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Post situations where you came across your twin in game.
...ignore the altruist sparkles. I wish I could disable them. O_o;;;
Oh that's so pacifist. =P
Gota love the fireworks.
I love the hair but hate the ears.
Oh it's built in? Dang
Yeah it's Wiggling Fox Ears and Wig (F)
I suppose you have a point, when a perfectly good "post an avatar pic" thread already exists.
"wish i could disable them" then you shouldnt of done Altruist things in the first place? lmfao
Remember that one giant with the unnaturally pure-black dyed ranger suit. Yeah. I'm still laughing about that one.
magus crest?? lol
There is already a "post your daily fashion" thread for people who want to push their e-peen too.
I didn't know it would look -that- bad. Plus whats wrong with helping people? New and returning players use the altruist system to conveniently ask for assistance with something.
This is in General because I wanted other players to submit similar situations where they came across their twins.
The title went over my head, as did many others fail to comprehend this. You should make it clearer in the opening post the purpose.
Fine updated.
I know because it the stupid ears right? Ugh I keep getting grief about the ears. But I just really like the hair.
Devcat! Make wiggling ears hair without the ears! TT^TT