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Let's have a Formal Discussion on Collab events~!?

Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
Posts: 1,499
edited November 15, 2017 in General Chat
My 3 points and 2 cents:

1.) Collaboration can speak volumes about the integrity of the developers based on the effort they put forth in designing these events. The lazier and lackluster contents of a collab event means they either doesn't care about the IP they're collaborating with or they only have a surface lvl interest and is just picking the meat off the proverbial Chicken Wings of an IP(popular(?)) they can easily milk 4 da Denero.

2.) Collaboration can speak volumes about your feelings pertaining to Ur community. Are we just a cash cow?(MILK US 4 EVERYTHING) Or do you actually care about player-base satisfaction and Ur reputation with them?(LET US EARN EVENT GUDS THROUGH FUN/CHALLENGING INGAME EVENTS WITH A FAIR & HEALTHY PRIZE POOL DISTRIBUTION RATE A.K.A. RISK vs REWARD(?))

3.) Last but not least...Collaboration can speak volumes about the quality of Ur internal market and research team. Ignoring what the people(majority) is pleading 4(ex.~ outfit bag vs gacha) or going against the constructive/logical wishes(less afking vs req moar activeness) of the people who is keeping the servers alive is...not smart. Especially choosing 2 do the same thing after all the negative responses 2 such previous endeavors.

My 2 cents is that Nexon needs 2 factor us(not just our wallets) into the equation when planning and developing collaboration events. Take the current MMO: Junky event. We run one dungeon till our brain blows up and get one item and that is the only collab souvenir we can earn ingame with our time(effort). The rest is in the gachasino. SAO was a good example of a collab. We can earn CS outfit bag via the Event shop. ALO + SAO 2nd title were obtainable with guaranteed enuf efforts. RNG was abit more healthier(Sooo many ALO outfits/Floors es/wings) was moving around the market And outfit bag was a thing reasonably priced 4 wannabe roleplayers+cosplayers. All in all I'm just gunna buy out all the 4-5m Peas in a pod and flip 4 10m+ when the event ends and back out of the alby spamfest. Try better next time Devkitty. I'm out.


Ps. Ur thoughts? Feel free 2 discuss.


  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    I feel as if Nexon/DevCat/Whatever just doesn't seem to really do well with collabs. It's good they try and sometimes it's a success, but other times it kind of er .. flops.
    Though this recent collab was from Mabi JP, not Korea. If anything, it was rushed over here. I'm grateful, don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't mind a longer wait if I was guaranteed more content (esp. not gacha).

    Probably why people are suggesting that it's easier to just forget doing any collab with something overseas and do it with something American. It'll be easier for Nexon NA if they collab'd with something local.
    However.. I doubt a lot of people would approve on this method, me included. This thread goes more in depth on that kind of stuff.

    However, when there is a crossover in MapleStory, I never hear about anything necessarily bad about it. Than again, MS always chooses to do a crossover when I'm taking a break. I would of known there was an AoT crossover if they had more advertisements...GRRRR....
    Buuut yeah, let's not get too into that distracting grudge of mine.
  • ApologistApologist
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,205
    Posts: 52
    I dropped by to see what all the Collaboration hype was about. Disappointing to say the least. Why is there only one thing for us to legit earn outside of someone spending real money? Should have just called it a gachapon update. I was discouraged by the Rng drop rate so I just bought the peas in a pod gift and log back out to wait till the next update.
  • VaughanVaughan
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,015
    Posts: 34
    Pretty sure all the anime collab events come from JP, not KR, 'cause you know... anime. Like, pretty sure KR got the FMA collab waaaay after JP. Japan is gachapon's homeland and it caught on pretty big in Korea last I heard, so unlike us, it seems they actually want gacha. Played any other JP based games? Gacha. Gacha everywhere.

    So far as I know, too, NA probably gets the least amount of freedom with their content. Either that or it's the laziest, but considering the GMs/CMs can't really ever tell us anything about when we're getting anything, I think it's safe to assume it doesn't have devs to create content for the game like the Asian branches do and NA has very little say in content decision making. Nexon NA is basically just a distributor.

    AND, though I don't agree with most all of this collab's content being locked behind gacha, considering the anime made it seem like the characters were really into gacha, it kinda makes sense. Definitely would've preferred outfit bags for base outfits with the respective titles like the SAO event, but I can see the logic behind the way this one's content was handled. :/ As for lack of events, the anime is like 11 episodes long and the collab with Mabi started in JP between episodes 1 and 2, so suffice to say it was extremely rushed, period. The one event we did get is pretty much the only noteworthy in-game thing the characters have done up to this point besides sit around, talk, and gacha (sounds familiar...) The scratch card "event" JP got was just more gacha in disguise anyway.

    tl;dr Anime collabs are probably gonna suck because they're all from JP and they love gacha.
  • NilremNilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    How to proper crossover:

    Step 1: Don't, and just make a mabinogi anime.
    Make it about a generic Milletian with no real name. Or have a name I guess.

    Have it be an animated retelling of all the generations.
    Make sure it is as well written as possible so even people with no idea about what Mabinogi is enjoy it.

    Give Milletian protag 2 sidekick friends because plot.
    Give all 3 marketable anime looks with unique armor not in the game itself.

    Then have the anime crossover with the game itself.
    A self crossover.

    Could have just used the entire budget on that boring MMO Junkie anime on that.
    Would have both been 100x more interesting and actually advertise the game.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Vaughan wrote: »
    Pretty sure all the anime collab events come from JP, not KR, 'cause you know... anime. Like, pretty sure KR got the FMA collab waaaay after JP. Japan is gachapon's homeland and it caught on pretty big in Korea last I heard, so unlike us, it seems they actually want gacha. Played any other JP based games? Gacha. Gacha everywhere.

    It also seems like the Japanese are richer and can afford gacha compared to us over in NA.
    Or maybe their gacha is like our casinos?
    Either way, I hate both gacha and gambling.
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    edited November 15, 2017
    Yui and FSN dolls were in Direct CS. We gotta gamble 4 it in Gacha. We don't get all collab events from other regions. We lose out on Mini games other regions got sum-times with the same collab. We tend 2 get the hand-me down pair of jeans that our Older sister servers prevsly wore usually full of holes & broken zippers.
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    edited November 15, 2017
    On top of that Japan got a scratch card game ingame that allowed the to win some of the 2nd titles. I really enjoy the Net-Juu No Susume anime, but this collab was a disappointment to me. I figured if it's gacha only the drop rates would at least be decent but no... I haven't seen ANY of the magic knight versions of the costumes in shops aka buyable for less than 20 mil... I saw 1 Hayashi outfit regular version and maybe a couple pairs of shoes and wigs in shops. This just annoys me that I don't have the money to play gacha, and I can barely even buy anything with gold either. I could have afforded a couple outfit bags but of course we didn't get those
  • watercat0watercat0
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,855
    Posts: 251
    Let's all agree to never get a crossover if they going to send an awful event to NA all because of "licence agreements that cannot be changed" than it is better to never get them. The company is losing out on advertising, not Mabinogi.
  • lidiyalidiya
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,325
    Posts: 335
    I sometimes think they just use the US mabi servers as a gauge to see how far they can push terrible business practices, and how much they can neglect the players in the US before they quit to use it as a tool to see what they can pull with their other games.
    purpley[Deleted User]
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    edited November 15, 2017
    Nilrem wrote: »
    How to proper crossover:

    Step 1: Don't, and just make a mabinogi anime.
    Make it about a generic Milletian with no real name. Or have a name I guess.

    Have it be an animated retelling of all the generations.
    Make sure it is as well written as possible so even people with no idea about what Mabinogi is enjoy it.

    Give Milletian protag 2 sidekick friends because plot.
    Give all 3 marketable anime looks with unique armor not in the game itself.

    Then have the anime crossover with the game itself.
    A self crossover.

    Could have just used the entire budget on that boring MMO Junkie anime on that.
    Would have both been 100x more interesting and actually advertise the game.

    The game would have to have a sensible story to have an anime based on it. Seriously, we jump from dealing with the Goddesses/Gods to Shakespeare escaping Avon, and then we deal with Saga 1 and 2. Like we get it, the game has to be updated with new stuff to keep it interesting, but at least finish the story! We're still not sure what's become of Neamhain, Saga is up in the air because in spite of having the potential to tell it, the writers didn't explain anything about Treasure Hunter really beyond a base concept!

    Saga 2 also treats the majority of its characters in such a pathetic manner that it makes me cringe to play the storyline! It belittles the abilities and personalities of each of the Aces. Starlet can travel as far out to Connous all by herself (remember the Ghosts?), potentially braving those dangers to learn more about music, but she has issues singing in public because her dog got killed defending her from some crazy guy who was trying to kill her for some reason? Instead of having all the Aces team up and go after the missing Child Tarlach collectively (which would make for a BETTER story), we're subjected to only having Merlin (who is constantly bullying Tarlach for whatever reason, and then in turn be the butt of everyone's jokes) and then Treasure Hunter because apparently whoever wrote Saga 2 just needed faces to go with Talents and god forbid they have any sort of use STORYWISE (looking at Culinary Artist, Professor J, Starlet). To have Starlet's copy attack Merlin would have had a more powerful effect on the situation if she'd actually been traveling with him. Imagine seeing Professor J just OPEN UP his Alchemy abilities at the Cessair. Culinary Artist could have been the ride across the continent instead of us having to mini-game our way around and he looks like he could take on a good amount of people on his own. I just feel like the developers of Saga 2 missed out on SO MUCH of what they could have done with the characters they created, but it just fell so flat.

    The MMO Junkie anime is an adaption of a web manga. They didn't make it just to advertise Mabinogi. They likely just linked it up in terms of an event to take a chance to advertise Mabinogi in Japan with an anime to increase the game's popularity. If Japan was to make a Mabinogi based anime, they would require the backing of Nexon KR/Devcat.

    Regarding your idea to make the Milletian a generic being with no name... No. Give them SOME sort of personality. Part of the reason a story can fail is because of any lack of attachment to a character. Give them faults. We already have a trio of characters who could work as a possible team for the anime. Reno, Vay, Tion. We would also need a Giant in there though to showcase all of the playable races. I'm a fan of making the anime well-written though.

    Finally, if the anime is just retelling the Mabinogi story, what's the point of having it "crossover" with itself?
  • NilremNilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    Leinei wrote: »
    Finally, if the anime is just retelling the Mabinogi story, what's the point of having it "crossover" with itself?

    Thats the JOKE.

    Because the majority of crossovers are almost entirely pointless.

    Although to be honest, it would still work.
    And as you mentioned, Reno, Vay, and Tion exist. Could just have the 3 of them be protags.
    As for Saga...
    Consider it a way for Saga to be rewritten to both make sense and not be terrible in execution.

    In fact, an anime adaptation would be a very easy way for them to expand on lore, patch plot holes, create new plot holes, and retcon the entire shakespeare arc into something else entirely.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    As odd as it will be, if done correctly, a Mabinogi anime wouldn't be bad. Just.. for the love of God.. DONT DUB IT.
    Speaking of which.. If MapleStory 2 comes out to NA, they better not dub that either. Hearing the Korean voice of a female character is the most adorable thing I have ever heard in my existence.
    -ahem- :3
    Hopefully it will cover Saga I and maybe Saga II. In fact, it might even give Treasure Hunter a name!
    If anybody is familiar with the Neptunia franchise, in Mk. II (Re;Birth 2), one of the villains is called 'Underling'.
    She was never given a name until the animation where she was named 'Linda'.
    \> u </
  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    Mabinogi Anime would be great. That way, I can finally understand those stories told in generation quests..
  • SiodhanSiodhan
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,825
    Posts: 315
    I have an idea for a crossover. Save the money from pointless crossovers and instead cross the game over to a same-style engine like Peria's and get us tens of thousands of interested players by advertising it instead of letting it slowly crumble.
    Oh god, the blasphemy that just slipped. My bad.
  • RaishiiRaishii
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,245
    Posts: 319
    Nilrem wrote: »
    How to proper crossover:

    Step 1: Don't, and just make a mabinogi anime.
    Make it about a generic Milletian with no real name. Or have a name I guess.

    Have it be an animated retelling of all the generations.
    Make sure it is as well written as possible so even people with no idea about what Mabinogi is enjoy it.

    Give Milletian protag 2 sidekick friends because plot.
    Give all 3 marketable anime looks with unique armor not in the game itself.

    Then have the anime crossover with the game itself.
    A self crossover.

    Could have just used the entire budget on that boring MMO Junkie anime on that.
    Would have both been 100x more interesting and actually advertise the game.

    If they did make a Mabinogi anime, I'd just like them to reuse Lorna, but add more depth to her.
  • watercat0watercat0
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,855
    Posts: 251
    Siodhan wrote: »
    I have an idea for a crossover. Save the money from pointless crossovers and instead cross the game over to a same-style engine like Peria's and get us tens of thousands of interested players by advertising it instead of letting it slowly crumble.
    Oh god, the blasphemy that just slipped. My bad.

    Yo, we heard you wanted a new Mabinogi but with a new engine, so we build Mabinogi mobile so you can restart everything from nowhere and relive your fantasy life again. NA not welcome BTW.

  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited November 16, 2017
    lidiya wrote: »
    I sometimes think they just use the US mabi servers as a gauge to see how far they can push terrible business practices, and how much they can neglect the players in the US before they quit to use it as a tool to see what they can pull with their other games.
    Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt (FUD)
    - Do not to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) on the forums. This includes making claims on what Nexon’s actions intentions are.

  • SiodhanSiodhan
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,825
    Posts: 315
    watercat0 wrote: »

    Except that one, on top of being exclusive, doesn't look nearly as good. In my opinion, it doesn't even look as good as the normal mabi. It's a mobile game after all, it has limitations. I agree with the mockery though :<
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    watercat0 wrote: »
    Siodhan wrote: »
    I have an idea for a crossover. Save the money from pointless crossovers and instead cross the game over to a same-style engine like Peria's and get us tens of thousands of interested players by advertising it instead of letting it slowly crumble.
    Oh god, the blasphemy that just slipped. My bad.

    Yo, we heard you wanted a new Mabinogi but with a new engine, so we build Mabinogi mobile so you can restart everything from nowhere and relive your fantasy life again. NA not welcome BTW.

    It'll cross-over with PC mabi. Can't wait 2 see it happen. :*
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    Raishii wrote: »
    Nilrem wrote: »
    How to proper crossover:

    Step 1: Don't, and just make a mabinogi anime.
    Make it about a generic Milletian with no real name. Or have a name I guess.

    Have it be an animated retelling of all the generations.
    Make sure it is as well written as possible so even people with no idea about what Mabinogi is enjoy it.

    Give Milletian protag 2 sidekick friends because plot.
    Give all 3 marketable anime looks with unique armor not in the game itself.

    Then have the anime crossover with the game itself.
    A self crossover.

    Could have just used the entire budget on that boring MMO Junkie anime on that.
    Would have both been 100x more interesting and actually advertise the game.

    If they did make a Mabinogi anime, I'd just like them to reuse Lorna, but add more depth to her.

    Eh, I think it would be weird to have Lorna be more proactive than she is already. She doesn't strike me as anyone beyond a tutorial guide. =T