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Closed 9th Anniversary GM Event Day 1: Tarlach
now if people see the only way to get an altam balloon is through compensation in the GM event, can potentially see people on mari and alexina trying to intentionally crash the servers just to get the balloon e_e
We've already been over this and I'll say it every time. Just because it's not important to you doesn't mean its not important to someone else. Not everybody is gonna see everything the same way you do and some things will always be more important to one person than it is to another. You cannot tell people what is and what isn't important to them. That being said, I do agree they should get compensation, just not server exclusive compensation.
I meant no ill will for what I said earlier but you guys do have to understand that Tarlach experienced a server crash. They missed out on time with our beloved GM's. Tarlach's players were very upset. All our staff wanted to do was make up for it to THEM. Did we experience a server crash? No. So...do we deserve compensation for something that didn't happen to us?
I won't answer that last question. You guys need to stop and think about this rationally. You have upset our GM's who try to appease us as much as they can, but all you can do is bicker about mundane items. How do you think that makes them feel?
I am a parent and this is something kids do; "Well she got this and I didn't" -baps!- "Because...she was sick in bed and couldn't go to the birthday party. Don't be such a brat. Besides, you got a bunch of cool stuff last week and she didn't." "But but...!" -baps!- "knock it off and see the bigger picture".
When I view these forums, sometimes it pisses me off. Because a lot of you remind me of my kids. My kids can make me feel pretty helpless at times despite everything I do for them. Being fair and loving at the same time is not always easy thing to do.
give me all your tarlachs
0/10 Segmentation fault
If that's hard for people to understand still, then I don't know what to say aside from mocking the situation doesn't exactly help ease the tension.
Thats very nice of you and thank you, but a lot of people wanted altam's specifically. Its not just about getting a random balloon to them Also, I've already said that we don't mind if they get something for compensation, it just shouldn't be a server exclusive item.
Thinking about this rationally, this is a very bad precedent. Your saying that If servers crash, then players deserve compensation.
By Nash equilibrium, any rational thinker would determine that the best choice is to intentionally crash the servers.
Also see,
>It's just a balloon!
>It's a balloon get over it
>I can give you my balloons I have plenty
>It's just a balloon
>It's just a balloon
The way I interpreted that was him saying they'll either not give us anything or they just won't give the same things to all servers. Instead they'll give each server different things.
That being said, I know a lot of you are mad about what has happened with this balloon ordeal, but it would be great if we could stop complaining since GMs are stating that they might not even give us anything anymore because of this.
(My server is Alexina, most populated...)
First of all, please stop editing your posts because now you're making even more work for the GMs, who you want to save the trouble of so much work, by shuffling through all of this to make sense of the timeline of events that you keep editing. Secondly, these servers are supposed to be the SAME game spread across multiple hosts so that they can handle the load of all the players, not 4 separate servers that each get special privileges. "Who gets what" is supposed to be fair throughout the servers, if one server experiences a problem that the others don't, then yes they should revive an item for their troubles that already exists within the game, but not something that other people won't be able to obtain and making server A completely different from server B in items that can possibly exist within the game.
People pointing out how its unfair are in the right, a server-exclusive npc balloon that is a well-loved npc is really kinda Yikes.png. Gm events are meant to be fun even though most of the people go to afk and get free items, but every server should get the same items no matter what.
Due to the crash on Tarlach, they got an exclusive balloon that no other server has, if anything instead of causing so much trouble, for compensation they could of been given more balloons that WEREN'T Altam balloons. That way, they still get more balloons, but they aren't server exclusive!
I for one know for a fact that since one server got crashing compensation, the next two servers waiting for the gm event are probs gunna crash since the people playing REALLY Really like Altam. And if that happens, the server that didn't get Altam balloons is going to be even more left out and the people on that server will keep complaining and complaining until this issue is resolved imo
Also, if the balloon giving was truly random, why did everyone get Phine balloons at the same time, and Caswyn balloons at the same time? It's obviously not random, thats a cop out to avoid the underlying problem here TBH. Honestly if this is causing such a fuss and gm's are threatening to have events and not give out items, then so be it! No one will go to them due to lag and lack of interest and then the gm's would stop having events. Everyone knows this, people only go to these things for the items, the people who go to actually have fun are blessed with computers that can actually run this mmo without a lick of lag.
Nkeona doesn't know but that doesn't mean that they won't in the future.
Sigh...please calm down. Patience is a virtue and they do listen to us. Give it time and everyone will have a chance to own the desired items and more.
"Patience is a virtue" What the hell is that kind of argument?
Ok, then.
Early bird gets the worm. GG. Tarlach wins because they go first.