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and i am sure my luck will be horrible the rest of the year lol.
Nice. I bet this screenshot will make even more people to have grudge on this event now lol. I just hoard coupons for now, until event nearly ends or if we get a really good event this week that will take away my binge afking on OX. Then i will post a list of what i got from coupons/boxes i have been hoarding for days.
so, yeah, the drop rate doesn't seems really bad, i have seen worst drop rates on some events like The Loudest Cheer from Mabipalooza, that event was really bad
Noticed an increasing amount of people getting the bag, if I still didnt get it I can pretty much confirm I really have rotten luck in life....
I don't really think hoarding boxes increases rates, kinda like buying multiple gacha stacks can still get you worthless junk.
the more boxes you open = the more chances you get = higher chance overall, not the higher chances you get on each individual box. the timing of when you open it doesn't matter it's the overall quantity.
Sometimes it's hard to sell these junk items where you mostly can get, but yeah you can try at least to sell them.
After all the days I put into this event, I didn't get a single one. I might as well give up.
no one know?? qqYou don't that myth is all in the mind. if the drop rate is 1%(just an example) it will be 1% if you open 1, or if you open 100 as the game figures each one separately it doesn't go OHH YOU OPENED 100 SO HERE IS 1.
It's okay.....I opened a lot of them...in batches of 20-40 boxes and nothing still.
I guess my shop is having a super "Please get rid of all this for me" sale this week.
while that would be nice, it's very unlikely due to the fact people would get huffy if it was placed in the shop. It's normally in gacha so the people who paid for the gacha would get mad its in the shop, the people who got one from this event would get mad, and other people would get mad its just being handed out. Heck, people are getting mad at this event STILL because it feels like caraseks are being handed out.