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Charles has created a Mysterious Snow Cloud and he needs your help in promoting it! Create promotional items around Erinn to help people learn about the Snow Cloud, and earn some snowtastic rewards! Check out the details
on the webpost.
Event Dates: Thursday, December 23rd, After Maintenance - Thursday, January 13th, Before Maintenance
It's not a pet, it's a Homestead prop; woop dee doo. Honestly, the most interesting item is the Homestead snow wall prop, and that ain't saying much.
Do frosty cats fly or heal upon summoning?
They heal upon summoning, there's no doubt to it, however how exactly you summon one is beyond Meow's wit.
I like downhill skiing but other than that I hate snow.
I'm not really into such things but if you worked hard on it then good for you. As for it's attitude, that's just how cats are; they say "eff you" to everyone; it's why I like dogs better. I assume you have to make these things in the back yard because if you make it in the front some donkey-hole will come along and kick it over.
I love the Homestead Snow Cat from this event.