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Gachapon NEED's Changed ASAP its Killing Game!
I made this link on reddit
https://www.reddit.com/r/Mabinogi/comments/v9dpbt/gachapon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 and hasn't even been up for a DAY yet over 3.1k View's and clearly I am not the only one that see's this a major problem NEXON it is TIME for a change I truly love your game I understand you need to make money but this is not they way to do it. All items that are the best in game should NEVER be put in a gachapon they should be earned in game this means weapons or gear or title or accessory's or wings with stats -_- should be earned in game to. Stop designing the game where is screws the free to play player base 100%. I understand pets or like bank space or even inventory or homestead space that stuff is fine but gear should NEVER be a pay to win. And if you can't fix this which you can -_- the %s in theses gacha's need a MAJOR MAJOR FIX. Also most people do not use this forum they use the reddit forums so please take a lot of this feed back based of the reddit link. Nexon 3.1k views in under a DAY get the hint please!

Also here is a cute picture of my mabinogi character which once again prove's I really do CARE for this game.

Why post something to try to piss me off? What's the point of this you could of said you are fine with the system and give me a valid reason not post get over it??? Out of all the comments I have got that say we should keep it the way it is its only from people who are whales or people who think game can't survive with out this system so make the rich people in real life buy the gachapon's which isn't the case it can. So why make a rude comment like this just say you are rich in real life and want all the normal people to play have to suffer and never get to truly play the game the way it should be played you know earn the gear from playing the game legit not spending 100s or even 1000s of real life money. Might as well because that's really what it is no one in there RIGHT mind wants to be spending over $400 every time a best in slot item come out in gachapon unless they are rich in real life which best items should NEVER be in a gachapon. This is a extremely bad design and its been proven over and over and over and over and over that it is and way way way more people don't want it then do want it.
Step Two: Rage Quit like a little baby.
I don't know if you are talking about me or the other guy I'm just being reasonable everyone has there right to there opinion. But straight up telling someone get over it isn't a operate response and is a response to try to get me mad especially when this is a giant problem in the game that needs fixed its not something to brush off . I haven't been a jerk what so ever here if you are talking about me that is if anyone wants to talk about the (TOPIC) I posted here I see no issue but telling someone to get over it isn't a way to do it. Be respectful. Also me telling it how it really is with the gachapon is being respectful some people may not like how it is but that is how it is and does need fixed.
I'm sure you've been on internet before. There will always be folks that disagree. Some can do it with decorum, others not. Still more that specifically do so with intent to wound. Of those folks, sometimes it's personal but most of the time it's an avocation. I know it's hard sometimes but you gotta treat it like the weather; it (or something rhyming with "it") happens.
Your defence of yourself, while understandable, will probably make some smell blood in the water. Be prepared for that and good luck.
Yup, games need money to keep running.
Nexon NA doesn't like the gachapon system either, and has suggested multiple different ways for the NA servers to continue to make as much, if not MORE money for Nexon as a whole but it has been shot down each time. Korea, where Nexon is officially located, is rather big on Gachapon. Being their primary location and where the majority of their player-base resides, they have no real want or reason to cater to the NA server. It is a shame, of course, and there ARE ways that the game can continue to make bank without using gachapon. But until Nexon Korea cares, they're not likely to permit a model shift in NA.
I have a bit of an addictive personality but even I know when I should probably stop wasting my money when I hit a terrible streak of bad luck, that's why you're able to sell stuff for gold and use that instead to purchase whatever you want, why take the risk if you have an option that's much safer?
- 1 for 4900NX,
- 3 for 13800NX, which is 4600NX per box,
- 5 for 22000NX, which is 4400NX per box.
Let's use 4400NX per box. 170 x 4400 = 748000NX. IIRC 1000NX = 1 USD, so ... um ... yeah. So, on average, the player-base collectively spends that much NX for every single instance of this item to be realised in the game. If Nexon sells this item directly they would need to charge that to make their expected rate of return. This is part of the reason why the most desired items cost what they do in the auction house.
This is why it's important for folks to suggest credible alternate revenue streams for Nexon. The opposite is what usually happens; now you can have a guild for free, for example. The more they can make from NOT gachas the more they can open up the items, in their drop tables, to direct purchase.
Gacha ruined the game long time ago but it's the only thing keeping it alive.
P2W! Yey
The issue is until the day the USA bans lootboxes, this game would never get rid of Gacha.
By that time, I expect the devs already moved to other types of monetization, mainly new services (Character boosts and Gen skips when?) or pets.
Or heck, a new type of monetization of a new service for events. Sure they will get some flak about it, but at least there THAT way to get rid of mules.
Like others have stated, gacha has become a necessary evil to keep the game alive. However, there are ways around buying it and still making fat stacks like other players who do buy gacha-- you just got to get creative.
I've been playing mabi since 2009, and in that time I've aimed to learn the market the best that I can. I do a lot of things to earn gold, such as buying items for cheap and selling them for a profit, doing all of the events and hording the items to sell once the event is over, etc. While I can turn small profits with the aformentioned methods (approx. 1-5 mil, depending), my biggest moneymaker averages me about 10 mil for about 30 min of work (unfortunately, I cannot share the exact details of what I do, otherwise I'd be creating competition for myself). But all in all, if you learn the game and its player-base, such as the supply-and-demand of items, and have a little patience, you'll be able to not only keep up with the gacha-buyers, but also have money for retirement someday lol.
they could feature older gacha outfits in shopping bags for those who aren't gambling addicts but they choose not to
as for gear.. it should of never been put in gacha in the first place, but it's already too late
it would probably hurt the game if anything changes now