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Why add bonus's for returning players?
"To address the following:
Weekly Server Upkeep
Monthly Windows Maintenance
A new Game Update, including:
A new feature to give you more rewards for leveling up
A bonus for our Returning Users
And more!"
Why is it always that returning players get "buffs" some new outfits and other things???
Nexon is basically just saying you get benefits IF you quit for a bit then come back.
Like what? If we stayed longer then most that have quit where is our "bonus"
Just saying. Rant over.
He was under 1k total so he ranked EVERY skills he could get and returned ap after each talents.
But don't feel too down. Homestead expansions at least.
Your bonus is all the time you spent on the game, plus the items you get from events (Some of them have been pretty neat lately too).
Having said that, they really should tone them down a bit, if what this guy said is true.
The beginner benefits are also broken, since you can't access them after 1k. I guess that'll be fixed soon if Duncan is offering to reset everyone's skills after this update, and they might be giving everyone a great big book of everything too.
Yup. This update's gonna make everyone completely broken.
Exactly what i thought. Also we need to make returned players to stay with us, unless you want Mabinogi to die fast.
It does seem a bit overpowered, I admit.
I haven't quit for over a month. =T
Would be nice if these returned outfits would pop up in the inventories of everyone.
I haven't TT
I haven't either...
did i miss something?
The time you spent on the game isn't exactly free, you have a limit amount of it, anyways! The main problem is that those benefits geared towards the beginners tend to be amazingly good and only available to the new comers, while the people that stayed with the game for the ages pretty much end up with nothing special.
heck most of the event junk you listed gets replayed so those beginners will get those things if they stick around long enough, plus their benefits.
I'm not complaining they get benefits. What I'm saying is we spend our time on Mabi. Its not really our fault they don't want to play? its not a benefit that we get "AP and skill training" JUST because we play the game like it should be? I'm saying they are giving returning players benefits while the loyal mabinogi players well we just get what everyone else gets (The "returning players") They get everything as well and if they spend just as much time as us they would be at the same AP and skill training but they didn't. I'm just saying when the returning players got the free "incubus wings" I was like????? I might as well quit for a bit and try get it like??? how does that make sense.