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Rabbie Phantasm's 'A Dreamy Story' Quest question
I'm trying to complete this quest, but for some reason when I talk to the Succubus Queen with the Succubus Scriptures, no new prompts pop up when speaking to her. I ran this 5 times, and each time no new prompts even though I had the scriptures, what am I doing wrong here? The quest doesn't really even explain it, I had to go to the Wiki for guidance but even then I'm still scratching my head. Do I need more than 4 scriptures?
Though from what I understand, it seems like I'm going to have to run it for each scripture too. I'm not sure yet though cause I need to get carried through it and haven't bothered.
Yes I have the 4 scriptures on hand, and I have read them before talking to her, but it still won't show new prompts.
"Each time you defeat her, read a scripture to unlock the next dialog option. You are required to talk to her using the new dialog option in order to progress. You will have to repeat this a total of five times -- once to start with and once after each of four scriptures."
This quest sounds like a total pain and hard to get right.
I wish the in game quest would explain it better, but I don't think I tried that, I was going to, then I ran out of passes. I will absolutely try that whenever I get more passes and my guild wants to do more runs.
So basically you have to unlock each prompt and then talk to her and then unlock the others. One at a time...it feels unnecessary and also the cumulative level on when it unlocks doesn't feel like it matchs up with how hard it is. So I wish the quest was different and you didn't have to spam it so many times. For weaker players, it just sits there for so long in the quest book until they can finally do it
So you have to run the dungeon 4 times, read 1 scripture per run, then talk to her? Very tedious, I don't care to run Rabbie Phant much nor does my guildies, so it's gonna be a pain to get them to wanna run it 4 times with me.