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Elf buff for Strength and debuff for intelligence?
Or maybe it's a typo. Who knows. If it isn't, elves have one less reason to complain - stats should be much more even for hyrbid talents.
...I like the idea of a skill or buff that increases with level (either current or total), but if they're not made with any clear function in mind (one that works well with the rest of the game), they're kinda just meaningless power-creep.
because elves = faeries = magic folk = true OP race but they don't want to adhere to the roots/truth.
Racial update is only showing how racist they are towards elves. It's essentially a second final shot skill, but u can 'run' and aim at the same time (which we can do without skills...) you can only do this once per day, to aim up to 100% while running and aiming. You'd think you can naturally do that as a grandmaster archer by now. You can hit targets with ninja/cylinder/gun/puppet (anything ranged that's not archery) while running and without any aiming.
Pretty much elves are broke because aiming and archery.
Also for people who are wondering why dev hates elves + magic?
This sorta thing started to wry me when they started showing 'druid' giants with magic staves in their art, and they were really pushing for the elf + archery only image in the "renovation"
It's official though. They don't see elves as the race for magic, they just want magic to be equally enjoyed by all races.
Considering how useful FH is for teleport + target nearest enemy instant hit as opposed to loading skill + wait time for aim, FH already makes a human faster than an elf wtth FS to get the job done.
ah seems these stats skill is just to cover what elf and giant weak at, basically, we got better stats and get more similar to each other race
This is why a lot of the community dislikes elves, you know. Every once in a while, some elves start saying crazy stuff like this, and then we all know that most people who choose to be elves are thinking it. =T
Else this is just dumb af lol REDUCED DEX AND INT? WHAT?
"INT is useless and STR is OP for hybrid talents come on give elves a buff"
I know this isn't the kind of buff you had in mind (probably not what anyone had in mind), but it's still funny to see you react that way when they try to fix the problem you keep ranting about.
Uhhhhhhh I literally said make elves more OP in INT related stuff, not reduce their INT lmao
I'm not saying you asked for this, but you asked for something similar, and they gave you this instead, and I find it amusing.
It's like that common situation in cartoons, where someone gets to make a wish or three, and their wishes are all misconstrued to make them miserable.
Pretty much I guess.
This is just weird to me, I mean obviously I still can uncap the hardcap for INT but still.. gg DevCat
I feel like you hate elves ALOT. It's okay, we hate ourselves too. WTB>race change card
This is sad day for elves.
LF> race change
I rather be a race (giant) that can do the same as an elf mage and more.
We are talking about uncapping hard cap; who can get more INT/STR.
Giants have 200+ STR more than Elves
Elves have 20+ more INT than giants.
P.S INT is the easiest stat to cap for all races I believe (maybe str too for giants)
Another thing, this is not how you "balance". Throwing the stats elves lack and giants lack won't balance ***
Giants and humans can use ALL magic skills like elves, but elves can't use all combat skills like the 2 other races.
i got 13 str and 10 will
but got 6 int and 7 dex
there is no debuff, mind you!
Elves lack HP
Giants lack MP
Elves lack 200+ STR
Giants lack 20+ INT
Giants can use all magic skills
Elves can't use all combat skills
Giants get lil buffs (like 600% smash damage)
Elves don't get insert curse for magic
200 and 20 ratio
Justifies my depression more. c:
Thx o/
it's okay @Kaga we're gonna get bonus str for all those melee attacks we're gonna do O.<*
Unless servers merge & they add new lands to explore and fight through that high levels can be a part of without one-sidedly wrecking everything then the game isn't worth playing anymore. Also, the meager reward for every 10 levels from level 50 isn't worth it and a maximum of 15 minutes for one real day(?) is definitely just a joke and not worth it. I considered coming back but overall this game's still dead to me.
I would rather go back to the days where Gachapons sucked and getting loot in dungeons with parties was worth the effort. Now it's just mediocre updates to game content and updates to gachapons to spend hard-earned cash.