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Does anyone know how many items have to be collected in the dressing room for it to register as 5 stars, 4 stars, etc? I always assumed that if 1 item is collected it jumps from 0 stars to 5. Then something like 1-10 is 5 stars, 10 to something is 4, etc.
Essentially I'm asking: How many of a specific item are needed to be collected in the dressing room before its rarity drops 1 star. For example, these two items have different rarities.
It's the game's dev's own assigned rarity of that item. It's to let players know if what they collected is "Rare" or not. In other words...a value reference. Once someone collects a copy it'll unlock the items wardrobe's rarity server wide. Well that's the most reasonable theory behind this anomaly so far that I've heard of...Me personally I think...
That would explain why white angle wing's stars are so low but say my Eluned Tea Dress (M) is max stars. Everyone loves the white angel wings and wears/keeps them in their dressing room often where as the dress... I don't even think many people have it compared to the normal female one.
I do.
Yeah I'm trying to get that title you get from collecting clothes~
My friend...you are embarking on a long and hazardous journey. The road of the
fabulousfashionogi will break U if you're not prepared.Skirts/frills/skimpyUndergarments/mini-shorts 4 days~!not at all
Yep! And I'm willing to face any obstacle to get to my goal >:D
It's gonna be a long haul, I know, but I figure if I stick to cheap stuff and only buy expensive if it's an outfit I really want, then I can at least not go bankrupt. A lot of people have been selling old outfits, shoes, and hats for pocket change in the market channel, for which I am grateful for~