Check out all of the details of this month's 17th Anniversary Update Notes, featuring the addition of Simplenogi features and more!
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Confirmed ; G21 this winter (kr)


  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,365
    Posts: 9,218
    Arjune wrote: »
    Atm we're missing the giant combat renewal and the Dan test renewal. That's the only major ones... though KR does have a few small features such as the ability to repair anywhere at 100% success via a portable anvil thing but it costs like 2x the cost of 98% repair NPC. Then there's the equipment switch kits as well. I'm not sure if we will get those features o.o and then they have a new VIP service we might not ever get as well. Honestly they can probably add the new combat skillset w/o hurting either of those other updates though... it's their decision

    Okay I've heard about some of those things lol. What's the Dan test renewal? I'm still under the impression we're gonna be getting the giant update at least soon xD

    I wish we could get the 100% repair update. Haven't heard about the equipment switch, I heard about VIP updating but isn't this their second update for it and we haven't gotten either updates? :/

    Also ranking skills to Dan actually increase your stats where currently they don't add anything - which is why people don't bother with it.
    [Deleted User]
  • Member S8TAN
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Post: 1
    if we get the heterochromia eyes i hope it doesnt need beauty coupons :#
  • Member badnewsbarrett
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,890
    Posts: 519
    S8TAN wrote: »
    if we get the heterochromia eyes i hope it doesnt need beauty coupons :#

    Probably will, everything new in terms of beauty is :/ And it'll be a super low drop rate that makes them almost non-existent unless you have 100m to dish out for them v.v
  • Member Zeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    edited July 10, 2017
    Arjune wrote: »
    This might make some giants happy ;) I was reading through some news posts on KR (with the help of google translate) and they are kicking off the test server with the new talent, and something caught my eye:

    * [Might of Radeka] The following effects are added to the skill.
    - Chain Slash Additional damage when using talent skill"

    That means they are taking into account the lack of dex for giants (almost 300 less than other races compared to elves 170 str difference) and adding a boost for it to our Might of Ladeca skill. While we can only use that skill for like half the time we play, I'm glad they thought about adding in that boost :D hopefully it's not just for the test server
    What major content though? I can't keep up with what KR has, so I really don't know what we're missing lol.

    Atm we're missing the giant combat renewal and the Dan test renewal. That's the only major ones... though KR does have a few small features such as the ability to repair anywhere at 100% success via a portable anvil thing but it costs like 2x the cost of 98% repair NPC. Then there's the equipment switch kits as well. I'm not sure if we will get those features o.o and then they have a new VIP service we might not ever get as well. Honestly they can probably add the new combat skillset w/o hurting either of those other updates though... it's their decision

    What... are you kidding me, right? I was so happy that we finally get a dual-stat talent that elves are finally best with due to Dex+Luck but they goes and FREAKING buffed giants' Ladeca skill to do more damage?? If they did really do that... well, LOT of elves are going to be pissed because they get the short end of stick once again... all they have is archery while giants already have melee, fighter, gunner, and ninja... -________-

    In term of dual-stats talent, they (giants) already have Ninja and Gunslinger... that's two skillsets that elves does less damage due to missing out on 200 str (not to mention they get less Str cap from Eweca so yeah) while they (giants) are just missing out on ONLY one skillset, JUST one compared to elves missing out on two skillsets... so while yes, giants does miss out on 300 dex, they're only missing out on one skillset in term of dual-stats skillset.

    This better be a joke too, considering giants got last few updates in KR Mabi that heavily buffed them too... I'm really tired of the blatant favoritism toward the giants by DevCat and I do hope the Ladeca buff to make giants do more damage with chainslash won't make it out of test server because that's just not needed.
    and 8 others.
  • Member Sebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    Zeo wrote: »
    What... are you kidding me, right? I was so happy that we finally get a dual-stat talent that elves are finally best with due to Dex+Luck but they goes and FREAKING buffed giants' Ladeca skill to do more damage?? If they did really do that... well, LOT of elves are going to be pissed because they get the short end of stick once again... all they have is archery while giants already have melee, fighter, gunner, and ninja... -________-

    In term of dual-stats talent, they (giants) already have Ninja and Gunslinger... that's two skillsets that elves does less damage due to missing out on 200 str (not to mention they get less Str cap from Eweca so yeah) while they (giants) are just missing out on ONLY one skillset, JUST one compared to elves missing out on two skillsets...

    This better be a joke too, considering giants got last few updates in KR Mabi that heavily buffed them too...

    Throwback to that one Q&A session...
  • Member Xiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    Whips, Huh?
    I can't get my head out the gutter with this. I gotta restrain my NSFW jokes. ;_;
  • Member Arjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    @Zeo I don't see why you're getting that mad. Might of Ladeca can only be used once every ingame day, and most giants don't even have the full duration yet. It's still probably not gonna make us as good as elves or humans with this talent. we're actually much worse off with this talent than elves are for ninja and gunner. we lack much more dex than elves lack str. I showed you that last night
  • Member Zeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    edited July 10, 2017
    Arjune wrote: »
    @Zeo I don't see why you're getting that mad. Might of Ladeca can only be used once every ingame day, and most giants don't even have the full duration yet. It's still probably not gonna make us as good as elves or humans with this talent. we're actually much worse off with this talent than elves are for ninja and gunner. we lack much more dex than elves lack str. I showed you that last night

    While I do get where you're coming from... I see that the Giant Ladeca skill buff the chainslash skillset by 15% and in that case, it'd be multiplicative so 1.15x damage for you guys. Elves hit 1850 dex cap via Eweca skill while the giants hit 1700 dex cap... I see that the Chainslash skillset/talent gives 85 total dex which should make it bit easier for you giants to cap out dex too.

    So elves and giants only have the difference of 150 dex and depending on what formula they use for max damage based on Dex and Luck, giants will end up doing more damage with the chainslash skillset (and it'll make some difference with the red upgrade stones too)... so you can see why I'm pretty ticked that they decided to buff the giants' Ladeca skill to do 1.15x more damage with Chainslash... because like.. I don't really think that is needed... but with this buff, that make it so Chainslash are the best skillset for the giants to use thus screwing us elves in the process once again.

    I mean... elves are still pretty great with Chainslash skillset due to getting 150 more dex but I do think it's something that should be for the elves and humans to use... but humans get screwed out in chainslash skillset too due to the buff for giants' Ladeca skill.
    and 5 others.
  • Member Arjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    ladeca skill is still only limited use.... it's like only being good a it 50% of the time
  • Member Mhaol
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,215
    Posts: 108
    edited July 10, 2017
    Once a Day use is enough to make Elves obsolete in a Party.
    Reason so many Elf-Mains are angry is that this new talent was the opportunity for DevCat to balance the game and let elves be efficient in party Play along with Humans and Giants. They balanced us with Humans, but they they gave Giants a buff that allows them to leap ahead and unbalance the game once more.
    If a Giant for 30 minutes can deal more damage then an Elf with a fast-pace new talent, who would want the elf for that Phantasm raid?

  • Member Arjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    where's the evidence that a giant is out-damaging the elf? jesus christ
  • Member IzzyKuroNeko
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,575
    Posts: 49
    edited July 10, 2017
    * [Might of Radeka] The following effects are added to the skill.
    - Chain Slash Additional damage when using talent skill"

    Oh? Is that so? Then they should definitely also fix Vision of Ladeca to give bonus on Dual Guns talent, you know, to make it fudging FAIR.

    Come on Nexon Korea, the favoritism is showing.
  • Member Zeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    edited July 10, 2017
    Arjune wrote: »
    where's the evidence that a giant is out-damaging the elf? jesus christ

    It really depend on the formula for max damage but think about it though, the 1.15x buff via the Ladeca for giants so depending on how much damage they do and such.. so giants will end up beating elves in term of damage in the long run.
    * [Might of Radeka] The following effects are added to the skill.
    - Chain Slash Additional damage when using talent skill"

    Oh? Is that so? Then they should definitely also fix Vision of Ladeca to give bonus on Dual Guns talent, you know, to make it fudging FAIR.

    Come on Nexon Korea, the favoritism is showing.

    I agree and I think they should make it so they can buff the elves' Ladeca skill to do 10% or 15% more damage on Gunner (or maybe Ninja) to make it fair so elves are not as left out.
  • Member Arjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    you gotta keep in mind they haven;t done an elf combat renewal yet and it's still a possibility
  • Member Sebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    edited July 10, 2017
    I love entitled Elves who want equality until Giants are involved in that equality 9dnGeIh.png
    Stolias wrote: »
    Once a Day use is enough to make Elves obsolete in a Party.
    If a Giant for 30 minutes can deal more damage then an Elf with a fast-pace new talent, who would want the elf for that Phantasm raid?

    Honestly, in terms of long dungeons such as Rabbie Phantasm, no one is going to take a one-trick pony over an Elf.
  • Member SirRyu
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,690
    Posts: 107
    Sebastian wrote: »
    I love entitled Elves who want equality until Giants are involved in that equality 9dnGeIh.png
    Stolias wrote: »
    Once a Day use is enough to make Elves obsolete in a Party.
    If a Giant for 30 minutes can deal more damage then an Elf with a fast-pace new talent, who would want the elf for that Phantasm raid?

    Honestly, in terms of long dungeons such as Rabbie Phantasm, no one is going to take a one-trick pony over an Elf.

    Elves really have gotten the worst part of each update for awhile, then when a skillset comes out that they are actually the best at, giants get another buff to push them ontop, this has been an on going thing and it's kinda starting to get ridiculous.

    Heck! Us humans only got a 5% speed boost with out ladeca skill, giants had a respectable 10% which has been buffed twice since then, that seems kinda messed up to me.

    I was all for the giant revamp to make them shine, but they passed up equality a few miles back.
  • Member Zeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    edited July 10, 2017
    Arjune wrote: »
    you gotta keep in mind they haven;t done an elf combat renewal yet and it's still a possibility

    Yes, that is very true and I do hope you're right because it was really needed...
    SirRyu wrote: »
    Elves really have gotten the worst part of each update for awhile, then when a skillset comes out that they are actually the best at, giants get another buff to push them ontop, this has been an on going thing and it's kinda starting to get ridiculous.

    Heck! Us humans only got a 5% speed boost with out ladeca skill, giants had a respectable 10% which has been buffed twice since then, that seems kinda messed up to me.

    I was all for the giant revamp to make them shine, but they passed up equality a few miles back.

    Was going to say more in response to the recent post but @SirRyu pretty much hit it right in the spot.

    The Chainslash skillset only made it so elves are on par because they DO NOT have any dual-stats skillset they get most benefit with while giants get Ninja and Gunslinger (they'd be just missing out on archery and chainslash) while we elves are missing out on melee, fighter, gunslinger, and ninja due to the lack of stats needed for it. Gants are also best with melee and fighter (in term of racial benefit) while we elves... well, we all have is those archery.

    With the buff giants got via Ladeca, it made the things worse because giants get another skillset they're best with yet again... as they are now and elves (along with humans) end up getting the short end of stick once again.
    and 1 other.
  • Member Sebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    edited July 10, 2017
    Honestly it's just a battle between who's more deserving at this point where both parties are fairly rude to each other. I'm just here to make that obvious. S'pose I should keep my head out of this now, I've said what I needed.
  • Member Kaga
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,170
    Posts: 617
    Arjune wrote: »
    @Zeo I don't see why you're getting that mad. Might of Ladeca can only be used once every ingame day, and most giants don't even have the full duration yet. It's still probably not gonna make us as good as elves or humans with this talent. we're actually much worse off with this talent than elves are for ninja and gunner. we lack much more dex than elves lack str. I showed you that last night

    Giants have more advantages than elves.

  • Member Mhaol
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,215
    Posts: 108
    Arjune wrote: »
    you gotta keep in mind they haven;t done an elf combat renewal yet and it's still a possibility

    You're right. DevCat hasn't given us an Elf Combat Revamp.
    Nor have they even listed it in this Year's upcoming Updates.

    Guess Elves will get one next year... or the year after that...
    On another Note: Glad we can finally do a Shadow Mission with the squires. That looks like fun.