Welcome to Dango's Art Shop!
Hello everyone!
We wanted to open this shop in such a funny way, so we created a short comic for you all to quickly explain how this place works!

You can click here to go to our DeviantArt site and see some of Alof's previous comissions and drawings!
HOW TO ORDER: (Forums)
Just fill out the following with the information needed ♥
⍟Style: [Manga, chibi]
⍟Reference: [As many screenshots of your chara as you wish]
⍟Description: [A detailed description of your request,
mentioning any additional information that you consider important to take a look at,
suggestions, petitions and/or any other specifications about your commission]
⍟Colouring: [Yes/No]
⍟Background: [The lineart will get a shadow bg or a black-white landscape if
the background type wanted wasn't specified.]
⍟Payment Type: [This can be discussed personally with the manager as soon as your commission has taken place ♥]
Commission Prices ♥
(Gold/PP/NX) ♥
Full Body:3mil/$10
Full Body: 2m/$5
Waist-Up: 1m/$3
Background(Effect/Colour): 1m/$3
Extra characters/Pets: 1m/$3
Extra chibis:500k/$2
Colouring (In General): 1m/$3
Notes To Take a Look At Before Commissioning Us:♥
⦁ As of right now, GOLD commissions are only available for RUAIRI SERVER. Sorry for the inconvenience ;;! (Ofc NX/PP options are available for anyone on every server since.. it doesn't really matter ;O; (Edited this part since I think I didn't made it clear and made it seem like we only take gold commissions rn ;---; ))
⦁ You can ask for a WIP at any time.
⦁ A signature will be added to all the drawings.
⦁ Half of the payment will be required as soon as the client is satysfied with the art line/sketch, to shortly proceed with the colouring/background in case any of those have been requested; Then we will notify you as soon as the work is done, in order to get the other half of the payment and hand in the finished commission. ♥
(Only small details as ears, claws, paws or tails are allowed).
⦁ All the commissions will be posted on our DeviantArt page, unless you ask us to not do so, we'll respect that. ♥
Discord Server:
Art Shop Discord // Annie ♫#9058
Mabinogi (Ruairi): Alof / Nyuuhokusai
Mail: DangoArtWorld@hotmail.com
Commissions Open!
Thank you all in advance ♥
We hope you like our work!
Finished Commissions:
- Nago
- Enlise
- Cherryheart
- Littlebluu
- Kitimyuzu
- Bravelatios
- Cipher
- Beardrop
- Sofz
- Effie
- Axel
- Nago
And I already lost track of these since I haven't updated this in ages QQ
Commissions List!:
- ♥
and 4 others.
⍟IGN/Server: Enlise/Ruairi
⍟Style: [Manga, chibi] full-body manga style
⍟Reference: [As many screenshots of your chara as you wish]
⍟Description: Would prefer to have wings/halo in the commission, and a pose like below if possible.
⍟Colouring: [Yes/No] Yes
⍟Background: [The lineart will get a shadow bg or a black-white landscape if
the background type wanted wasn't specified.] Preferably a night sky/ clouds background if possible.
⍟Payment Type: [This can be discussed personally with the manager as soon as your commission has taken place ♥] Gold
If you have discord, add me. My discord is Yue#6027 . It'd be easier to discuss there and I can provide any details I'm missing here to you. x3
Okiee!! Just added you!
Thanks for commissioning us! ♥
Aww. I'm really happy you liked and enjoyed it!! Thank you for stopping by!♥
Yaaay! I'm so happy you liked it!! ♥ ♥
I also apologize for not being able to work with you personally because my English skills are not good and I do not know much about the business. Thanks to Annie (NyuuHokusai) for helping me in the management and operation of this place.
Although I am not a professional artist myself, I will do my best and look forward to satisfying you.
I look forward to your comments to improve my skills, I hope you will support our art shop.
sincerely. Alof
My Discord is Littlebluu#3004
Not sure how to add you qwq Add me please
Aww, thank you so much!!
And Yaay! Ofc!! I just added you to the list! So the spot is already saved for you ♥
You can start ordering/describing your request if you want to, or wait until we're done with our current commissions in progress.
In any case we'll let you know! You can also add me on Discord if you feel like it, Annie ♫#9058.
Thank you very much!!
We're really happy to see that people actually liked our comic, we tried so hard to make it the best way possible for you all!
And I just added you!!
Same for you, we're still working on the first commissions but you're already on the list ♥
Thank you so much for stopping by you two!
We're very grateful to see such a good and heartwarming response from you all to our work ♥
Commission for Nago:
Working on Enlise's now ♥
Hope you guys like it ♥
Work in Progress: Cherryheart ♥
Be warned I am not super pick so there is a lot of artist choice here. XD;; Again sorry in advance
⍟IGN/Server: Kitimyuzu of Ruairi
⍟Style: Manga
⍟Reference: Ref 1 or Ref 2 XD artist choice when you see the pose
⍟Description: Slight edits are in the ref. OWOb Pose wise this here. X D Character personality is happy, hyper and clumsy. Like a little kid. : D Facial expression is up to the artist.
⍟Colouring: Yes
⍟Background: Effect Color that fits X D
⍟Payment Type: I will pay in Gold : 3
If you need to contact me for anything at all I am Kimi#1240 on Discord ^w^b Thank you for accepting my order if you do ^w^
Yeah! We do have free spots right now!!
We're gonna add you to the list and I'll msg you when we start working on your commission, thanks for stopping by!! ♥
Asndjs Of course!!! ♥ *----*
You can also add me on Discord if you want (Annie ♫#9058) or join our server, or msg me here or in game in case you need anything else!
I'll reach you as soon as we finish the other commissions to start working on yours anyway! Okie?
But dw! You're already on the list!! ♥
Thanks so much in advance!
I have you added on discord, I should be under the name Brave with an avatar of a while haired male and blue haired female
Added you already haha, just saying it here again so I don't leave your msg with no response ;O;!!
We finished this a while but I didn't have the time to post it here it til now!
I pm'd you Cherry but seems like you're gone QQ!
So as of right now we're just waiting for your confirmation to send the final work! It's already full coloured for whenever you come back ♥
We're already working on your lineart as we colour Little's request ♥
Just in case you don't check Discord that often, just letting you know here as well ♥