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I've been playing mabi for a few months now and I've really wanted to be able to get more social and have some friends in the game .v. I got super lucky and someone talked to me when I first started playing and we became pretty good friends, they just tend to be busy most of the time so im not able to play with them much. Which lead me to really want to try to make some other friends in game. My main issue though is my wicked social anxiety that makes it terribly hard to get the motivation to talk to anyone at all.
so i guess i just sort of want some kind of tips to be able to chat with other people?? what are the easiest ways to find friendly players and such, how you found the friends you made while playing ;v;
i hadnt put much use into the forums since i made my account a week ago i think???? so that didn't pass my mind
i sorta have two characters, one on Alexina (Lavendria) and Ruairi (Esmiden) .v. i tend to be much more active on alexina though
If you're on Facebook you could also check to see if your server has any groups you could join. You can post in there saying you're looking for a guild, or leave your username and ask active people to add you. Tarlach has a group like that, and I see people doing it there all the time.
If you don't have FB you could always check the forums here for your specific server and ultimately do the same thing
But I can give you a sword if you use them.
I had a bit too much trouble with some of them. From my experience, half of those advertising do not have friends for a good reason. Damn depressed twelve year olds hitting on my perfect elf waifu.
it can be tough talking to anyone even if you are around a large group of people. some people just don't talk much at all cause they simply can't do it most of the time. but I agree with Greta, just spend time in event areas and even if you say nothing you might get a few random friend requests or players will randomly talk to you
Let me guess, you appeared low leveled while he was high leveled?
People really need to realize that superiority is not a moral right to treat others beneath your consideration, especially when that inferiority is concentrated in a freaking video game, of all things.
I was specifically referring to a certain type of people most known for "Searching" for friends, which can run the gamut from lechery, complainers, and those who would spam Altruist Requests looking for a completed book of Fireball.
I stated half, out of my ass, but also because some of those people are genuinely nice.
Edit: I Have a Master Polymath title, so you know, if your daughter is interested in an onii chan, then...
That is the most drama I ever heard of for Mabi. :U I never had anything like that happen with me. But about the "depressed twelve year olds"... yeah, it's a shame but I've encountered very many. Some I couldn't tell if there was really something wrong with them allll the time, or they were acting for attention. Either way I treated them all the same; I offered condolences and time to talk with them and when I felt like I just wasn't enough, I recommended they had some time with friends, family, or if they're really having concerns of having depression to see a doctor or psychiatrist.
1. Just talk. Enter conversations when you see them, or find something to complain and rant about and people will talk to you as well. A common thing for me to do is outright complement someone if they have good fashion sense, either in their whole ensemble or if they've done something creative and unique with a certain part of it. Like a guy who wears a trinity robe with black secondary color on it, and then wears black wings with it, looks as if he's enchanted his own robe to make the wing designs on it come to life. I thought that was clever as hell when I saw it.
In this way, you might also end up befriending someone of exceptionally good taste.
2. Make a purchase. This isn't something I do to make friends, but there's usually some kind of two-way communication going when I make a big purchase on something. And sometimes the seller is a really nice person. Everyone expects to get lowballed in this game, so I sometimes will do the opposite and go possibly a bit above market price if I can afford it, especially if it seems like the person is in great need of money or is selling something that used to be dear to them. This might be terrible advice though, admittedly I'm a naive sap when it comes to this stuff. Anyway, if you think the seller's a cool guy, be generous in your offer and they'll know it without you saying anything further. But sometimes just the talk beforehand is enough, so whatever.
3. Be generally loud and outspoken. Make your own distinct identity with your words and the way you act, even roleplay a character. If you wear an Ogre Crown and go around speaking like a barbaric orc-lady people will recognize you instantly. If you wear exclusively neon-blue attire and act out a larger-than-life figure who rules over Dunbarton, speaking in an enthusiastic way towards others, people will know your name at a glance. And even if you don't want to do either of these, just speaking once in a while in public, chances are you'll become known simply through playing for a long time. People will recognize you when they see you in their Shadow Mission parties multiple times, or trade with you on different occasions, or hear you playing their favorite weeb-songs at every banquet, etc. The more well-known you are, the more people will simply send you requests themselves. Even if your words are controversial, as this will only make it easier for certain people to see you as an ally.
I realize this post probably lacks a lot of cohesion, as I tend to ramble, but take from it what you will.
I never had that happened to me... maybe once? :S What am I missing on Mabi?! Maybe I'm just too busy making stuff and training on my homestead.
Depends whether or not your character's a girl really. People be thirsty.
Are you saying the big, muscle bounded and fabulous sexy giant Xiokun has to be a girl to get this kind of attention? Hogwash. Anymore sexy and no one will be able walk ten feet without dying from that holy/unholy sight.
Oh, I forgot. I went as a female character for about a month and everyone begged for me to adopt them. Then I went back to male because being a girl wasn't as cute for me being a guy in an Eluned Detective outfit or Bunny Parka.
Wait, so he's a Giant? Well then I have no idea, people must just have bad taste.
Unless his fashion sense is poor, that's always a possibility.
And out of those, I can only really get along with 2 players who's btw, the one I like the most, apparently only coincidentally active when I just joined Mabi..so he went poof afterwards and rarely online.
So I'm solonogi for life now
IM FABULOUS. *flips hair* Get on my level, world, cuz you ain't ready for this yet. >u>
You must not know me yet so I'll introduce myself with this self portrait.
Though on topic I think I don't encounter people like that not just because of my in game gender, but maybe because when people ask for help regardless of the reason, as long as I'm not busy training, I go help. Fliiiiirting though? From strangers, nah. Everyone's pretty normal.
Heavens to betsy. Yeah I'm not sure then, it seems to me people would be all over that. It's certainly unique.
They often don't have friends yet, and it helps them get settled into the game.
In general though, as long as you speak to others and are not rude, you can easily make friends.
Banquet is a great time for such as well, just find a talkative table with an open seat.
You will meet all sorts of people.
That, and I often have fun with the fact I'm a giant that looks like a succubus, and then whenever someone hits on me I mentioned I married a player after beating him to death with a giant log in a duel.
The reactions tend to be amusing.
And sometimes leads to a humorous friendship.