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And technically you can wear a robe and wings and habe both be visible on your character. But the downside is that your wings have to be equipped in the Gear tab slot and the robe in the style tab slot. Durability is a precious thing and we don't want to risk a failed repair, ne?
Server; Alexina
Ok...We all know where this goes; Tail slot's been added for a while now (Which a gacha or something wouldn't be too bad to have again where the gacha actually GIVES tails)
But what about the following slots;
Instead of just "Headgear" or something like that. Imagine; Not ONLY could you wear a wig; You could wear a hat or something over it! Crowns with a hairstyle you like that's not one bought with Pon/free ones, wearing the Bell Fox stuff with hair that doesn't clip through it! (My own issue).
Keep it in the style tab if you want like the tail slot. You have the room.
I did try searching, saw nothing...so...
I just looked at the KR page you're talking about, that's not more gear slots for fashion items thats more combat gear tabs. You can have up to three, e.g. ur wearing a heavy armour setup and want to quickly switch to an archery setup you can do so in one click, it doesnt allow you to wear wig and glasses at same time.
edit: rather, you CAN put a wig in one and glasses in another, and say you have nothing in style tab, only the combat tab ur currently selected will be visible. it won't fuse them
In any case, I support, though without a major overhaul, this idea is essentially dead.
Yeah, but did you miss the Wig+Wing Slot link? Topic's been covered.
I do kinda agree with the fact that we should be able to equip glasses and wigs at the same time as well. i mean, it wouldn't be overly hard to have a face slot for glasses, eye patches, or other facial items. i mean, the fashionogi's could make some very interesting sets with a little more to work with. plus, it would make the game a little more personal and realistic, in my opinion.
I know there are people who like to use their robes and wings at the same time. The problem is, you have to put your robe in the Gear tab and wings in Style tab. This causes the item in gear tab to lose dura, even if you're not in battle. Wearing items in the gear tab causes them to lose durability.
I was thinking maybe we can implement a few more slots in the style tab.
Like, keep it the way it is, but add a slot for putting on glasses, hats, crowns and so on when you have a certain wig on (since not everyone has a wig with the item or they like to make their own style). And then a slot for wings. Yes, wings are considered robes, but why not make another slot for "robe" or "wings". This way we won't be losing durability on our items. I mean, not everyone wants or has a tail, yet there is a specific spot for it. (And nothing in the dressing room FOR tails, but that's not a topic for this post).
My writing is probably hard to see, but the writing says.
A - Accessory slots - Face: Glasses, crowns, etc. (Masks and so on).
B - Wing slots (Or robe slot, whatever nexon decides to call it).
C - Robes = Wings + robes??
D - Gloves/Accessories - HANDS
E - Head gear - helmets, wigs, hats, glasses, etc
I think this would benefit the fashinogi, and a few other people, because there are certain items we want to keep safe from losing durability. Certain items are also enchanted or reforged and the price on repairs goes up by 2, 10, or even 100% (Sometimes more). Not a lot of people have the gold for repairs, so I think this would be a good idea.
I hope I made sense and covered as much ground to give the best information for this post.
Any comments to better further the idea are greatly appreciated.
Thank you. (:
Wing and wig slot idea - Foxiee http://forums.mabinogi.nexon.net/discussion/933/wing-and-wig-slot-idea/p1
More Slots for Equips? - YangKoete http://forums.mabinogi.nexon.net/discussion/2834/more-slots-for-equips
No, no, it's all good. Lol. I'm not a lurker of the forums, so my ideas have probably been stated before. But, thank you for letting me know.