negumiko, excessiveness leads to regression. And the idea of a guild homestead is great, but it may turn out to be not what we will be imagining it to be. Nevertheless, this one approves.
  • NoriakiNoriaki
    Mabinogi Rep: 700
    Posts: 7
    Will the siyu's gift boxes be removed when the event is over? Part of the descriptions states "all event quests, items, and blacksmith manuals will be removed when the event ends" but that could just refer to the books and desks.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    Noriaki wrote: »
    Will the siyu's gift boxes be removed when the event is over? Part of the descriptions states "all event quests, items, and blacksmith manuals will be removed when the event ends" but that could just refer to the books and desks.

    Don't think the boxes and exploration exp seals will be removed.
  • KatherzKatherz
    Mabinogi Rep: 21,665
    Posts: 1,593
    The giftboxes will not be removed :)
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,865
    Musicat wrote: »
    The new Homestead Castanea Reading Table Set's technical scale (placement grid size) should be bigger, as its current scale allows its model (decoration size, e.g. chairs, end table) to cross other objects. The same probably applies to the second new reading table set as well.
    I'm posting it here, since the event has just begun, and, well, the chairs are connected to the event directly, you know. Please notify The Meow if this should be duplicated to a thread in Bugs and Glitches or Feedback and Suggestions forum sector.

    Yet another HS prop that really ought be in-doors. Has Nexon forgotten that they gave us our HS houses?
    GretaRadiant DawnPip-Boy
  • Pip-BoyPip-Boy
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,760
    Posts: 127
    Helsa wrote: »
    Musicat wrote: »
    The new Homestead Castanea Reading Table Set's technical scale (placement grid size) should be bigger, as its current scale allows its model (decoration size, e.g. chairs, end table) to cross other objects. The same probably applies to the second new reading table set as well.
    I'm posting it here, since the event has just begun, and, well, the chairs are connected to the event directly, you know. Please notify The Meow if this should be duplicated to a thread in Bugs and Glitches or Feedback and Suggestions forum sector.

    Yet another HS prop that really ought be in-doors. Has Nexon forgotten that they gave us our HS houses?

    I wouldn't think it would be difficult to allow homestead items to be placed indoors and outdoors. Sure you'll get issue with items that are too tall to look normal inside but if the players want their houses to look weird they should have that freedom.
  • AlmostNotsuperAlmostNotsuper
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,240
    Posts: 288
    Helsa wrote: »
    Yet another HS prop that really ought be in-doors. Has Nexon forgotten that they gave us our HS houses?

    They haven't forgotten; it's just that the HS houses are not actually meant to be used as houses. They're supposed to be sweatshops. If they were houses, they'd be stepping on the toes of the Housing Houses we already have.

    ...Which have been reduced to irrelevancy and mostly abandoned anyway.

  • IgotVibeIgotVibe
    Mabinogi Rep: 400
    Posts: 7
    Do the Siyu boxes disappear after the event ends?
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    edited October 7, 2020
    IgotVibe wrote: »
    Do the Siyu boxes disappear after the event ends?
    Katherz wrote: »
    The giftboxes will not be removed :)

    The answer is a few posts above. They will not be removed. Enjoy the time to open them.