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Unofficial Official Minecraft Thread
post your minceraft pictures here
show off your builds or achievements, or that really cool redstone thing you made
doesn't matter what version you play
java master race or if you play with mods, feel free to share your memecrafts
this is my most recent build
that i have screenshots of, building a small Japanese inspired town
also if you want the resource pack.. well idk if links are against the rules but
here ya go
(also i have to say that for the screenshot i took, the pack isn't updated past 1.13 so my screenshot looks a bit different)
i might come back and post more pictures of it if people want me to, i just took this aerial view so all of it is shown

I gotta do some file juggling then load Minecraft; I think I'll post some pictures!
i used stone bricks for the road if i remember correctly? i'll have to take a vanilla screenshot of it for comparison ^^
Did you do this is survival? If so, how did you get so much prismarine? Do you have a prismarine farm? If so I'd like to see that. If you make a tunnel remember to light it up. Still badies might seek shelter in it when the sun comes up.
i did it in creative, my goal is to build a ton and then switch to survival but rn im too addicted to Starbound lol
I don't blame you. Once I made a sea lantern factory in survival. It took two months and I died like a dozen times and this was when the seas were safe! If I were to do it now, I'd have to drink potions, pardon the cheap joke, like a fish. I was lucky though in that my ocean monument was just off-shore from a desert biome; sand o-plenty!
Oooh it looks really nice, i love how you built the other houses kinda similar to the villages
im also curious about that bridge over there
I like building bridges. All kinds not just suspension bridges; this isn't even my biggest one!
Here's a view from the top of the towers nearest the town.
I do plan them out first; I don't build as I go. I also build from both ends simultaneously. This means you have to do some surveying to site everything correctly. Here's a picture of a strait I'm planning to put a bridge over. The bridge will be at 45 degrees to the cardinal directions.
So you see the two site pillars in the foreground. Way in the distance you see another pillar. So the idea is to line them up. Once you know they're on the same line, you have the center-line of the bridge, and Roberto is your tío.
I said earlier I have a bigger bridge, here 'tis:
Since I made all this in survival, it takes time. This bridge was a couple months, as I recall. But that does include the viaduct attached to it and the highway leading to it from both ends.
Here's a truss bridge:
I build these over rivers.
Here's a couple stone multi-arch bridges. This type of bridge I use to make viaducts:
Note the BIG bridge in the background.
That's the built up Testificate town in the background. This is just whats on the other side of the mountain where you see the highway go.
building bridges looks really fun though, i'll have to try and build more and get the hang of it! the one in the original post was more like a practice run than anything... actually, i think i'll stop being lazy and boot it up now and see if i can get more screenshots
When the bridges are part of a road system it's kinda fun to ride a horse down them, especially if you have some nice long roads. I like building roads too. If you find yourself going back and forth between a few locations put in a road. Roads in the game do all the same things that roads in the real world do:
1) roads are an information system: they show you how to get somewhere; just follow the road,
2) roads make travel faster. Once you've built the bridges, tunnels, cuts through ridges and so on,
3) roads make traveling safer. Avoid falling, and maybe run past mobs.
Maybe I'll take some shots of some of my roads.
oooh can't wait! and i definitely agree, they also give your world some more life
i usually always make a road system when i get the chance, even just a plain cobblestone road can really help out
Allrightythen; twist my arm.
In this world my highways are made out of cobbled half slabs since they are: very cheap, discourage spawning, and can't be moved by Endermen. They are three blocks wide and travel in 16 different directions: the four cardinals, the four 45s, and the eight chess-knight moves. For slopes I will either cut into ridges or add material to maintain a half-block per block grade so that you don't need to jump and can safely go downhill on a horse at full gallop, without overshooting the slope. Furthermore, I add a two block wide shoulder on both sides, made of soul sand, to slow hostile mobs that might chase you.
You'll also see I started to make secondary roads, in the country side, out of course dirt. The idea was to set up wheat farms since mobs can't spawn on crops which would make the countryside look more realistic and make it safer. Here's a whole bunch of aerial shots. You should be able to identify the subject of the previous images, that I have posted, in them.
This is the other highway leaving the city.
Here is the developed side of the future bridge I'll be making.
This is the view just over the ridge from the highway on the left, in the previous image.
A little farther down the road
A little farther and from higher up.
Farther still.
And so on.
I follow the highway on the right.
The town at the end of that highway. This town is near badlands.
Following the next highway out of that town. The mountains were really tall here so I didn't feel like doing the work to set back the slopes of the cuts through them. So, I made sheer walls of stone brick to resemble an anti-landslip retaining wall.
A little further down that road.
The town at the end of this highway. Notice on the left the fenced-in and leveled area. This was jungle. This was made when you needed to tame ocelots to get cats. This "corral" made that easier.
A little farther down the other highway out of that town. You can see another town nearby.
A little farther down the road of the other highway out of this town.
Farther still.
And so on back over some ground.
And on. There's the city bridge.
And back at the big city
inside a house..
also, this looks better in the resource pack i have lol
not vanilla
aaand nice sunsets
Oh BTW. Barrels are cheaper to make than chests and have no placement restrictions.
Interior shots
The Cabin has a dark secret
Here's a nice little Restaurant in a city.
i'm gonna see if i have any worlds that have a lot of building and grab some screenshots... gonna be difficult because i'm so used to getting bored of one world and making another x.x
i have a good idea of what to post next though!
EEEEEE; I can't wait!!!!!
I have many different worlds; that's normal. The secret base was from the original, early 90's, XCOM game. There was something else I intended to include in the previous post but forgot to, so I'll put it here.
My Tropical Island Fishing Get Away Spot. I wanted to make a sleepy little island grass shack, in paradice, to stay in and fish. You know, the kind of place that you spend ten grand a night to stay at so you can live like Robinson Caruso.