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Hey All, I've been trying to rank up Hillwen Engineering recently and I've been trying to figure out a way to mine the large deposit in the back of B3 Hillwen Mines. I keep trying to move the golems away from it so I can mine it safely, but I can never manage it. I watched some videos of people aggroing the golems on pets and leading them away before desummoning their pet, but whenever I try it the golems either leash back to their original location or I get hit by an emerald shrieker out of nowhere and get gang banged. Anyone have any tips for me?
The golems do not move unless they're aggroed, they go into rest, this makes them the easiest of the three monsters to relocate.
The shriekers and bison are more a complicated matter, you'll need to use enthralling performance to actually move them. This changes their anchor point, so they won't return to the main rock, rather, they'll consider the place you led them to as their new home, at least until someone kills them.
One good thing is that once they've been enthralled once, they'll aggro onto you instantly upon pointing a bow at them. In which case they'll try to run you down, then you can drag them away, drop their aggro with shadow cloak/crisis escape, and then use enthralling to set their anchor. (This is pretty obviously a bug, but they still won't acknowledge it. It's why foxes and raccoons like to attack people who aim bows at them.)
Using those strategies you can clear out a huge area to mine.
But thats if ur an elf
All I can recommend for giants and humans is Shadow Cloak..
Yeah, you'll need a high (probably 1) rank enthralling to move the shriekers, and somewhere in the middle for the bison.
So long as you move the golems, you can kill the bison and shriekers en masse and have a fair amount of clear space to mine.
or 1 drill and a william partner