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Is there an android app for editing MML ??

Mabinogi Rep: 410
Posts: 20
in General Chat
I'd like to use a tablet to edit MML whenever wherever I got some time to kill, without need to haul around the laptop. Is there an app for MML?
What mml editors are you guys using?


  • KouyioueKouyioue
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,030
    Posts: 443
    edited July 13, 2023
    (haven't composed in 10+ years so the information below might not be correct or might be 404-not-found in the present day)

    Probably not specifically for mabi--
    What I used to use when I messed around with music was SingleCellSoft's Caustic 3.

    It's not an MML editor but instead a block style MIDI sequencer. But it's straightforward to import mabinogi instruments to it(I always just used the PCMsynth to read them as soundfonts) and it supports the ability to use actual USB-MIDI keyboards from your android phone(at least it did for mine.)

    -- It's not free on android(can still try it but you need an unlocker to export/save) but it was free on PC

    Aside from that, the workflow was pretty painless too: create music, export as midi, clean it up with 3MLE on PC
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,410
    Posts: 5,785
    3ML on a PC. Aren't there tablets that run windows?
  • HercuniqueHercunique
    Mabinogi Rep: 410
    Posts: 20
    What website is 'safe' to get 3MLE from?
    I've been running just linux for years, and I am trying really hard to limit internet exposure / risky-clicks on this Win7 laptop. A link would be greatly appreciated.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,410
    Posts: 5,785
    I got 3ML is from some Japanese language site. I got my first copy from there, then got it again years later when the drum kit came out.

    Testimonies and links can be found here on Reddit.