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Closed The Inevitable Merge
This was going to happen sooner or later regardless if we wanted it or not and there is two core issues that lead us here as well as accelerated this merge, the first one being the decreasing playerbase and we don't have to look far for proof, just 7 years ago there was not only a larger playerbase but also more people running around playing the game and the game felt generally more alive then it is today (or at least as of writing this).
Mabinogi NA needs more players and fast, we need trailers showing of the game and what it's all about, we need to see banners and advertisements for Mabinogi NA, basically we need new people to find and play Mabinogi NA.
The second issue is how Nexon accelerated this merge, for people not aware we had 4 servers/channels or whatever you want to call them, when the first merge back in 2019 was announced most people expected that the only logical conclusion would be to take the 4 servers and merge each 2 together (that's the short explanation), however what Nexon did was take 3 of the lower populated servers and merge them together under a new name (Nao) and leave one to eventually stagnate (Alexina), people in the slowly stagnating server was noticing the reinvigorated and merged server and some started to jump ship further expediting the stagnation (it's not the players fault).
Nexon messed up...again and as I once wrote in this forum, it's like Nexon is just waiting for this game to lose just enough players and general activity to be able to justify the shutdown of Mabinogi NA, however I am not saying a shutdown is right around the corner but it sure does feel like nobody at Nexon NA or otherwise is trying even the minimum to bring in new players.
Just look at this forum, there used to be so much more activity, if the old forum was still around one could even compare the two and see the stark difference.
With all of this said and done, I hope for the sake of this games health and longevity that Nexon NA or anybody able to do something about this does something about Mabinogi NA's decreasing playerbase, cause if it took about 3 years for the need of another merge I don't want to imagine what might happen in another 3 years from now.
Thanks for reading.
We shouldn't forget that another reason for having separate servers was also due to the much larger playerbase and what eventually followed in the form of severe lag, especially if you where located outside of the US and this lasted for years as well as made certain parts of the game much more frustrating or bordering on impossible at the time, the fighter skillset was hard to time right, any sneaking sections where more frustrating and the list goes on and on, but the good thing is that by far most of these issues are gone or much less significant today.
Years and years ago I would sometimes stumble into your comments, they always struck me as sassy jokes and not afraid to write some controversial things if it meant communicating what you think, it made you seem unique among the masses and even if I didn't always agree with your statements I respected your opinion enough to not make any counter arguments as I knew I didn't have it in me to be so brash about what I type or say.
But over the years that sassy brash vibe got slowly replaced with malice, instead of being clever while still adhering to a threads main conversation you have instead opted to make vulgar comments that doesn't add to the topic but detracts and railroad the conversation, you have slipped from the fine line you been walking and have become a troll, someone that wants to be part of something but is shunned by the people already participating.
I am not going to reply to you any further in this thread, do with this as you see fit.
That's a misconception though based on the idea that Alexina, Nao, and the others, although labeled as servers actually ARE single-box computers; they are not. They are partitions of a clustered database distributed over many actual servers. What, on each server, are called 'channels' are the actual physical servers and are separate computers. This is why when Nao was first started up and everyone logged in creating a lot of lag they added three more channels after just a few days to address it. If the channels were just some kind of virtual machine then adding more of them would do nothing as they'd all be physically running on the same processor. So, it's the number of channels that addresses lag. If a particular channel becomes popular well then it will experience lag simply because everyone is stuffing into it. Since the total number of channels is the thing, what kind of grouping they are segregated into does not in and of itself contribute to relieving overall lag. Regardless of the number of partitions, it's still the same amount of traffic in and out of the data center.
Now, if the database underlying Mabinogi has a limit on how many actual machines it can be distributed over per partition, then this would be a reason to implement it the way they did, but that seems severely unlikely to me. A few years back, I saw a video, I can't find it now, where some big mucky muck at Nexon talked about how having different servers would foster server loyalty and create colourful but good spirited playful banter back and forth between the separate communities. Well, maybe Koreans know how to behave themselves but the rest of the world doesn't because good spirited playful banter back and forth here has, shall we say, not been the norm. What I'm saying is why have four servers with seven channels each when we could have one server with, say, twenty-eight channels. Both have the same capacity for handling the load, but one of them arbitrarily divides the community, the other doesn't.
I think that might've been meant for me. So, in that spirit, allow me to reply: "You love it witch!
They are going to do what they are going to do. They rarely ever rescind once they have made an announcement. Also you should know by now that I don't need you or anyone else's approval how I think or feel or what I post on here. But I am tired of all this whining. So I simply said shut up. Life is short.
It's not rushed, it's just more efficient. They learned a lot from the last merge. You say you are not implying anything but I call bs on that. Honestly I think some of you would actually praise the day if or when this game finally shuts down. Because that will be the day when you finally shut up.
Shut up.
You love it witch!
I'm gonna go elves.
Chris-chan was right. The dimensional merge is going to happen.You made me google that.
You two really are like the eternally bickering aunt and uncle of the forums XD
What are you doing out of bed? Go back to bed; you've got school tomorrow!
4/14/22 https://mabinogi.nexon.net/news/73024/together-in-erinn
Also the only reason they can bicker like that is because they have Nexon employees specifically protecting them, Wolfsinger. After all, JoeyDee9's main "Alchemy" is literally in the same guild as Crimson. As for Helsa, I don't know who their benefactor is.
Apparently, none needed for me because, according to some, they say that because of my singular Churchillian command of the English language, Aristotelian talent in rhetoric, and my unparalleled capabilities in political machinations, that would make Niccolò Machiavelli swoon, Carl von Clausewitz applaud, and Sun Tzu take notes, somehow I singlehandedly beguiled Nexon into both merges.