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Question about Raincasting
Is there a way to set up any particular cylinder: enchantments plus upgrades plus reforge plus ego, whatever, so that the cool-down on Raincasting expires while the rain cloud is still up?
Thanks in advance.
The first way is to obtain shoes with the "Rain Casting Cooldown" reforge. I don't remember the exact reforge level needed to get the cooldown lower than the duration, but I think it was around 12 or 15, which would require rank 1 shoes.
The second way, which is more commonly used despite the cost, is to obtain either a Celtic Tetra Cylinder or Revenant Insight Cylinder. Rain Casting's duration increases based on the cylinder elements. Those two cylinders have strong enough inherent elemental properties that they increase the duration so much it exceeds the cooldown. A demonic abyss cylinder or tidal wave cylinder will come close, but not quite reach that point.
A spirit cylinder can reduce the casting time of rain casting by 5 seconds, which might help a little as well, but doesn't affect the duration or cooldown.
If I remember correctly you can make a Celtic Tetra Cylinder through Magicraft. If so, then that would be where to start I think. Since, we can have multiple spirits then that extra 5 seconds would totally help; thanks!!
I hadn't thought of that; I was thinking about keeping the mobs permanently sedated. I could use lullaby between clouds and use normal equipment, which is what I do now, but Lullaby only works once per monster, not even someone else's Lullaby works them.