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What events would you like to see comeback!!??
its old news that nexon does not* like to add to old content and instead make new content to layer over it.... hair and pons are no different.
I suspected they did this to reap faster purchases over long term purchases. which is kinda pointless as long term purchases have been paid for much more then short limited time poo-nonsense. (example: reforges)
idk why they cant make all hair back to purchasing. i probably pay more, and more often.
i was gonna put exp events and fishing. but i think most of those events go under afk....(as funny as that sounds)
Honestly, the Candy Bonanza event would have been a much better choice for introducing the new homestead items. Update the event so that Candy Jars would give the new homestead items instead of the old homestead stuff, then make the event coupon shop have the Fairy Garden and Greenhouse in it. With how uncommon the homestead items are in the current event, it's sad to think people won't be able to fully take advantage of some of the items. For example, the Garden Trellis items and Rapa patches look their best when you have a good amount of them. I find it hard to think anyone would be able to have a pretty flower field like I saw in a promotional image (although, I think that was a KR promotional image). And at least, in my case, my server isn't populated enough to have a lot of people selling the homestead items. I've probably only seen one person sell one of the new homestead items so far, and it felt pretty pricy imo. Then again, maybe it's still too early to tell. Hopefully.
I just kinda really wanted a flower field and really hate limited events where you can only do it [x] amount of times a day.
All I wanted was a flower field as well and all I get is ******* speedwells.
I just wanted trellis fences and boxes
I havent seen anyone selling thing on Alexina and if they are the price is like 500k for a fence and 2mil for workbenches
Holidy Math Dungeon
Doki Doki Island
Cookie Island
Dragon Boat
Cursed Labyrinth
MABINOGI letter event
Fashionogi Bingo
And that Easter Egg Hunt event where ya used a basket to hit the bunny rag dolls to fill it w/ eggs.
And I definitely wouldn't object to the Naco Commerce event returnin' sometime in the future too ^^
Just imagine if we get boosted drop rates on everything in Mabinogi NA... I get feeling that some KR peeps will get salty and/or flood our servers as well... XD
But they need to give it good rewards, I remember them really messing up there last time they did it. This new gacha released today with "classic" outfits really shows how oblivious Nexon is with the type of items people would find interesting... at least I think so. At any rate, even having the original rewards that include Lance Feather Outfit and Luxurious Crystal Dress would get people running this, I feel.
Talking about events and suggesting them are different things! Stop screwing things up nexon!!
I'd like that one pillow event personally.
Fixed where people won't farm too.
I'd also love Mabiland to return.
Yeah, blah blah Festia.
But I miss Mabiland.
I'd like to see it return. Got a majority of pets from it.
Perm wouldn't be too bad I guess.
THIS. We need to see a drop in prices for those ES's. Also I still have the trees.
Pretty sure they'd have to redo the licenses and rights etc. I honestly think that would lose them profit as the "SAO hype" is kind of gone, from my experience. Maybe just a release of the enchants under a different name to avoid issues?
(I dislike SAO a lot but I swear that doesn't affect my judgement here. I like some of the clothing items, specifically Lisbeth's outfit and Alfheim Asuna's long hair. Those titles too. I just honestly think it'd be more trouble than it's worth for nexon. Even if I do want the items.)
As for Doki Doki I enjoy it's aesthetic & would like to be able to go there again. Though if they do re-do it, I'd hope they would release new items + some of the old ones (like the Lunar Dragon armor :eyes:)
I would also love the Bandit Treasure Hunt event to come back because 1) Free Reforges and 2) Those Cyan dyes, I love those Cyan dyes for my Alexina character.
Lorraines Nightmare: I know this is in festia but it's more fun with 6 people. That being said:
http://wiki.mabinogiworld.com/view/Hillwen's_Nightmare_Event <- This event has never been brought back and I would for it to come back. This event honestly has sentimental value to me and I would love to have it return. I don't even care for the prizes, I would just love to run this event again.
Meowbingo would be nice also.