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Can we get a longer sale?
Is this just too good to be true, like are there going to be limitations we don't know about until we buy it? I don't want to buy it and see there's expiration dates on these.
Unless there's a glitch of course.
it's not a bug its a feature :^). but it would be more of a human error since people wrote the code that creates the package, it isn't machine generated, and it would likely be because they added the wrong version of an item in order to do that, but other than timed rebirth pots, there's no other item with timed variants in the package, so they would literally have to create a timed version of the stones/skillseals/etc for that to happen.
Am I a damage hoarder? = no
Is it cheap enough to buy = no
I guess it's nope from me.
I would prefer Nexon to stop spitting in the face of people who put a lot of time and money into an item only for an easy packaged deal to come along that makes you wonder what the point was.
the grand package for the p2w :'>..