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I think the Dressing Room needs a major update.
Now that we have tails, I think they should be added to it, whether it goes under Robes, or have its own Tab.
There are numerous items that we have received from the game in the past that aren't included in the Dressing Room. Bear Robe, Wolf Robe, Maple Dress, Boatswain Pirate set(I think, I can't access the game atm to see for sure), etc. I hate having to clog up my bank with those items because I can't put them into my Dressing Room. :c
Equipages that are not actually weapons. For example: Backpacks, Bags, Umbrellas, Fans, Candy Canes, Maple Leaf, etc. I think they should have a slot as well, because technically they are for aesthetic purposes and aren't really supposed to be weapons.
I'm sure some people would love to have weapons also have a Dressing Room tab, and sure, why not? But with the ever growing item collections, I think we shouldn't be limited to clogging up our banks and pets with them.
Anything else anyone would like to add, please do!
-Kryo of Mari

We do need the Dressing Room being to contain old outfits and the new tails, plus an Armory for all our weapons.
Also I would love to have the ability of storing several of the same outfit (minimum 1 more, maximum 2 more) since there are players who like having clothes in different colors.
I also second both the addition of non-repairable clothes and of storing multiples. Sometimes there are just things that players don't want to give up or sell, or something even as simple as having two pairs of the same boots in different colors. Having a place to store them without clogging or inventory/bank/pets would be AMAZING.
So I don't know if it has ever been suggested, but I find myself storing a lot of these chairs and junk equipment we get from events (like for example this guitar case + caravan joe tea table, & balloons) in pets.
I would like to make a suggestion to add additional pages in our dressing room for things such as this. Maybe entitle the pages: "Chairs", "Equipment", "Accessories".
It would be pretty awesome if I didn't have to use my pet space for these things too
courtneyy of Tarlach
I second that.
And it'd be nice to add personalized items, too. I don't see any reason why I can't put my personalized Dustin into the dressing room.
Not the point I was trying to make. I simply want to save more inventory space be being able to put untradable equipment in the dressing room with the other tradeable ones.
1. A Pin (similar to the bank pin) instead of the lock option :L
2. The ability to store multiples of the same pieces of clothes. (I'm a hoarder... I enjoy dying multiple pieces of clothes of the same type... especially... hebona robes (MUST HAVE ALL THE FLASHIES).
3. The ability to store puppets/chairs/accessories
Thanks C:
IGN: courtneyy
Server: Tarlach
Yes! I have 3 full sets of the Special Newbie Wear Type C (actually I have 3 of all set types XD) all in different color schemes and I really wish I could store them all together in the dressing room.
That actually didn't come to my mind, BUT I wish it had, that'd be amazing too, especially since I collect weapons too!
Accessories... sure, but no where near as needed IMO.
Weapons are pushing it.
Chairs... no as that is an item, and not an outfit. At this point you could argue everything should be allowed in then at which point it turns into bank mkII