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Commissioning Art? Stuck on another server?
Bank Balance: just ask
Availability: ask away
Our Discord Server
Total amount traded: 5m
Amount Pending:
Current Requests:
7/21 sometimes MIA
(!) Notice (!)
however my services will stop when I'm nearing 15mjk i cant handle 15m a month so 10m is my limitSpecial thanks too..
IGN: Hinata584
Bank balance: 10m
Availability: Yes
Mari - Eeveemon
Alexina - Chii15
Ruairi - Eveemonn
Feel free to also message or add me on Discord @ Evee #2092
(!) Notice (!)
I prefer not to do requests over 5m
Most likely when gacha first come out I most likely won't be able to afford a lot unless small quantities.
*Do NOT add or send me notes on my alts, I don't log on them unless I'm helping transfer, if needed please just note or add my main character*
And Our new Tarlach helper~
IGN: Dreadhawk
Bank balance: 100m+
Availability: Yes
Mari - Frayja
Ruairi - Xaviesse
Alexina - Endylen
Contact us on Discord to inquire about Alexina gold, sorry for the misleading message for the longest time.
These are some of the best people to have ever played Mabinogi. I am honored to have been able to help them out and serve the community for the few months I have. I wish nothing but the greatest for them and for this service to continue to flourish! Good luck guys!
IGN: Neyna
Server: Mari
Artist IGN: Mochiic
Artist server: Alexina
Amount: 5.5m
Trade to: Mochiic
Thank you in advance xD
IGN: Asxina
Server: Alexina
Artist IGN: Nondokka
Artist's Server: Talarch
Amount: 1m
Trade to: Nondokka
Thank you ^^
Server: alexina
Artist IGN: Lucychan01
Artist's Server: mari
Amount: 3mil
Trade to: Lucychan01
Server: Mari
Artist IGN: Nondokka
Artist's Server: Tarlach
Amount: 2mil
Trade to: Nondokka
(as usual, I am regularly on my character Nyaa on Alexina, if you need to contact me. But I will be paying with Mari gold.)
IGN: Neyna
Server: Mari
Artist IGN: Ewelisa
Artist server: Ruairi
Amount: 1.2m
Trade to: Ewelisa
IGN: Susanoochii
Server: Alexina
Artist IGN: Fwumpii
Artist server: Ruairi
Amount: 3M
Trade to: Fwumpii
Thank you in advance<3
IGN: Asxina
Server: Alexina
Artist IGN: Fwumpii
Artist Server: Ruairi
Amount: 1.5M
Trade to: Fwumpii
Thanks! Will also post on discord ;o
Server: Mari
Artist Server: Alexina
Amount: 5m
Trade to: ASAYKE
If anyone feels like it XD
Server: Ruairi
Artist IGN: Harukaspice
Artist's Server: Mari
Amount: 2m
Trade to: Harukaspice
Ahh, thanks again for this amazing threaddd