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What Would You Want Fix In Mabi


  • HomemadebentoHomemadebento
    Mabinogi Rep: 470
    Posts: 2
    edited May 3, 2017
    -Remove saga 1 and 2. Macha was extremely disappointing to fight against especially considering that she's supposedly the Goddress of Destruction. I could also list several things I find lacking in the story as well.

    - Make it optional whether you want to solo your Gen quests or do it other people. It's not as fun when you're soloing all the time. In the lore, there are other Milletians beside you anyways.

    -Give summoned golems and Pets the same cooldowns with their skills the player characters have.

    - Make transformationary mastery a more viable way to fight. It's more of a cosmetic skill at the moment. Using it right now is like purposely handicapping yourself to a few basic skills or to crash other people's weddings.
  • ZephyrsongishnotmehZephyrsongishnotmeh
    Mabinogi Rep: 750
    Posts: 36
    -Remove saga 1 and 2. Macha was extremely disappointing to fight against especially considering that she's supposedly the Goddress of Destruction. I could also list several things I find lacking in the story as well.

    - Make transformationary mastery a more viable way to fight. It's more of a cosmetic skill at the moment. Using it right now is like purposely handicapping yourself to a few basic skills or to crash other people's weddings.

    Tell that to they guy in alexina who will only do shadow missions as a trans horse and has been for the 3 years ive been here if not longer. He seems to be quite content with transformation mastery.
  • HazurahHazurah
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,570
    Posts: 444
    SO MANY BROKEN THINGS TO THE POINT THAT THEY NEED A NEW GAME ALTOGETHER (actually they did developed Mabi 2, but the heck they make it into mainstream korean fan-service Combat Oriented Game)
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    Remove all reforges. I give no damns about the pay-to-win people. Nobody god damn say "reforges ain't broken, git gud" cuz having overpowered paid buffs are not a solution to "git good".
  • KokoroKokoro
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,155
    Posts: 289
    Do people still spam pets?

    I feel that having a pet out and using Divine Link is much more fun and effective.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    edited May 3, 2017
    -Remove saga 1 and 2. Macha was extremely disappointing to fight against especially considering that she's supposedly the Goddress of Destruction. I could also list several things I find lacking in the story as well.

    I liked Saga 1. The characters were good. Regarding Macha's fight, we never actually 'beat' her but held her at bay until Tarlach could tap the power he did, which allowed Milletians to destroy Lia Fail and send her back. Interfering with the Gods is all we've ever been able to do in "fights" involving them. Also, bear in mind, that Macha was actively funneling power to use to destroy Erinn, which Tarlach also got rid of. I would love to see Dowra and Maike come back because they are good characters with notable traits (granted not all are good). Maike is the first elf I've seen that has had FIRE in them. He hates Giants and he will tell that to their faces and he does! Dowra is an awesome lady who leads the Black Ravens, Vales' elite fighting force! She isn't above teasing her enemies (Maike) and knows when to knock it off and ask the important questions.

    Saga 2, however, was bad. I've said this in another thread, but Merlin and company were so under-utilized. Having just TWO of your FIVE Aces involved in the storyline was pathetic and what involvement J, Starlet and Culinary Artist was easily forgettable, since it amounted to a picnic and an uncoordinated concert. The gameplay was extraordinarily awkward and annoying (skiing, running away from the Cessair with the red field after you, the mission with the boars and how your stats took a massive hit during it, pirate duels). The plot in it of itself once it finally got going was hard to follow. For example, what was the deal with the moon? Why does the game mention THREE children in the portion where you're putting phrases together?


    I'm going to stop talking about Saga 2 there because I'll go on for hours about it. Anyway, I believe another big problem with Mabinogi is the fact that directors change and so too does the story. For example, the first three generations dealt with the Missing Warriors, saving a Goddess from a God, you training to be a Paladin and running into one of the warriors that disappeared who turns into your enemy due to an opportunistic enemy (who is still potentially at large). Four-Six is the Iria stuff, but due to a later update, the Elven and Giant stuff got merged with G2, to make getting transformations easier. We return to Iria and our enemy missing warrior in 7 and 8. Then in 9-12 we're introduced to Alchemy, and a pair of new gods and even the land of the gods. Then, we're suddenly cast into plays by Shakespeare, which during the storyline for chapters 13-16, there is some story linking to the Gods granted, but its minimal and feels off. Then we go to Nightmare where the Saga storyline starts popping in. The transition is a lot more natural to us seeing some weird guy as we're investigating demons and then we suddenly turn into one ourselves, rather than "hey i'm merlin and i'm stuck babysitting a kid i'm going to have to chase around the world for!".
  • nomigid15nomigid15
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
    Posts: 250
    Change the G19 quests so that they can't be started unintentionally by someone just starting out.

  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    nomigid15 wrote: »
    Change the G19 quests so that they can't be started unintentionally by someone just starting out.

    I thought they were supposed to fix that with the New Introductory stuff?
  • PanPan
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 422
    There is nothing to fix.
  • NilremNilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    All these things to fix and I'm sitting here still wondering when Rank 1 Rest will exist.

    One can dream.

    If I could "fix" anything though, it would mostly be small changes to skills, like very slightly reducing final hit damage, increasing smash damage, etc.

    Nothing to the point of making things useless, but rather to make it so one single move does not dominate the entirety of one's playstyle.
  • ArchdukeValeCortezArchdukeValeCortez
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,380
    Posts: 117
    Liyeta wrote: »
    - bring back direct launcher
    - remove armor mastery
    - remove defense bonus from strength
    - change moon gate back to 12 hour
    - graphic update
    - change the number of server from 4 to 1

    Leave my Strength defense alone! And Armor Mastery. What have you got against being able to take a hit?
    And why would you change the moon gates back to 12 hours?

    I would get rid of the lag, and make things Client Side rather than Server side. Severely nerf the AFK events. The timers are far too long and all it dose is pad out "activity" stats for Mabi since so many people are logged in. However, the vast super majority are just standing around doing nothing.

    I would fix all the skills are uniform in regards to movement and "holding them" if you will. Some you can use and move around, Others you can't and it's pretty gorram arbitrary. Take Whirl Wind for example. Why in the verse can't you move when that is loaded? By the time you cancel your target lock, and then the skill it's too late and something has hit you which wouldn't have happened if you could use your legs. By "holding" skills I mean keeping them loaded. Why is Counter Attack able to be loaded for all time while Lance Counter is limited? And why is it that if you get a love tap while loading a skill the skill gets put on cool down?

    I would also add some teleportation skill for Giants. Elves have Final Shot and Humans have Final Hit, both teleportation skills. And reduce the cd on Throw to be about 1 second because with load time, as it stands, a beginner takes upwards of 10 seconds to actually throw a javelin.Add in the very noticeable lag and you are looking at 12+ seconds, A 1 second cd would still end up being usable every 5 seconds or so.

    I would also lift the restriction on Bows and Crossbows for Giants, lances for Elves, and dual wielding for everyone to include mixing and matching what is in the main and off hands. If a Giant can make a gun, why can't he use a crossbow? It's effectively the same thing.

    Lastly, remove Saga 2. It is quite frankly a train wreck and shows a distinct fall in quality when compared to Saga 1. And stop with nerfing player stats, and stop with the constant forced solo mission. This is supposed to be a MMO not some single player game with multiplayer tacked on as an afterthought.

    Actually, I'm going to make my own MMO. With blackjack and hookers!
    GretaRadiant DawnHiroki05Sherri암호anthy
  • lostheavenlostheaven
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,090
    Posts: 29
    Honestly, the game is so broken that I don't think anything would fix it. Maybe if it was owned/operated by a company other than Nexon.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Some people here legit don't understand what fixing means. Most suggestions here are actually removal/nerf of something that's actually supposed to be that way... Smh.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Oh how about displacement and speed update issues?

    Like say an enemy gets dischorded and runs after you moving slowly.
    But then dischord wears off (they aren't purple anymore), but the enemy still looks like it's moving slowly, when as far as the server is concerned, it's back to moving at full speed, and you seemingly get whacked by the enemy teleporting towards you to attack you.

    Or any of the various other displacement things. (Shock discharging while you're running, fireball landing while you're running, ice spear exploding, explosive kunai getting triggered, activating fantastic chorus while moving)

    Or the unholy teleporting that is rafting.
    There's definitely ways to tolerate and deal with these issues (usually involving knowing the sources of displacement and planning your actions around them i.e. clicking to move after the displacing action triggers, using shield of trust to update your position) but it shouldn't be something ya gotta deal with anyways.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Oh how about displacement and speed update issues?

    Like say an enemy gets dischorded and runs after you moving slowly.
    But then dischord wears off (they aren't purple anymore), but the enemy still looks like it's moving slowly, when as far as the server is concerned, it's back to moving at full speed, and you seemingly get whacked by the enemy teleporting towards you to attack you.

    Or any of the various other displacement things. (Shock discharging while you're running, fireball landing while you're running, ice spear exploding, explosive kunai getting triggered, activating fantastic chorus while moving)

    Or the unholy teleporting that is rafting.
    There's definitely ways to tolerate and deal with these issues (usually involving knowing the sources of displacement and planning your actions around them i.e. clicking to move after the displacing action triggers, using shield of trust to update your position) but it shouldn't be something ya gotta deal with anyways.

    Nexon: It is not a glitch, some monsters just have Final Hit!
  • MiasmataMiasmata
    Mabinogi Rep: 675
    Posts: 13
    Greta wrote: »
    Some people here legit don't understand what fixing means. Most suggestions here are actually removal/nerf of something that's actually supposed to be that way... Smh.

    Actually, "fixing" is the correct term in this case still, since they consider that thing to be the problem, and thus removal or nerf will fix that problem. This is clearly the intention of this post considering that the OP calls for the removal of something that is "supposed" to exist.

    We aren't discussing (solely) a bug or glitch problem, the problem is mabi as a whole is not as enjoyable as it can be due to X reason, and thus the fix to that problem is the suggestions in this thread.

  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    I imagine the devs are probably fed up with these demands for a fix and are going to "fix" the game by removing all skill. Then boil everything down to two skills: "hit hard" and "cover self". "Hit hard" will deal 101% damage at rank 1 and 116% at rank 1. "Cover self" will not block any attacks but will immobilize you on the spot and decrease damage by 1 point at rank F and 1.15 points at rank 1.
  • DaktaroDaktaro
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,335
    Posts: 282
    *cracks knuckles* in no particular order plus with peoples ideas from this thread and other ones

    -fix the hole in the floor in shyllien nature reserve
    -fix fighter glitch with focused fist and also how when elves try to chain skills have to click the ground
    -give portraits to npcs who don't have them
    -fix the glow on spirit weapon portraits
    -make reporting system actually work
    -allow members of a guild who own a castle to run that castle's dungeon
    -remove outdated req in alchemy mastery and update reqs accordingly
    -remove "use skill immediately" req in urgent shot or add a longer delay to register it since this is impossible to do outside of america pretty much, even know people in america who can't do it because of latency
    -uncap skills
    -balance the races
    -do not make separate versions of items with a slight difference in description to where it doesn't stack eg. Red Upgrade Stone (Event) vs Red Upgrade Stone (event)
    -make all homestead props stack in inventory
    -give an actual order and consistency in potion sizes visually
    -add a wing slot and a wig slot to inventory
    -no style tab exclusive items
    -have a staff member moderate and interact with the bugs and glitches forum like there used to be, someone who works for nexon directly not just forum volunteers
    -reinstate the known issues list or start afresh and actually keep it updated
    -get multiple people to proofread announcements and check consistency/correctness of translations
    -in depth explanations of events
    -make event items droppable/destroyable
    -separate the friends list from blacklist and increase the capacity
    -uncap partners
    -fix the font
    -fix renaming of personal shops and kiosks (atm have to ctrl+A then delete then re-write)
    -make drop models of stuff and update drop models that don't match
    -no more beauty coupons, the coupon unlocks the style permanently then can pay pons to change back to it. OR old styles become free, coupon styles become paid with pon.
    -make an outbox for notes
    -no more events with the 36min limit thing and delivery limit
    -buff summon golem and trans mastery
    -bring back direct launch from exe
    -make an auction house system for selling
    -make a trade chat to use like people use party chat (most population is in shop channel but cant use party advertise as intended in shop channel cuz its flooded with selling ads)
    -fix broken trans eg. pierrick has grey hair instead of blonde, adniel's jaw/overbite
    -make a 3D render preview when dyeing something, similar to trying on an outfit
    -update old hair models
    -make facial features available on all face shapes
    -add more colour variety to all races
    -giants and elves able to marry, giants can pick up elf but only in the family
    -fix the glitch with old shoes + outfits with pants where the shoe becomes huge
    -fix alignment/collision of character model to the skateboard/snowboard
    -fix broken shoulders, missing ankles etc
    -make lunar soup stack
    -fix the thing where animal pet's legs become really thin after they become older than like 5 (eg. border collie, siamese, polar bear)
    -fix plot holes
    -any genders hold hands when flying on regular couples flight
    -everything that ellisya said on page 1
    -more designs for houses on homestead and can go inside the house
    -make homestead upgrade a thing to do in game rather than buy from cash shop
    -make L-Rod sounds and ambient sounds separated so can turn one off and keep the other
    -add more things for customization of guild HQ even just cosmetic decorations
    -make herbs able to go in ecology specimen bag
    -allow to use a kiosk and go in festia
    -elite pass of the same type stack
    -make trees in homestead only use the area of the trunk not the entire tree width so you can actually place props under the tree
    -make scrolling message be togglable or invisible in screenshots
    -more outfit bag sales rather than outfits in gacha
  • OptoidOptoid
    Mabinogi Rep: 410
    Posts: 6
    Nerf pets

    Nerf Bash so I don't have to spam it constantly to be relevant in damage

    Make Giant Melee Great Again™

    Make Elves useful

    Fix Giant Lance distance issues. Tired of trying to charge/attack stuff and eating magnum shots for it

    Merge Ruairi and Tarlach (idk what Mari population is like but I think these two servers can benefit a lot from a merge.)

    Name change item
  • KedirKedir
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Post: 1
    edited May 4, 2017
    It seems that manual prices have lowered and there are a lot of ways to increase the experience you get (active talent, reforges on blacksmiths hammer, events, skill training seals, etc....), but the higher ranks get extremely expensive and difficult. Like, 0.08xp per success and really low success rates.
    I'm not saying make it a breeze, I'm just saying make it less hellish.

    EDIT: Also the dang Alexina's L-Rod quest. Seen it a few times and just want to emphasize it further.