Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Unofficial Official Minecraft Thread


  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Helsa wrote: »
    Sherri wrote: »
    (i'm pretty sure the necro rule works different for threads that have a theme around them, it would be easier to bring this one back then make another one, and i've been getting into minecraft again lately)

    has anyone else been following the development of 1.19? theres some pretty insane stuff being added.. i'll be honest, i was excited for the Warden but now i'm not so sure.. i'm not expecting to be able to kill it but seeing it having ranged attacks that go through walls is incredibly worrying, especially since i consider myself a big klutz in games
    all i can say is that there better be stuff down below that make it incredibly worth the risk because so far i'm not even going to THINK about going there (..legit. i'll check it out in creative and mess around in it on a world not meant for survival, would be good practice for if i ever do want to try going there on my main worlds)

    .....words can't express how sorry i feel for anyone on hardcore who thinks going there is a decent idea

    I really think the necro rule is dumb. I suspect the staff deal with this on a case-by-case basis but aren't vocal about it.

    Don't worry about the Warden; someone will figure out how to deal with it. They did say that they would make it so that poling up won't work and the Sonic Boom attack is their reason. Okay, but does it have limited range? Can it be dodged? If so, then just keep them behind a fence and out of their range and p'toik-p'toik away.

    I have an original Mojang account. I tried to fire the game up the other day. It now wants me to have a Microsoft account. I'm not happy about that.

    yeah, it had a whole thing last year where if you merged your account you get a cape so i did it then, it still feels weird.. they said they won't mess with Java (even if they did, there would be tremendous backlash) and the account thing is just for.. idek why they did it, extra protection? easier data storage?
    i remember back when we'd login with a Minecraft account and then the whole migration to Mojang...
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,865
    Sherri wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Sherri wrote: »
    (i'm pretty sure the necro rule works different for threads that have a theme around them, it would be easier to bring this one back then make another one, and i've been getting into minecraft again lately)

    has anyone else been following the development of 1.19? theres some pretty insane stuff being added.. i'll be honest, i was excited for the Warden but now i'm not so sure.. i'm not expecting to be able to kill it but seeing it having ranged attacks that go through walls is incredibly worrying, especially since i consider myself a big klutz in games
    all i can say is that there better be stuff down below that make it incredibly worth the risk because so far i'm not even going to THINK about going there (..legit. i'll check it out in creative and mess around in it on a world not meant for survival, would be good practice for if i ever do want to try going there on my main worlds)

    .....words can't express how sorry i feel for anyone on hardcore who thinks going there is a decent idea

    I really think the necro rule is dumb. I suspect the staff deal with this on a case-by-case basis but aren't vocal about it.

    Don't worry about the Warden; someone will figure out how to deal with it. They did say that they would make it so that poling up won't work and the Sonic Boom attack is their reason. Okay, but does it have limited range? Can it be dodged? If so, then just keep them behind a fence and out of their range and p'toik-p'toik away.

    I have an original Mojang account. I tried to fire the game up the other day. It now wants me to have a Microsoft account. I'm not happy about that.

    yeah, it had a whole thing last year where if you merged your account you get a cape so i did it then, it still feels weird.. they said they won't mess with Java (even if they did, there would be tremendous backlash) and the account thing is just for.. idek why they did it, extra protection? easier data storage?
    i remember back when we'd login with a Minecraft account and then the whole migration to Mojang...

    Yeah, i know I'm gonna have to give my fealty to Sauron.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,865
    DOH! My Minecraft account lapsed! I didn't associate it with a Microsoft account in time! Oh well, serves me right. At least it was a gift, so I didn't actually pay for it.
  • 000000
    Mabinogi Rep: 565
    Posts: 20
    Helsa wrote: »
    DOH! My Minecraft account lapsed! I didn't associate it with a Microsoft account in time! Oh well, serves me right. At least it was a gift, so I didn't actually pay for it.

    For people like us, there's supposedly one last chance to migrate, up to Dec 18:

    Actually a great reminder that I ought to get on with that finally xD
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,865
    000 wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    DOH! My Minecraft account lapsed! I didn't associate it with a Microsoft account in time! Oh well, serves me right. At least it was a gift, so I didn't actually pay for it.

    For people like us, there's supposedly one last chance to migrate, up to Dec 18:

    Actually a great reminder that I ought to get on with that finally xD

    Done AND done; thank you young (wo)man?

    BTW, I just had a thought: Helsa's Minecraft Interpretation of Superposition.
    In modern physics is the concept of Superposition where a particle is doing and NOT doing something at the same time until you decide to find out which, in which case, it then decides to be one or the other. The idea is that particles don't really exist until you interact with them. The observer can be thought to MAKE reality; this is called: "The Copenhagen Interpretation". It is absurd sounding, to be sure, and many physicists opposed it, including Einstein. You may have heard of "Schrodinger's Cat"? This is a thought experiment designed to illustrate how silly the idea is. On a side note, I'm a dog person, so notions where cat's snuff it are okay to me. Anyway, I digress.

    One can illustrate the idea of superposition, so that it makes sense to everyone, with a Minecraft analogy using the Minecraft crafting window. When you place materiel into the crafting input window, the craftable object is created in the output window. Within that output window, the object exists and within the input window the constituent materiel STILL exists. If you cancel the operation, the unused materiel is returned to you and the object ceases to exist, within the output window. Conversely, if you remove the object , from the output window, the crafting materiel is destroyed and the object is formerly created into the Minecraft world proper. Whether taking the action of cancelling the crafting or the action of harvesting it, only then does the Minecraft crafting wave function collapse, one way or the other.

    Yet another reason why Minecraft is the greatest computer game ever!