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I was thinking about a new way to spice up magic, and I thought that a new race specific magic skill for each race would be a nice way to add some more versatility into the skillset. The idea I was thinking of would be along the lines of having each race get a different elemental skill, like say Giants could use an Ice Skill (cause vales and what not), Elves could have a Fire Skill (cause the desert being hot and what not), and Humans could have a Lightning Skill. These skills could have a short charging time, and a brief cooldown period that could be slightly shorter than lightning rod.
Ice Skill Idea #1 - Ice Cone. Could hit a cone shaped area in the direction you choose. Could be targetable like what exploding kunai is like.
Ice Skill Idea #2 - Freezing Wind. Similar to what the ice attack on elven magic missile is like, it could freeze enemies in a windy storm and damage them.
Fire Skill Idea #1 - Fire Wall. Since elves are squishy compared to the other races, it could be a more defensive skill. Set up a wall of fire that damages enemies that pass through it. Or just place it on top of enemies to cook em quick.
Fire Skill Idea #2 - Breath of Fire. Fire Dragons Roar. Breath fire to do cool things.
Lightning Skill idea #1 - Chain Lighting. Similar to a fully charged lightning bolt, but have more damage and it could hit a larger group of mobs.
Lighting Skill idea #2 - Lighting Strike. Target a mob and call down a single bolt of lightning that hits an area around it.
Yea it kinda does lol was having a hard time thinking of a new lightning based attack but the idea would be that it could have possibly a longer chain reach and just be a single shot for the first skill, and the second one would be a single shot. That's the best i got tho XD
Oooh that would be so cool! Maybe add it in as a new weapon? I'd love to see an Elven rune magic subclass for mage.
Add some more types of magic in too! Earth, wind, light, dark.. magic is a limitless feature, why I love it so much.
oh and obviously the other races will complain so might as well let them use them as well
even though us elves cant use a bunch of weapons they can use but whateverThis reminds me of Cube World in a way.
Each weapon you equip changes the way you cast a spell.
Bracelets rapid fire bursts of magic, wands fire out beams of magic and staffs summon a whirlwind of magic.
Maybe add a system like that?
I think Staves and Wands should have their own masteries.
Wands being faster for overall casting while Staves are great for power.
And I think only including Earth damage or even making a proper "Druid" class would suffice.
Or a comet attack that drops from above and freezes all the enemies in the aoe
(I like powerful charge attacks I can drop from above and nuke mobs with, makes me feel like a powerful wizard)
Mainly I would like to see earth based magic outside of alchemy