Hello and welcome to my first wiki page. My name is Nillstan of the Tarlach server. If you play on a different server and believe that all I say in this article doesn't apply to you, by all means leave. But I'm absolutely sure that all servers will fall victim to this same fate. You may also feel that I'm fulla crap. That's you. If you feel this way, get lost. Odds are you got here by accident anyway. Get it? Got it? Good. Let’s get into it.
The Mabiconomy Past
We're gonna start with the Mabiconomy as it once was. Way back when it didn't SUCK. The high tiered items were stable. Celtics, Demonics, And other weapons and armours of that tier will be considered God tier for this page. They were also stable. Players who've played to post 5k had access to God tier gear almost exclusively. High tier gear was for post 1k players and newbies who got it as a gift. Everything else, Mid and Low tier gear and items, were for newer players. But all of them were accessible, and if you needed to get rid of an item it was possible. There was always someone who wanted your items. Even low tier ones. And you know what all decent tiered items had in common? They were all made by dedicated productioners like Repnto and I. But then the several gachas screwed everything up. And that's where the Mabiconomy as it is now comes in. And it's trash.
The Mabiconomy Present
Nowadays, everything is so outta wack it’s not even funny. Because of the gachas.
Low and mid tier items have fallen off the map. They exist to almost no one. High tiered items are steadily losing value, becoming low tier items. In fact, the only thing holding (Former)high tiered items on the board are the Celtics and Dragon Gear. And even they, what used to be God tiered items, are losing value at an alarming rate. And don’t even get me started on the Demonics. The market for Demonics is so low that I cant even rightfully say it exists anymore. Then again, the Demonic Market had not one, but two different screw ups from DevCat and the Mabinogi team. The gachas AND the fact that they come from Saga now. Because by having Demonics come from the Saga as well, the Mabi Team added an extremely huge amount of Demonics into circulation, almost matching the number of players there are. Part of what made the Demonics special, and so valuable, was the fact that they were so rare! Before the Saga Screw-Up, they had to be made. And they could only be crafted by masters of crafting. And those who’d rather make things than break them are rare as it is in any MMO. The Demonics added to the Saga rewards ruined the Demonic Market. Because why would you pay millions for an item that you can just get from the Saga for minimal effort and almost no money?
AND LETS TALK ABOUT HOW REFORGES ARE BROKEN AS CRAP FOR A SEC! I know this one guy who's legit Kirito from SAO. Because he bought reforges, his Final Hit has like no cooldown and A crap long duration. If that isnt the most broken thing you've heard of in this game, i dont even know what is.
You may be asking yourself, well what does the gacha have to do with Mabi’s economy? Well, a lot really. Take a look through Belvast’s Shops. Have a look at what you’ll find. 9 out of 10 Items you’ll find are gacha exclusive. That’s right. The gacha items flooded the market, becoming the only High and God tier items. They cant be made. If you try to sell a non-gacha item, odds are you’ll have to dig into the deepest crevices of Mabi’s player base to find a buyer. It’s near impossible. That places fault on both Mabi’s Dev team, and the PTP(Pay-To-Play) Gamers. You did this. You ruined the market for everyone who doesn’t drop hundreds on this game. And the worst part is this, you probably don’t even realize it.
By paying real money for the gacha items and flooding the player market with them, you removed all High and God tiered items from circulation. You may think that this isn’t a big deal. After all, cant the gacha items just take the place of the former tiered items and everything just level out again? NO! THEY CANT! By removing the old Tiered items, you remove the need for production! By having the Gacha take over the market, you cut more than half of the player base out of the economy! Gacha items are expensive. Too expensive for players with no Gacha items to keep up. And this is where The Mabiconomy Stands as is. Now for the prediction.
The Mabiconomy Future
Soon. Not later. Soon. That’s when the crash is coming. As the old tiered items fall even farther out of circulation, the gacha fills the market to the brim. Half the player base is cut out of the market completely. Only the PTP players, and some well standing FTP Players, are left standing. Trade resumes as normal. However, there’s a catch. Soon after, as more and more of the PTP Players amasses all the items they could ever dream of, the economy slows. Nothing gets bought or sold. It slows to a standstill, leaving the FTP Players poor, and the PTP Players so rich they don’t know what to do with themselves. Then, when everyone least expects it, BAM! The economy crashes. With no one buying or selling, everyone’s backpacks lose value so rapidly that all, And I do mean All, players will be left in poverty. But the PTP community, dead set in their ways, will see no change. In a rush to restore their backpacks to their former glory, they’ll turn to the same thing that ruined the economy in the first place. But the gacha wont save them. In fact, the gacha will push the economy even farther into poverty. The new gacha items will refill the market, pushing everyone but a select few straight back down into poverty. This process will repeat until only four or five players are sitting with backpacks of any kind of value. The economy will fail soon if nothing is done about it. But it’s not just about backpack value! With the economy dead and no one wanting the old tiered items, production too will die. All but three of the life skills will become useless. Almost half of the game’s core components are dead. And there’s almost no way to bring them back. Except for this.
The Saving Grace: How To Fix The Economy Before The Crash
These few suggestions are controversial. And believe me. I do want to hear what you think, so send me a note in-game if you got somethin’ to say.
1.Remove Demonics from the Saga rewards
Doing this will return a major part of the economy, albeit slowly, back to circulation.
2.Stop the Gacha as a Community
This will almost single handedly stop the crash from coming. I understand that people who do the gacha will probably not stop doing the gacha. All that really needs to be done is for them to stop flooding the market with the items, but gradually introduce the gacha items one at a time to avoid a crash.
3.Revamp Production
The Music Q update brought about the return of an almost dead talent. We need one of these for production. New items, updated stats for old items, rebalances! All made through production, just as it should be. The God and High tiers will return to their former glory, replacing the gacha flood. The Low and Mid tier items will become useful again. All will be right with the world of Mabinogi, and everyone is a little richer at the end of the day.
*Newest Edit*
As I predicted, the market is becoming even more flooded. At least on Tarlach. Mostly everyone is poor, but some things have changed. There have been new craftables added, which stabilize the gacha and game ratio a bit. So that's good, I guess. I will say, I've noticed higher up players giving out gacha items more just because nowadays. Good on you, that helps. This whole thing was kinda controversial at first, then died down after like a month. My original statement stands. The market will crash, but it's different now. It's slower now. More unchanging. New items and changing players have slowed it down quite a bit. Everything is relatively stable right now. So yeah. Good on you. Also I removed the poll because honestly, with the comments, it's kind of pointless. Good luck in your endeavors. I've said my piece for now.

i'm telling you right now the demand for equipment hasn't stagnated and neither has the supply in most but not all cases, there will always be a new exciting item that'll have a high price but as soon as that demand drops and scarcity is outweighed then you'll find them settling; which in this case has happened. none of the items you mentioned are on a down trend, they've stayed consistent for arguably 1-2 years. the only items that have dropped considerably in price are divine equipment(s) because of a spur in girgashiy runs which was only momentary.
also on your final note, bard has and always will be the strongest defacto talent and a must have for anyone pushing anything above mediocrity, it has been this way since the rework and not music q, music q was qol and had nothing to do with the power level of bard. ALL endgame equipment worth talking about is made through crafting if you didn't know, literally all of it. the only things you could make an argument for are true xgrade celtics which were in 1 gachapon as for the rest of it; top rolls can only be achieved through crafting.
I personally see nothing wrong with reforges. Let people do what they want. Why does someone's game play effect your game play? If it's some person you are just running a dungeon with and they have reforges, move on with your life. If it's your friends, be happy for them. If they are rubbing it in your face or keeping you out of runs, thats their fault for being a stuck up jerk. Just because you don't like how someone plays the game, doesn't mean it should be revamped or taken away. People do work to increase their damage and stats. What about people who have a job, why shouldn't they be able to put that money towards something they want. And it's not like reforges are some exclusive item. They are always in the cash shop. So even people who have no access to NX still can buy reforges with gold, which is not hard to comebuy if you work for it. Yes, you should be working for your stuff instead of expecting to get your damage for cheap. If someone is being a Jerk about damage or something, that is their own fault, they have always been like that. Just because someone failed the kindness lesson in kindergarden, doesnt mean you should take away or revamp reforges.
Stopping Gacha is stupid. The company, like every single game company, needs to make money and sustain that money. Gacha is a huge money bringer so why would a company not want to make money? People who whine and cry and throw a temper tantrum over gacha's are just immature and dont understand anything about how companies work.
What are you even talking about? CRK's haven't gone averagely for that much in years. A few months ago they went for 10 mil. Now it's 7-10 depending on who you ask.
1: When a gacha is released, add a pattern to produce the rarest gacha items, with a relatively low drop rate from mid to endgame dungeons (let's say, 2% from Rabbie Phantasm, 10% from doing it solo, 1% from Mirror, 0.1% everywhere else.
2: Create fragmentation recipes for gacha items that produce common to mid-tier mats, with the occasional Seal Chain or Ancient Magic Powder.
There's a third step but it'd be HIGHLY controversial so I won't suggest it.
There we go! See? Someone gets what I'm trying to say!
I'm not saying make reforges and stuff crafable; I'm saying make some of the clothes craftable. It'll be fine to get some of it. Heck, making 10% of the Gacha items be capable of being crafted but for high-tier tailors/carpenters/blacksmiths would be pretty alright too. Like rank 4 and up.
There could be two effects by allowing rare items to be crafted.
The influx of supply to the market will drop prices drastically, which means that consumers for the short term will be happy, but sellers (especially resellers) will hurt as a larger supply means that demand falls. Not only will they make less than before, but there will be less market fluidity, because unlike consumable items; these items do not disappear upon use. They can always reappear on the market.
Fixing the economy from hyperinflation needs multiple modules and algorithms to stabilize supply and demand and still allow for economic growth.
I made a post on a thread talking about revamping commerce. I stated that there needs to be a system that pulls goods out of the market, events that cause a disruption in supply. This could work for consumable items as well. If for example, a consumable item like leather gets a system generated disruption of supply, NPCs raise their demand for leather (perhaps even offering limited quests to get the goods), but then that would impact gathering and monster drop rates which would be complicated to implement.
Right now, the design of the economy is a player based economy. It's essentially a free market since the fees of the game are very low and there's no system to rid goods out of the economy. Everything produced is essentially produced by players and consumed by players.
But with the suggestion to have players craft items, which I think could help if the gacha is actually production manuals of the said item instead of the item itself, the chance rate of obtaining the manual could be the same as getting that item through gacha or different depending on how it might affect supply. This could kickstart some stagnant parts of the economy such as resource gathering as people would demand more resources to produce these rare items. This could run into the problem of players who have max crafting skills and multiple alts that gather the resources themselves, but nonetheless, having a cheap convenient supply in the market is more efficient than gathering them all yourself.
There's a lot of ways to improve the economy, but it isn't in dire straits, and therefore there is often inaction by Nexon or Devcat to do so.
I saw someone on mari today buying clean CRK's for 12mil. Thats still 24mil. A few months back a pair of really good CRK's sold for 80mil.
I wouldn't know about Mari, but in tarlach they've dropped a bunch
Although if it affects one, it's likely to happen in all of them. Just at different rates.
Not necessarily. Some servers survive on the hyperinflation, for some reason people just keep flocking to the populous servers where there is just so much activity.
Whereas, a low population server, those who don't have enough money really feel the pinch of hyperinflation and oligopoly because there's not enough people and activity to disrupt the system.