Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Together in Erinn


  • KeichiroKeichiro
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,010
    Posts: 33
    edited April 14, 2022
    Darn, stuff's geating heated up and I'd be lying if I said I don't find it kind of hilarious. Is this what extended maintenance does to people?

    That said, to anyone who's already able to log in (not me), welcome people of Alexina! Looking forward to meeting some of you again, and some others of you for the first time.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Keichiro wrote: »
    Darn, stuff's geating heated up and I'd be lying if I said I don't find it kind of hilarious. Is this what extended maintenance does to people?

    That said, to anyone who's already able to log in (not me), welcome people of Alexina! Looking forward to meeting some of you again, and some others of you for the first time.

    it's kind of scary to be honest
    i mean, i kind of understand why people are on edge, especially Alexina players, i felt the same way when Nao was being made...
    but i don't think being hostile will solve anything, it'll just make people more tense...

    even if the game does eventually pass away in the future, of course i'd be upset, but this game is incredibly old (especially for an mmorpg).
    i think KR is working on optimizing it too so once we get that and memory leak fixes here (maybe some graphic updates as well) then it would be a perfect time to advertise,... though it might be a bit hard since less and less people are willing to invest into games that are a time sink like Mabinogi, and then the whole gacha fiasco... :cold_sweat:
    i think having one server is a good step, mostly because newbies won't have to worry about what server to pick! :smiley:
  • KeichiroKeichiro
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,010
    Posts: 33
    edited April 14, 2022
    Sherri wrote: »
    Keichiro wrote: »
    Darn, stuff's geating heated up and I'd be lying if I said I don't find it kind of hilarious. Is this what extended maintenance does to people?

    That said, to anyone who's already able to log in (not me), welcome people of Alexina! Looking forward to meeting some of you again, and some others of you for the first time.

    it's kind of scary to be honest
    i mean, i kind of understand why people are on edge, especially Alexina players, i felt the same way when Nao was being made...
    but i don't think being hostile will solve anything, it'll just make people more tense...

    even if the game does eventually pass away in the future, of course i'd be upset, but this game is incredibly old (especially for an mmorpg).
    i think KR is working on optimizing it too so once we get that and memory leak fixes here (maybe some graphic updates as well) then it would be a perfect time to advertise,... though it might be a bit hard since less and less people are willing to invest into games that are a time sink like Mabinogi, and then the whole gacha fiasco... :cold_sweat:
    i think having one server is a good step, mostly because newbies won't have to worry about what server to pick! :smiley:

    I agree, all this arguing is pointless. Nobody likes the prospect of losing their character names or the fact that population is dwindling, but attacking each other or pointing fingers at Nexon solves neither. The merge is a necessity at the moment and that is a fact, I was an Alexina player originally but it was so empty i just felt forced to start over on Nao. People should focus on what can be done going forward, like pushing for a naming system that's more fair and for better advertisement of the game.

    Having a unified server benefits everyone when we push aside the naming issue anyways. If population actually does increase too much, we can easily get more channels to handle it.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,860
    Keichiro wrote: »
    If population actually does increase too much, we can easily get more channels to handle it.

    Exactly, and that's what they should have done since the get go, rather than adding "servers".
  • LovePandaLovePanda
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,355
    Posts: 63
    Alexina was not an original server, The other 3 were before Nao merge. So those people have had the names MUCH longer then any Alexina character... therefore it literally is as fair as can be. No one should be fighting about that at all.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,860
    LovePanda wrote: »
    Alexina was not an original server, The other 3 were before Nao merge. So those people have had the names MUCH longer then any Alexina character... therefore it literally is as fair as can be. No one should be fighting about that at all.

    No one is fighting about this. People are disappointed, sure, but Nexon laid down the law and that's all there is to it.
  • VioletBoyVioletBoy
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,765
    Posts: 69
    LovePanda wrote: »
    Alexina was not an original server, The other 3 were before Nao merge. So those people have had the names MUCH longer then any Alexina character... therefore it literally is as fair as can be. No one should be fighting about that at all.

    in a way Alexina was an original server on it own before the three older ones were merged. a good number of players from Alexina are sending their tickets days or weeks before the merge/maint. . the only ones that would be mad are players that came back at the end of the month unaware of this.
  • LyniLyni
    Mabinogi Rep: 845
    Posts: 24
    It seems like someone listened to player feedback re:merged names which is great. The solutions seem pretty fair, too.

    Personally, I'm glad we get to appeal to remove "+Alexina" from our names if the conflicting Nao character is inactive. I'm also happy to see the 16-character name change event. In particular, all of my friends who were most sad about losing their names are either hopeful about the "+Alexina" removal appeal or are excited to go for a UI-breaking long name.

    Really, this fixed every problem I had issues with before. See you all in Erinn o7
  • MusicatMusicat
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,550
    Posts: 289
    LovePanda wrote: »
    Alexina was not an original server, The other 3 were before Nao merge. So those people have had the names MUCH longer then any Alexina character... therefore it literally is as fair as can be. No one should be fighting about that at all.
    But there are some players who've started on Nao later than some players who've started on Alexina. That's the problem with the priority.
    Lyni wrote: »
    Personally, I'm glad we get to appeal to remove "+Alexina" from our names if the conflicting Nao character is inactive.
    Now that Meow thinks of it, there was a similar service for the newborn Nao server. Meow's character's name got a +Mari tag, but then he requested a change.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,860
    Well, it's been about a week since the merge. Channel 1 is constantly red but, after a week, I can get in every time I try. At first I wanted it to be so busy that more channels would need to be added but, on second thought, I think it's better that that didn't happen.