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This is why everyone relies on wiki....
Maybe try testing it by making some Daggers or Short Swords and compare stats, though truthfully we shouldn't have to do that.
I wouldn't be able to tell where certain field monster spawns @ all. Lel.
That was before everything started to actually matter.
There's only a few that are not quantified
I had to find out what this does from a friend on discord
Could you tell me then? Was thinking of making a new Liberty Saber if the effect was decent.
I was told the effect can add another +1 damage (and possibly dura) to a weapon on top of talent bonuses.... and when we get the dan test renewal we can get another +1
Ehh.. I guess it's something. Better than nothing. I still might make a Liberty Saber just to see if maybe it adds +1 to defense, just cause. Would also like to get more of those rare unobtainable manuals again. Rather annoying being rank one and not being able to make a few things, just cause ,due to them only being in a gacha/event years ago.
Problem is, there is no way to do this without extensive testing or data mining of some sorts. The testing method is prone to errors anyway, and data mining is hardly looked upon with warm eyes by Nexon.
I heard tales of when close knit communities were united by a cohesive force such as love of the game's world and lore, and honestly? I don't think such an MMO would really work these days, where information was purposely vague in order to stimulate exploration. (I.E. "Tales surfaced of mythical weapon from the depths of the mountain dungeon" to "You will get the Sawreaver weapons from defeating the Mountain Dodongo")
It seems like a great deal of work very few people are willing to do in a game long past its prime and I don't see any reason to care about the past in such a way. This is the present. The wiki is dead. What can we expect people to do if no one is willing to actually edit it, especially with dealing with averages?
I really dislike the whole "New Generation is Going To Be The Humans in Wall-E" sort of thing, when we apply every little minute change as contributing to such a scenario.
The main difference between today and such being the presence of more insidious business minded companies like Nexon versus the close knits ones of the past that genuinely cared about players. When they pull such low rates and a complete lack of guarantee, people want to know the rates. The perfection of the Grind MMO stimulates the thirst for this knowledge. Who wouldn't? It seems insane not to ask, or even demand, when things have not been seen to drop, alongside the presence of falsified rumors and bad translations. I mean...what do I have to put up with, but at least that the mission I have been running did indeed drop that enchant I wanted?
Edit: Sorry, I went overboard, didn't I? I is sorry.
it's all about trust though. would you rather buy a laptop irl that says "improves battery life" or one that says "50% more battery life"? I would definitely buy the 2nd one, especially if there was no information on the internet about the first laptop when searched up. Even if later on the first laptop's company revealed that it actually had 75% more battery life... it didn't TELL me that to start with. If they want people to trust what something does they need to say what it does plain and straight up. That's just me though