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No Background Music?

Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
Posts: 2,542
edited March 16, 2017 in Technical Support
I'm somehow staying logged in, however, I notice there's no background music. I can hear the tower bells ring and the chickens and sheep, so the sound effects work I guess... Anyone else having this issue?


  • NilremNilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    I normally have my background music turned off, so I would never notice.

    Can't really check now with the constant NGS problems.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,542
    Mohawk Guy said they're working on it. =D
  • SacredFlairSacredFlair
    Mabinogi Rep: 675
    Posts: 41
    Title screen has no music, music is playing for character selection, no music while loaded in the game. I even tried talking to an NPC and going outside of town but still no music for any of those
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,542
    Ok, good. I'm happy to know at least it's not just on my end. =D
  • SacredFlairSacredFlair
    Mabinogi Rep: 675
    Posts: 41
    I've tried every NPC in Dunbarton and none of them have any music when talking to them
  • SaiSai
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,785
    Posts: 675
    Background music works fine for me, but I always keep a backup of my MP3 folder and expand/reapply it each reinstall I do of the game out of habit, which is now at 1 GB.
  • EllisyaEllisya
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,525
    Posts: 485
    Mine works fine.
    (I hear Belvast music :O)
  • ZerukanZerukan
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,280
    Posts: 211
    I have my BGM turned off most of the time, but I turned it on right now and don't hear anything anywhere. Tried talking to an NPC and got nothin' either.
  • Angelhappy43Angelhappy43
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,025
    Posts: 42
    Yeah most of BGM don't work for me either
  • GenuisenieGenuisenie
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,190
    Posts: 58
    edited March 16, 2017
    Just checked my MP3 more than half of the music is missing. Did someone accidentally delete it all from the newest patch?
    You can see there's a lot of gaps in the music list. How exactly did an error like this happen?
  • ZerukanZerukan
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,280
    Posts: 211
    Genuisenie wrote: »
    Just checked my MP3 more than half of the music is missing. Did someone accidentally delete it all from the newest patch?
    You can see there's a lot of gaps in the music list. How exactly did an error like this happen?

    I haven't updated my Steam version yet, but going into it's mp3 file a lot of sounds are definitely missing.
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    That maintenance did ate a lot of the background music. I hope they fix that.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Oh.. great. I never do generation quests or anything else story wise without music. Guess I'm putting G12 off longer.
  • SacredFlairSacredFlair
    Mabinogi Rep: 675
    Posts: 41
    edited March 16, 2017
    I've made a report on the missing BMG over here
  • SaiSai
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,785
    Posts: 675
    Genuisenie wrote: »
    Just checked my MP3 more than half of the music is missing. Did someone accidentally delete it all from the newest patch?
    You can see there's a lot of gaps in the music list. How exactly did an error like this happen?
    Yes, this happens sometimes. Mostly, it's just title songs that get deleted.

    This is why I backup my MP3 folder.
  • SacredFlairSacredFlair
    Mabinogi Rep: 675
    Posts: 41
    Sai wrote: »
    Genuisenie wrote: »
    Just checked my MP3 more than half of the music is missing. Did someone accidentally delete it all from the newest patch?
    You can see there's a lot of gaps in the music list. How exactly did an error like this happen?
    Yes, this happens sometimes. Mostly, it's just title songs that get deleted.

    This is why I backup my MP3 folder.

    I've decided to pick the MP3 folder that was changed on January 19 of this year to replace the one from this update but I'm still missing the new title screen music
  • HazurahHazurah
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,570
    Posts: 444
    edited March 16, 2017
    there is a website that contain most of the music in mp3 folder
    -link removed-
    try download them all with download tools and replace the missing file on mp3 folder

    i did it once when for some reason a certain patch erase all my mp3 file
  • SacredFlairSacredFlair
    Mabinogi Rep: 675
    Posts: 41
    edited March 16, 2017
    Hazurah wrote: »
    there is a website that contain most of the music in mp3 folder
    -link removed-
    try download them all with download tools and replace the missing file on mp3 folder

    i did it once when for some reason a certain patch erase all my mp3 file

    That dosen't help me with what is supposed to be the current title screen music
  • HazurahHazurah
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,570
    Posts: 444
    edited March 16, 2017
    Hazurah wrote: »
    there is a website that contain most of the music in mp3 folder
    -link removed-
    try download them all with download tools and replace the missing file on mp3 folder

    i did it once when for some reason a certain patch erase all my mp3 file

    That dosen't help me with what is supposed to be the current title screen music

    i'm not helping you ONLY either
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,542
    edited March 16, 2017

    Looks like Nexon's got Dalton running around their building. -_-

    (and yes that's an actual quote from a video game)
This discussion has been closed.