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  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,245
    Posts: 9,212
    edited April 30, 2017
    Shoog wrote: »
    Thank you for reposting this to the new forums. I though it was a cool idea! May I merge this thread with the one that @Gaea made of the same topic?

    Cool beans, thank you.

    @Zeo I like where you are going with this. The new talent opens up the mysterious and long neglected Tory Ravine. Very cool. Although I will say I don't think I would be fond of the hp drain on your own hp. But I guess if you use life drain it could balance out? It just seems kind of cumbersome.
  • FalskullFalskull
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,385
    Posts: 30
    you do know the Celtic's were testing out guns and assassination theory so gunner and ninja skill sets make since. I'm not saying necromancy isn't viable when it completely is. The way your going about necromancy is illogical i mean necromancers don't use ghost to fight with they put the spirits of other in dead things to control them. have you ever heard of Flamel the immortal who is a legitimate Celtic necromancer who uses skeletons and zombies and not ghost. Esras use necromacy as such to gain ancient knowledge.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited April 30, 2017
    Falskull wrote: »
    you do know the Celtic's were testing out guns and assassination theory so gunner and ninja skill sets make since. I'm not saying necromancy isn't viable when it completely is. The way your going about necromancy is illogical i mean necromancers don't use ghost to fight with they put the spirits of other in dead things to control them. have you ever heard of Flamel the immortal who is a legitimate Celtic necromancer who uses skeletons and zombies and not ghost. Esras use necromacy as such to gain ancient knowledge.

    I just did a bit of research. Here's what i found people talking about Necromancy in other games, etc.:

    In Anima: Beyond Fantasy, Necromancy includes spell to dominate carrion-eating critters, see and interact with spirits of the deceased, drain life-force (hp and/or mana, or even characteristics), inflict woe on the living (paralysis), raise dead bodies and/or ghosts, turn someone into an undead, dominate undeads, turn himself into a ghost/zombie, put bits and bodyparts together to build an undead chimera, fire dead spirits at people (kind of like a magic missile made out of tormented souls), etc.

    I also found this in random wiki:

    "Necromancy is the practice of using magic in dealing with dead things. Necromancers can animate and control corpses, control ghosts, access the knowledge stored in dead brains."

    So yeah, i pretty much always thought that skeletons, zombies, various spirits and ghosts include in Necromancy... That's why i don't find any problems with Necromancers using ghosts as their allies and such... Your arguments are not valid enough.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,245
    Posts: 9,212
    edited April 30, 2017
    Falskull wrote: »
    you do know the Celtic's were testing out guns and assassination theory so gunner and ninja skill sets make since. I'm not saying necromancy isn't viable when it completely is. The way your going about necromancy is illogical i mean necromancers don't use ghost to fight with they put the spirits of other in dead things to control them. have you ever heard of Flamel the immortal who is a legitimate Celtic necromancer who uses skeletons and zombies and not ghost. Esras use necromacy as such to gain ancient knowledge.

    We have skeletons, we have zombies. When I pictured the talent Necromancer I viewed it as a summoner of sorts, with the ability to give and take life, and also gain control. The conduit for these abilities would be the scythe which we already have in game, there is 3 of them. I also wanted to pay homage to Evie from Mabinogi Heroes who does melee combat with a scythe.

    Flamel was French.
  • FalskullFalskull
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,385
    Posts: 30
    so basically you want a Soul Reaper class and not a True Necromancer class. here is the Ideal Necromancer class in the death magic, Blood Magic, and curses sections
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,245
    Posts: 9,212
    Falskull wrote: »
    so basically you want a Soul Reaper class and not a True Necromancer class. here is the Ideal Necromancer class in the death magic, Blood Magic, and curses sections

    We don't have to strictly follow archetypes, especially from another game.
  • AmelinaAmelina
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,400
    Posts: 112
    I got tired of reading so I'll just say it now: Am I the only one worried about the Golem + Puppet + Pet + Necromancy thing that'll be going around if they add this XD
  • Professor_QProfessor_Q
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,580
    Posts: 30
    This is awesome
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,245
    Posts: 9,212
    This is awesome

    It would be awesome except they went the chain route. There will still be no need for scythes.
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,855
    Posts: 790

    Yeah, the dorcha talent basically consist of collecting souls and using them as fuel for spooky skills. The only thing it lacks is the ability to implant those souls in a dead vessel (zombie) or construct (golem?homunculus?).

    Professor_Q's scythe talent idea, Gaea's and Zeo's two necromancy talent ideas, and the existing dorcha talent all seem vaguely similar. I'd love to see them combined into some sort of soulmancy talent that uses a chain/orb/scythe.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,245
    Posts: 9,212
    edited July 24, 2018

    Yeah, the dorcha talent basically consist of collecting souls and using them as fuel for spooky skills. The only thing it lacks is the ability to implant those souls in a dead vessel (zombie) or construct (golem?homunculus?).

    Professor_Q's scythe talent idea, Gaea's and Zeo's two necromancy talent ideas, and the existing dorcha talent all seem vaguely similar. I'd love to see them combined into some sort of soulmancy talent that uses a chain/orb/scythe.

    EF "soulmancy" just give us the NECROMANCER talent WITH A SCYTHE. Why is that so hard???
  • GTCvActiumGTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    I think Necromancy should be a skill class that does not have many direct attacking skills. Like maybe 1 or 2 as defensive options (Much like Puppetry with 2 non-puppet skills). And that most of its skills should be directed at summoning and supporting different undead creatures you've summoned. Like for example "summon low undead" summons a number of weaker "canon fodder" undead, like skeletons to absorb aggro and divert attacks. Another skill "summon middle undead" would call on a more durable creature and "summon high undead" summons a single really strong undead, like a massive beast or an extremely skilled soldier. The skill set would consume "Necromancy energy" and is built up by attacking enemies much like Dorcha and gain more if you manage to defeat one. Some support skills would be increasing the damage and HP of your summons, and others can consume more energy to heal and buff your summons. There would be a unique interface for your summons much like summon golem but you gain an interface for different skills. So summon low undead would have 1 interface that controls the group, and the summon high undead would have a separate interface that controls just that summon, etc. I think some options for the skill set could include a "manage" button much like Dance of Death where you can customize your undead, like installing mana deflector, advanced heavy stander, etc. Your undead's damage and HP will be influenced by your stats, (Int and will are good selections). Here are some skills I thought up for the class. (I want the scythe to the the class weapon)

    Necromancy mastery - Increases your undead's stats and skill efficiency.

    Scythe sweep - You swing your scythe in a circular motion, absorbing more necromancy energy from those you strike.

    Scythe Drive - Drive your scythe deep into an enemy and absorb their life energy to heal yourself and gain more necromancy energy.

    Summon Low Undead - Summons a group of 3 (Rank F), 5 (rank 9), 7 (rank 5), 10 (rank 1) undead creatures. Low stats. Using Necromancy spells, attributes can be modified. Low undead can have only basic bolts, and light armor installed. Enemies that target the player will target low undead instead.

    Summon Middle Undead - Summons a group of 1(rank F), 2 (rank 9), 3 (rank 5), 5 (rank 1) undead beasts. Medium stats. using Necromancy spells, attributes can be modified, Middle undead can have passive defenses installed.

    Summon High Undead - Summons a single strong entity. Necromancy spells can be used to modified its attributes. Advanced heavy stander, passive defenses, chain cast, and int magic can be installed.

    Repair Undead - Consuming your necromancy energy to heal your undead summons.

    Undead Empowerment - Consuming your Necromancy energy to temporarily increase your undead's attack stats at the cost of lowering their defensive stats.

    Reaper's Avatar - Summons the grim reaper to attack your enemies. The more necromancy energy you have when you summon this, the more powerful that attack will be.

    Much like chains and dorcha, attacking with weapons other than a sycthe will yield less necromancy energy, while attacking with a scythe will get you more.

    That's my idea when it comes a necromancy class. It'd be something closer to managing a personal army than fighting directly.
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,855
    Posts: 790
    @GTCvActium Do you still gather necro energy if your minions kill the target?
  • GTCvActiumGTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    edited July 27, 2018
    @GTCvActium Do you still gather necro energy if your minions kill the target?

    For balancing I would say yes, but to a muted effect and you get the most energy out of personally murdering a target.

    Edit: Also a bit more thinking, adding features, like magic attacks, etc, will increase the amount of necromancy energy required to summon it. The modifications would be obtained by doing quests, being dungeon and mission drops, and monster drops too. Also even the type of minion can be modified, so the skill summon skeletons unmodified, but can be modified to summon skeleton wolves, or hornets. High undead can feature certain boss type monsters like an undead dragon (movement similar to bone/thunder dragons) or a lich.
  • GremmGremm
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,840
    Posts: 184
    edited August 30, 2018
    I want something that can cast debuffs and curses at the enemies, i want to raise temporarily skeletons for attacks or enchanting my skills, i want a Weapon Mastery for Scythes etc.

    We have died over and over again in Mabinogi, we have rebirthed and treated life as a plaything and death as a joke. Why not just use this as an advantage for a new talent?

    Every time we die we can get a counter that gives us passive buffs or an extra charge for an attack etc, there are multiple possibilities here and i think its time we take the opportunity and try something new like we did with the Chain Talent.
    Challenge a new affinity in the game, challenge death itself!

    Alexina Server
  • ErorservErorserv
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,695
    Posts: 154

    I approve.
  • GTCvActiumGTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    We have a discussion on this already:

    Please refer to there for your Necromancy cravings.
  • GremmGremm
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,840
    Posts: 184
    GTCvActium wrote: »
    We have a discussion on this already:

    Please refer to there for your Necromancy cravings.

    Thank you for sharing the link, could any admin merge my post with this one please? We really need a Necromancer Talent in this game. ^^
  • GremmGremm
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,840
    Posts: 184
    Im glad there are other posts about the Necromancer Talent out there, you have my support +1
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,245
    Posts: 9,212
    Gremm wrote: »
    Im glad there are other posts about the Necromancer Talent out there, you have my support +1
