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Closed Sadness ;; (Can a mod close this please)

This makes me sad because I'm looking for these dyes and someone just DROPPED THEM LIKE GARBAGE
I wish dropped dyes could be picked up after a certain amount of time.
:c but if is right there an can pick dem up
I have never seen this shade of pink synthed before. I think they're from this gacha. I synth dyes almost every day.
So rude and greedy. I always give out stuff i don't need if player asks politely...
You don't lose anything by giving the item to the person either so why do you get bothered if someone asks?
This might seem like an attack towards you Hinotama but I seriously hope I don't run into someone like you, because that is just rude and uncalled for.
Same here, if there's been something I haven't been able to sell even after slashing the prices repeatedly I usually find some random newb and give it away.
It bothers me a bit because it's an insult to someone else who could have really wanted said dropped item.
It almost bothers me as much as people on youtube cutting up expensive phones with a 1000 degree knife.
You heartless little peanut shell, that was a brand new phone!! Q_Q
Why are they obligated to receive their property, when they scarcely sold 10 similar dyes or other items? Trying to give away things takes time too. This is not even a jerk move, especially compared to clothing companies destroyed unsold clothing for it to not be seen on the homeless and poor in real life, versus a digital object like dyes which are sold by the liters.
If anything, we should criticize Nexon for making drop items unable to be picked up by other players without a set time limit.
Blissfulkill is right though. I do have the right to give or not give.
I realize you have the right to but if they truly want it it's rather painful to them to have the chance right there yet be denied.
PS: I also realize we should blame Nexon for this but if they DON'T change it we ourselves can by just "wasting" 5 seconds of our lives for someone. I mean you wasted who knows how much time replying to me, so what's the difference on the time you'd be spending to give them the item. I'm not even talking about just dyes, as mentioned by others there are other items that have this issue, dyes are just the one item that have this problem the most.
Ok... I'll say this. Dyes are not a need. I'd rather give someone equipment and enchants, something that is MORE USEFUL than a dye. I like helping out those that wamt that stuff. Sure I'll give dyes, but I hate beggars. Everyone that asks me for the dyes I drop, I am sure that they are able to buy them.