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Will Unreal Engine Reset Game?


  • TrilientTrilient
    Mabinogi Rep: 310
    Post: 1
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    the graphics engine update will attract a whole bunch of NEW players. There are already news articles cropping up about this update which will peak the interest of new younger players. Because of that they might be able to get away with shafting a lot more than anticipated due to this potential new growth. At the end of the day is business is business basically.

    I'm an old returning player, came back specifically because I heard about the update. I mostly forgot about Mabi until then, glad I came back though! Been a few days and having a blast, love all the new QOL changes as well. :smile:
  • VuetVuet
    Mabinogi Rep: 305
    Posts: 3
    I do not intend to step on anyones relief or hope, BUT do note that all these comments/posts are all speculations and a reset is still possible. You'd probably best hear it from Mabi themselves say it, but haven't which is VERY concerning, since that is the first thing they should've mentioned.

    (DO NOT READ any further if you are concerned this might stop you from playing. This is also pure speculation, so it will most likely be wrong)
    As for my speculation, I think they do intend to reset, but don't want anyone to know yet, since that will cause players to leave. Some would rather just wait rather than grind for something that will be erased soon. They'd still join later, but not play until the new update. problem with that is that they need funds to help improve the game, but no players means no money. As for others, they might simply quit due to the loss of years worth of progress. Sure a new game that's up to date would attract new players. BUT the biggest problem with that is that Mabinogi's design is "Classic". When you stick to the classics you stick with the OGs and new players are not a part of that. Some might like the game, but just saying that Mabi's design maybe outdated for younger people.
  • VuetVuet
    Mabinogi Rep: 305
    Posts: 3
    I do not intend to step on anyones relief or hope, BUT do note that all these comments/posts are all speculations and a reset is still possible. You'd probably best hear it from Mabi themselves say it, but haven't which is VERY concerning, since that is the first thing they should've mentioned.

    (DO NOT READ any further if you are concerned this might stop you from playing. This is also pure speculation, so it will most likely be wrong)
    As for my speculation, I think they do intend to reset, but don't want anyone to know yet, since that will cause players to leave. Some would rather just wait rather than grind for something that will be erased soon. They'd still join later, but not play until the new update. problem with that is that they need funds to help improve the game, but no players means no money. As for others, they might simply quit due to the loss of years worth of progress. Sure a new game that's up to date would attract new players. BUT the biggest problem with that is that Mabinogi's design is "Classic". When you stick to the classics you stick with the OGs and new players are not a part of that. Some might like the game, but just saying that Mabi's design maybe outdated for younger people.
  • ShomarukiShomaruki
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,300
    Posts: 23
    <~ Game Developer*Disclaimer*(NOT FOR NEXON!)

    It's going to depend on the current game engine that powers Mabinogi. I'll give a detail on all possible methods base on situationals.
    A) Migration tool that handshakes between their old engine to push to new engine. Going to be a ton of back end software. The longest part is the data. If Nexon already has the art development team redoing all the worlds, characters, and items. (remember there are over hundreds, not counting, animations from skills, npcs, and zones.

    b) Classic Mode Mabinogi <- The old mabinogi servers will stay. For the old school who don't potentially want to start over. For many this will be understandable. I myself never want to go through the trials of hunting pages for all my magic again and doing paladin quest over again. (Back in when you had only saturday to get some stuff done.)

    c) Migration Limited Zone
    This is a hybrid of A: But think of it at the start of mabinogi where you can still have everything but can't do anything until everything is completely shifted over. Maybe limited to entry village at much Dun map.

    If personal data wasn't an issue and Nexon has at least art staff crew of 50-80. Idle time frame half a year would be pushing it. Since once the items at made, a dev animator can copy over animations and just some fine toning on them.

    I can see Unreal being great, but potatoe computers rendering newer features may struggle at least on range of rendering.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,530
    Posts: 5,805
    A reset basically means a brand new game. Whether that happens, I would think, depends on how well Mabinogi is doing in the Korean install. If THAT is ailing then yeah, however you want to call it, Mabinogi 2.0 would be more likely. If this is just switching the graphics engine of Mabinogi then we're NOT gonna have to start over. Of course there is the possibility that folks that are just managing to get Mabinogi to run now, on their ancient no-longer-supported computers/Windows, may be S.O.o.L. This is quite possible. You can't state, for certain, that folks in that situation don't spend money on Nexon products anyway, but it's probably true, and my guess is that Nexon thinks it's definitely true. Perhaps Nexon can make the game settings, like they have now, where you can select to turn off features so that the game will run for folks on systems that are struggling to do so; the PvPers will love it.
  • RolandoiRolandoi
    Mabinogi Rep: 220
    Post: 1
    Vuet wrote: »
    I do not intend to step on anyones relief or hope, BUT do note that all these comments/posts are all speculations and a reset is still possible. You'd probably best hear it from Mabi themselves say it, but haven't which is VERY concerning, since that is the first thing they should've mentioned.

    (DO NOT READ any further if you are concerned this might stop you from playing. This is also pure speculation, so it will most likely be wrong)
    As for my speculation, I think they do intend to reset, but don't want anyone to know yet, since that will cause players to leave. Some would rather just wait rather than grind for something that will be erased soon. They'd still join later, but not play until the new update. problem with that is that they need funds to help improve the game, but no players means no money. As for others, they might simply quit due to the loss of years worth of progress. Sure a new game that's up to date would attract new players. BUT the biggest problem with that is that Mabinogi's design is "Classic". When you stick to the classics you stick with the OGs and new players are not a part of that. Some might like the game, but just saying that Mabi's design maybe outdated for younger people.

    they had said a few times before that the plan is to port character data as is, you can even check the latest interview for confirmation if you wanted to
  • JustisonJustison
    Mabinogi Rep: 910
    Posts: 13
    edited January 18
    it was officially said that they are "transferring the character data over to unreal5" and my understanding of that is all things involved in your characters save such as things unlocked items gathered skills ranked and so on. what i believe is going to happen they are going to make the world and base game and quest all while retooling and trimming the fat on a lot of dead and old content. and as for items i would guess their going for a release date asap and their is going to be a lot of placeholder items for older outfits and non combat critical items until they can get around to fully redesigning them and updating them like making all robes be flowing without clipping and freaking out. or soome outfits from g1 that still look like you made armor out of a cardboard box might get tossed out altogether at this point or reimagined and deferent stats to be somewhat useful and viable..

    either way tho what nexon has being doing atm is unforgivable with the droprate scams and limiting content that wasn't released as limited... i recommend boycotting mabi and nexon until they give us Full drop rates % list And undo the limits set on content that wasn't released as limited.