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Stop Adding Fashion


  • BuffalosBuffalos
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,795
    Posts: 797
    edited June 21, 2017
    Mirokujin wrote: »
    The Fashion stuff ruined this game, all you see now is people afking in expensive clothes.

    First off the title. As pointed out, everything has ruined this game if you ask different people. People still run stuff, but it's not our fault you spend your entire day looking at Dunby and complaining about people standing around instead of running stuff yourself with some friends/randoms.
    Mirokujin wrote: »
    As for the money situation, they could add weapon/armor manuals (new weapons) to the gacha. The materials can be found in some new extra hard dungeon. This would along players to farm for the weapons vs it being instant paying for op gear
    They've done the weapon materials in dungeons already and it's worked pretty well for what it's worth, but I wouldn't suggest making manuals gacha exclusive ever.
    Mirokujin wrote: »
    Well have another sever that doesn't have all that trash fashion stuff. Or add harder enemies to scale with the open gear. Honestly the endless dungeon posted above would solve most of my problems with the lack of end game. If they gave mats to make new gears in the dungeons, that would be even better.
    See the problem with that and Mabi is that players are really atatched to their characters. This isn't like MapleStory where you can ditch a character and start up a new class and start fresh: many people here have put years into their characters in Mabinogi and just don't want to start at square one again.
    Mirokujin wrote: »
    Nah this game is just tresh. They afk because theres nothing to do on the game. I'm not gonna praise the gacha buyers cause a game shouldn't have to rely on afkers to keep their game up. And those little once every season events aren't enough.
    There's a lot to do in the game that you can do to get along to your next goals, but here's a short list:
    Shadow missions, dungeons, Phantasm, Abyss, Sidhe, Theatre Missions (martial Arts cause the rest are actually bad I'll admit), and skill ranking/mastering. For added challenge, you can elect to do these things alone or with random people you just met in game. Point is THERE'S ALWAYS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO THAT WILL REWARD YOU SOMEHOW. Kinda what the content's there for.
    Mirokujin wrote: »
    The fashion don't even make sense. Why have fake wings. Wings should be a skill that changes appearance like trans does. And half the stuff that comes out just doesn't fit in with the environment. It's dumb.
    Then make a separate suggestions thread for it and see what support is given. Korea has listened to NA before, so don't use that as your excuse.

    To sum up that wall:
    Quit your whining and go run some stuff if fashionogis afking by your precious personal shop triggers you soo much as to troll everyone who responds to your thread.
  • PromesteinPromestein
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,185
    Posts: 91
    Not gonna read all of this crap. Just know that:

    Fashion > Actual gear
  • SylekSylek
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,100
    Posts: 166
    Promestein wrote: »
    Not gonna read all of this crap. Just know that:

    Fashion > Actual gear

    Yeah, as I mentioned in my last post, I see people who don't even use armor or even anything. I have some fairly good armor (RKA set), and yet I hardly ever use it.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,543
    Aeolys wrote: »
    I am gagging at how unobjective Mirokujin is. "Make the game like other games". "This game is trash".
    Why are you still around if you hate this game so much? You're keeping this post alive over two weeks whining like a child. Just leave.

    I'm calling troll. Go away troll. Go back to your rickety bridge.

    I asked them about why they are still around on my post at the end of page two, and they have yet to respond, so yeah, I definitely agree about troll.
  • MirokujinMirokujin
    Mabinogi Rep: 510
    Posts: 30
    edited June 22, 2017
    Warframe gives the 50 starting plat and then you trade your first prime part you get to some1 for plat. Then your 50 is usable + what ever you made in the trade lol. And a game should not have less content because a group of its fanbase doesn't have enough time to play it. You say the gap between newer and uber players is big but they basically made it easy to get uber. They're giving reforges out and adding things like rebirth/x3 ap events. It's not hard at all to get close to uber. It's not like their is a lot of new players joining. To fix the issue with farming mats they could just make the manuals rank F, 100% success, and like 5 uses. This would make it so the people who buy gacha can encourage their friends to go farm for them and they could make them said item. lol i ain't no fashion police i just want more long lasting content. I am still here cause the game isn't terrible.
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    Mirokujin wrote: »
    Warframe gives the 50 starting plat and then you trade your first prime part you get to some1 for plat. Then your 50 is usable + what ever you made in the trade lol.

    This still doesn't help your point as no one would be able to activate their plat unless someone with purchased plat gave them theirs for the prime part.
  • MirokujinMirokujin
    Mabinogi Rep: 510
    Posts: 30
    That only needs one player to buy plat though.
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    edited June 22, 2017
    Mirokujin wrote: »
    That only needs one player to buy plat though.

    The source would eventually and inevitably deplete. Plus...
    Mirokujin wrote: »
    Woah if u use buy platnium you're dumb. In warframe you get plat by selling your prime parts to players. There is an actual good market. I haven't met a player who bought plat or has need to buy plat for anything on there.

    You're contradicting yourself now. My job here is done.
  • MirokujinMirokujin
    Mabinogi Rep: 510
    Posts: 30
    edited June 22, 2017
    I mean players bought plat early on for various reasons. Some thought game was p2w, some bought some when it was close to beta. I am saying now it's pointless to buy plat since it's already circulating. I can make the same amount of plat you can buy within a few hours.
    Sebastian wrote: »
    Mirokujin wrote: »
    That only needs one player to buy plat though.

    Mirokujin wrote: »
    Woah if u use buy platnium you're dumb. In warframe you get plat by selling your prime parts to players. There is an actual good market. I haven't met a player who bought plat or has need to buy plat for anything on there.

    You're contradicting yourself now. My job here is done.

  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    edited June 22, 2017
    Mirokujin wrote: »
    I mean players bought plat early on for various reasons. Some thought game was p2w, some bought some when it was close to beta. I am saying now it's pointless to buy plat since it's already circulating. I can make the same amount of plat you can buy
    You expect the circulating plat to be used solely on items from other players? What would happen if someone decides to buy something off the store, like skins, color palettes, or other things they desire? That plat would not return to circulation. What you're implying simply doesn't add up.
  • MirokujinMirokujin
    Mabinogi Rep: 510
    Posts: 30
    Sebastian wrote: »
    Mirokujin wrote: »
    I mean players bought plat early on for various reasons. Some thought game was p2w, some bought some when it was close to beta. I am saying now it's pointless to buy plat since it's already circulating. I can make the same amount of plat you can buy
    You expect the circulating plat to be used solely on items from other players? What would happen if someone decides to buy something off the store, like skins, color palettes, or other things they desire? What you're implying simply doesn't add up.

    They have other things too like vaulted primes you can buy. (Sorry if it seems like i brought this off topic lol) It just seems like not a lot of players buy plat.

    Seems like not a lot of players like grinding for the mats to get gacha items. Maybe it's cause I use to play warframe, that I'm okay with grinding. Either way I still think there needs to be more gear instead of fashion. Maybe they could add an arena system where plays could duel free for all for an op weapon manual instead of using gacha.
  • AlmostNotsuperAlmostNotsuper
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,240
    Posts: 288
    Siodhan wrote: »
    I'm perfectly fine with the fashion craze, because this game has a remarkable amount of customization,even if most of it is acquired from cash shop features like the dressing room and gachas. I like seeing new content released once in a while despite that, of course, but I'm more of a supporter of a reform with bugfixes and better graphics than implementing more bashable and fhable content.

    I'm inclined to agree with this person.

    Sure, focusing exclusively on making new fashion is bad for this game. Yes, it's a shame that most players are willing to settle for this when the rest of the game is falling apart.

    No, just adding new gear will not solve the problem. Adding more content won't even solve the problem alone. Various parts of the game itself are broken - combat system is completely one-sided, life skills are generally useless (although that's improved a bit). They either need to fix those, or make all future content so that the broken things don't matter (which still leaves all the old content in the dust).

    However, I think part of the solution to the combat problem is to introduce more meaningful variety in gear. Half the stats on weapons are meaningless, there's generally only one or two options worth using (even between skill sets), and there's little variation between the rest of it. I'd like to see more specialization between weapons and armor types for different ways of fighting, more reason for players to use different things, and more limitations on certain types of gear. Currently, the only things we have like this are the heavy armor dex penalty, the restrictions for bash and int+ magic (made largely moot since everyone just uses staves now), and the smash effects.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited June 24, 2017
    Just go to your darn Warframe then. Your whining about players liking to wear fashion and need to afk everyday is just really cringy as hell. It's not your business what they like to do with their characters and if they like to afk a lot or not, just move on and enjoy the game the way you like only minding your things. You are either troll or you have some serious issues in your brain. Sorry for being rude all of sudden, but i was silent for weeks. Unfortunately, just seeing this dumb thread being constantly bumped everyday finally triggered me as well.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Stop replying guys. The OP cannot bump his thread excessively if no one is interested. If he does, I am sure the moderators will likely lock it up. I am looking at you @Greta.
  • RaintheswordRainthesword
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,905
    Posts: 56
    I'm leaning more towards they should fix bugs and work on graphics but I don't think they should just throw away fashion as its probably their main income for the game I just think they need to change the way they handle fashion as their are other ways to make it more profitable that people have noted such as adding thinks like different aura colours for transformations.

    (Rip Aussie Latency)
  • TratTrat
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 4
    Namiri wrote: »
    Telling them to stop adding fashion is like telling them to stop making money. Because fashion is the #1 thing that drives people to gamble on gachas. If the game doesn't make Nexon money then they'll just end up closing it down. So be glad fashion is so incredibly profitable for Nexon.

    As for adding in more gears. Putting strong current end-game gear into gachas would only make the issue of so many people AFK'ing that you speak of worse. Since why even bother farming materials to craft something if the gacha is just going to spew out versions that are X-Grade, pre-enchanted, and with a Rank 1 reforge. If anything I feel keeping gachas more so limited to fashionable stuff helps keep current end-game content actually relevant for much longer.

    Actually back in the days the fashion items like Nuadha were used for its bonus effects hence they were 100m plus when they came out or like the infamous karis suit. If you were a player back in 2010 when mabi was booming I can bet my life more than 80 percent of the players evg'd, Dueled, and Grinded in dungeons. This game has been dead for 1 year? Why not switch it up and go more action based than fashinogi for a while? You ruin the game with your logic.
    He never said to put gear and weapons in gacha why are you putting words in his mouth? He said he wanted gacha to give blue prints that require you to grind dungeons to achieve. Just know that the polls alone show that we player know what we're talking about.