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Closed Ruairi is pronounced Rory
I actually lol'd, thank you.
You can't name your son Rawree. Name your son RURRRRY. Emphasis on the R.
Jesus. It it will be Roooreeeee! Get it straight man!
Honestly, right or wrong, I'm using Ru-Ai-Ri. Can't change that now.
I care. Just sing it through your skulls a bit more. It will stick...unless you want to remain a weeaboo. =P
Just because I am using an anime gif does not make me a weeaboo.
....seriously how does someone saying a name in a game with (basically) zero voice acting different from what you think/researched make them a weeaboo? There are multiple ways to pronounce the name across a few different texts and languages: let people pick the one they want to use in their heads or make up their own.
Seems you've missed this. So, if we do want to get technical with the pronunciation based on Mabinogi's influence, you're wrong.
What a shocker.
If all you can do is post a triggered gif in response to information that conflicts with your views this thread might as well be over.
This is correct. 'Ru-ah-ree' and 'Roh-ree" are both accurate, according to the pronunciation of these Irish Gaelic speaking folks: https://forvo.com/word/ga/ruairí/ (you can hear the slight "roo-ah-ree" pronunciation in the last one. Subtle, but it's there). And as we're all aware, Mabinogi is inspired by Irish mythology, meaning the Irish Gaelic pronunciation of names in the game are most authentic.
As I've been pronouncing his name in my standard American accent: "Ru-ar-ee" is like a very butchered americanized "roo-ah-ree" in my opinion, lol. There are so many odd names in Mabi, and I'm not terribly familiar with Irish pronunciation, so I think most of us butcher most names anyway since we read things from an English perspective.
I don't get why people think this way. The word weeaboo is too silly to be taken as an insult, even if it is intended to be insulting 90% of the time.
Also, forget Fashionogi. The newest trend is Linguistinogi. If you're still dyeing/collecting clothes instead of debating the proper pronunciations of the names of various characters in the game, you're playing wrong.
B-bu-but muh 1789452316 pieces of flashy clothing...Wut shud I do wit em?
Time to make debates using nothing but flashy clothing. I know you can do it.