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A disturbing trend that needs to change


  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited July 12, 2021
    I'm done here. Bleep all this hot garbage and godspeed.
    I seriously didn't realize what I walked into.


    I'm going to back to enjoying myself and playing the game. I suggest you do as well. All of you.
  • VimaVima
    Mabinogi Rep: 925
    Posts: 68
    Was told I'm going to be put on a list for "snitching" because apparently I need to be gate-kept from content for wanting to get rid of the protection that bigger guilds have from getting banned.

    Other than that, there isn't much more to say but I think this is important. So I will probably be back here to either to continue this thread or make a new one depending on how things go.
  • TwelieTwelie
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,850
    Posts: 272
    Remember that you are never forced to interact with someone. Blacklists exist for a reason, and if you want to do content that someone you don't like is participating in, you can ignore them. Yes, there are people in the community who are mean, there are people in the community who have done horrible things, but we as individuals get to decide on who we interact with, unlike irl.

    I don't know the context of what is happening, but I don't think someone should be blamed for being taken advantage of. I just think we need to roll with the punches and learn as we go.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Solonogi best Nogi
  • NemesisNemesis
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,005
    Posts: 96
    edited July 14, 2021
    Are you 13? Stop crying lol

    This is probably why you get bullied
  • KelpSodaKelpSoda
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,145
    Posts: 287
    edited July 14, 2021
    mmm these responses sound extremely 2011

    theres even a "kids these days" comment here, lovely

    mostly agree with OP lol, anyway im having a good time changing society instead of trying to change myself, thats the way to go

    however this game is old and everyone playing it is like 30+, people get stuck on mindsets really hard past like 24 so you're gonna have a bad time trying to convince these boomers
  • VimaVima
    Mabinogi Rep: 925
    Posts: 68
    KelpSoda wrote: »
    mmm these responses sound extremely 2011

    theres even a "kids these days" comment here, lovely

    mostly agree with OP lol, anyway im having a good time changing society instead of trying to change myself, thats the way to go

    however this game is old and everyone playing it is like 30+, people get stuck on mindsets really hard past like 24 so you're gonna have a bad time trying to convince these boomers

    Antagonizing people on the forums doesn't accomplish anything, some people may see that as my intent; but it is not.

    The fact that you even say any of this shows you haven't read anything I have said previously in this thread, I know I need to change as well; but so do a lot of other things.

    I'll say it again, this is just further proving my point that the community as a whole needs to change. However, I am starting to question if the community is trying to exile me at this point for wanting people to act like people should?
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited July 14, 2021
    KelpSoda wrote: »
    mmm these responses sound extremely 2011

    theres even a "kids these days" comment here, lovely

    mostly agree with OP lol, anyway im having a good time changing society instead of trying to change myself, thats the way to go

    however this game is old and everyone playing it is like 30+, people get stuck on mindsets really hard past like 24 so you're gonna have a bad time trying to convince these boomers

    You don't have to change yourself to suit society, but you are sure as hell not going to get anyone to change themselves to suit you. Doesn't matter how old you are. :|
  • KelpSodaKelpSoda
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,145
    Posts: 287
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    You don't have to change yourself to suit society, but you are sure as hell not going to get anyone to change themselves to suit you. Doesn't matter how old you are. :|

    nah it does, i changed a bunch of people to suit me, and age matters a lot sadly
  • Momma_SophieMomma_Sophie
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,575
    Posts: 290
    edited July 15, 2021
    Vima wrote: »
    Was told I'm going to be put on a list for "snitching" because apparently I need to be gate-kept from content for wanting to get rid of the protection that bigger guilds have from getting banned.

    Other than that, there isn't much more to say but I think this is important. So I will probably be back here to either to continue this thread or make a new one depending on how things go.

    Vims, this is exactly what I just got through explaining to you. You threw a punch (by dropping that screenshot) and got your nose broken.
    Did you really think you'd just be able to throw out information exposing people and see zero consequences for it?
    This is the community policing I just got through explaining to you. If you're going to go on this crusade against these kinds of people, be prepared for them to retaliate and be prepared for them to retaliate hard. But, you don't prepare and you somehow never expect it to happen. I really don't get it.

    You and many others in this world just don't seem to understand that actions have reactions and that your existence does not exist in a vacuum, free of consequence. I don't know what it will take for you to understand that playing this grandiose role of "Savior of the community/world/etc" doesn't come without wearing your own crown of thorns. All of us need to realize that, actually.
    KelpSoda wrote: »
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    You don't have to change yourself to suit society, but you are sure as hell not going to get anyone to change themselves to suit you. Doesn't matter how old you are. :|

    nah it does, i changed a bunch of people to suit me, and age matters a lot sadly

    What you just said sounds insane, not going to lie. It sounds you're implying that you have some kind of power over other people and that you are able to control how they behave. I'm going to tell you right now, for your own sake, that this is an illusion. You do not have as much power over people as you think you do -- no one does. At some point, the iron fist rusts and crumbles as forceful coercion is superficial and requires quite a lot of maintenance. You have to win hearts and minds to see lasting effects.

    EDIT: I just realized what you meant when you said, "and age matters a lot sadly." Stay away from the children. It's pretty telling that the only people you types can convince towards your world views are naive, trusting, inexperienced people (kids and teens) with moldable minds you can exploit for your own aims, rather than mature, reasonable people with common sense. Mark my words, you'll regret what you're all doing.

    But, this message isn't primarily aimed at you. I already know I won't convince you (right now) on basis of previous interactions. You truly believe you can bully, force, and coerce people into compliance. This is for everyone else to know that there will come a time when the illusion of control will fade; live by the sword to die by the sword. Change yourselves and seek to teach others how to change themselves for their own sake, not yours.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited July 15, 2021
    I love the forums. This is why I am still here. :joy:

    @KelpSoda, Sophie has got you pegged as a textbook narcissist. Don't have kids. You are a seriously disturbing individual imo (even if that opinion doesn't matter idc) and I really don't believe you're changing society or people at all. In fact I think more than likely they shun away from you because I certainly would with that kind of personality. You do you, but you can do it alone. I hope the people you have manipulated wake up - and they will eventually.
  • EcremeEcreme
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,590
    Posts: 45
  • VimaVima
    Mabinogi Rep: 925
    Posts: 68
    Vima wrote: »
    Was told I'm going to be put on a list for "snitching" because apparently I need to be gate-kept from content for wanting to get rid of the protection that bigger guilds have from getting banned.

    Other than that, there isn't much more to say but I think this is important. So I will probably be back here to either to continue this thread or make a new one depending on how things go.

    Vims, this is exactly what I just got through explaining to you. You threw a punch (by dropping that screenshot) and got your nose broken.
    Did you really think you'd just be able to throw out information exposing people and see zero consequences for it?
    This is the community policing I just got through explaining to you. If you're going to go on this crusade against these kinds of people, be prepared for them to retaliate and be prepared for them to retaliate hard. But, you don't prepare and you somehow never expect it to happen. I really don't get it.

    You and many others in this world just don't seem to understand that actions have reactions and that your existence does not exist in a vacuum, free of consequence. I don't know what it will take for you to understand that playing this grandiose role of "Savior of the community/world/etc" doesn't come without wearing your own crown of thorns. All of us need to realize that, actually.

    The way you phrase things, you're trying to make me out to be super naive about this whole thing, and I'm not. The fact you think I didn't see this coming is just further proof of that. I know exactly what I'm getting myself into. If people want to make me a villain for trying to have this community change for the better, that is fine. Plus, through all of our interactions you treat me as if I'm brain-dead. It's actually quite hilarious you believe I think that I'm free of consequence when the entire reason I'm doing this is to remove the very protection those that actually are free of consequence have.

    At least provide some new constructive criticism instead of phrasing the same things in different ways.

  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    edited July 15, 2021
    I don't know the whole backstory to this but I do agree with making the Mabi community a better place/less toxic.. I haven't had any issues myself in a long time but I know bullying/harassment/etc isn't just gonna disappear for everyone...

    also, didn't really read the replies to this yet but i will later ig
  • KelpSodaKelpSoda
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,145
    Posts: 287
    you dont even know the context of what i do lol
    Crimsọn wrote: »

    @KelpSoda, Sophie has got you pegged as a textbook narcissist.

    oh no!
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    *walks into top thread getting nostalgic after a long hiatus*

    Heeey guyz, Loooooong time no Seee-...


    Who kicked who's dog and spat in their drinks this time around?
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited July 15, 2021
    KelpSoda wrote: »
    you dont even know the context of what i do lol
    Crimsọn wrote: »

    @KelpSoda, Sophie has got you pegged as a textbook narcissist.

    oh no!

    No I don't need to know about your cult. Thanks.

    Rhey wrote: »
    *walks into top thread getting nostalgic after a long hiatus*

    Heeey guyz, Loooooong time no Seee-...


    Who kicked who's dog and spat in their drinks this time around?

    The narcissist and the vigilante attempting to induct us into the gestapo.
  • JoeyDee9JoeyDee9
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,165
    Posts: 198
    Member, Volunteer Forum Moderator
    Please direct all concerns of directed harassment in game to customer support. There are options to submit the claims, include names screenshots and other evidence as you see fit. This thread itself has gone out of hand from it's original intent on bolstering a positive environment and is now being locked.
This discussion has been closed.