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Server Merge Alternative?
The only players actually entitled to usernames are those who fund the ABT and CBT of a new game and pay $100+ for a name reservation.
Otherwise, you as the player are actually entitled to nothing.
Mabinogi is a F2P game for everyone to play, and doesn't usually free up character names by force.
Usually only subscription based games like WoW (Thread) will make some sort of rules on freeing up space for character names after a certain period of time, if at all.
I'm not sure what your point is. A want and an entitlement are two WHOLE different things. It still does NOT change the fact that I would NOT want them to do a server merge if I have to change my names.
Honestly...I really think all of us stand a really good chance at reclaiming our main ign's. The reason for that is that a lot of us are established in this very old community. We don't get a lot of new players - just alts because we know this game is funded primary by no lifer whales who attached themselves to this game and stayed for some reason. It's been 10 years.
I mean the only reason why wouldn't be able to is some troller used your name for themselves or one of their pets.
The way you just presented your argument is exactly as if you feel entitled to have this name.
Having a different character name won't affect game play in any way.
Whether it be by the highly unlikely server merge or the continuation of the current server system.
Plus, Guilds mainly use Discord or Line nowadays as opposed to Skype, so renames won't be too crippling either, just sighs and whines.)
Also, there are plenty of languages in this world to put together a name with meaning in Mabinogi RPG fashion.
I do agree there is a good chance we could, but I do worry about the trollers as you mentioned, and there are sooo many people who are asking for name changes, you just never know and it would make me sad to have to rename... Lol.
Would it be possible, in theory of course, that the requirement to change a name would only pop up IF there are duplicates?
I am sorry you read it that way, but I did not say anything about being entitled. Please, try not to assume how I (or anyone else) feel/s based on text on a computer screen without seeing my/our emotions or body language.
I do not use Discord, Line, or Skype, and I am not associated with any large guild. There are no other languages that can put my real name and my family members name into the character name besides the actual names already used... And, I already used multiple languages to get the names of my most recent pets, which is why it would be difficult for me to go through and rename each and every one accordingly.... And to lose my first pet cat's name would be sad, as I made a friend on here after they were released and to this day she still remembers him... (She unfortunately is unable to play anymore, hasn't for years, but we will still talk about it.)
I get what you're saying, and you are right, we are not "entitled" to our names, but it still doesn't change the fact that it would still stink and is one of the reasons I would not be "all down for" a server merge if it was required. (You know... 61 names... If I had to CHANGE each name - not rename them the same name - I guarantee it would take me at minimum 61 hours to do.)
And all I was saying is that more than likely IF a server merge was to happen most of everyone here would be able to keep their established names. Even if we had to do a mad dash for them. I have a little more faith in the integrity of our close knit community than you do.
This topic has been going on for years now, and probably will until Mabinogi, devCat, Nexon, or the internet explodes, so this post will be just as pointless as everyone else demanding a merge. But, I'll say it anyway; we're probably not going to get a server merge, though if we DO, I don't think it will be because we intimidated or urged or whined until the break of dawn. It will be because they decided to go through with it themselves.
If 'they', whatever specific group of people in charge of and with the power of merging the server were actually listening or felt moved by our years worth of server merge talk, it would have been done already. Though you can keep making threads about this to vent out your frustration or share out your ideas if it makes you feel better. I don't have any control over this thread as much as we don't have any control with making a merge happen.
All I ask is that, as a fellow Mabi player, even if the person reading this particularly hasn't done anything wrong, that you don't go overboard and attack and hurt people for what they say and think. Regardless of the player count in your server you can still have fun. :-)
Wow that chunk. Um...
Yes there was one over sees in china. It didn't go very well and it took considerable amount of time to recover and fix everything. Least that's what I heard. Regardless of the risks, we still very much want it though. The players and the team would have to take every precaution and learn from China's execution.
Okie dokie. Like I said, it wasn't referring to you. It was just a general thing. If I meant you or anyone specific, I would have said your or their name. It's all good.
I've been in a game where the "Community" demanded a server merge, even the developers thought it'd be a great idea. You know what followed? 6 months worth of glitches, 6 months of wading through account recovery for a good majority of players, 6 months of 2~4GB patches to correct issues that came up client side, and for the initial time, a full TWO MONTHS of not being able to play at all, because the servers no longer wanted to start. There is no waving a magic wand and everything going as planned, there is no taking precaution. Your asking for a developer who, initially intended for their game to operate in a branched server environment to now bring it all back into a single server environment, what your asking for is a monumental task, that if done could take months if not years, to fully fix and iron out any hiccups that could come along the way. Now do you really think the Mabi community as a whole, could survive months worth of complete downtime? With so many new games on the horizon, it would kill off what population is left except for the most hardcore of players. Mabinogi thrives off it's NX whales, if they're not playing that means that means they're not paying, if Nexon can't retain those players in another one of their games, the downtime following the merge could mean life or death for Mabi.
I've been in games where community might be strong, but profits are low(Paragon), and the developers/publishers think it's in their best interest to shutter the doors and sell off the servers for the game. I think you need to come to grips on what you're demanding, since it's a double edged sword.
So, what if Nexon decides that they are ready to do so? Mabinogi is already set up to use clustered databases. Each "server" is really a separate database cluster and each "channel" is a box. This is why when they "reboot" channels it says rebooting server; they really are rebooting a server. Now the named servers themselves are probably run on a separte box as well that handles all the query marshalling to and from each of the channels. In the end a server merge would probably work like this:
- in an earlier maintence (before the merger) everyone's record is modified to have an extra field per character and pet to handle duplicate names, and the field is filled with, say, the present server name, but more likely a number between 0 and 3 so that a short int can be used instead of a string.
- the merge would be announced with plenty of warning and expectations set. One of the main ones being that guild stones will be cleared and have to be reset.
- purchasing of farm fields, castles, and housing would be halted and allowed to expire.
- during the merge maintence, likely Alexina would be modified and set up to handle 28 channels.
- the databases from Tarlach, Ruari, and Mari would be exported and then imported into Alexina.
- Alexina would either be renamed, or more likely the server name would no longer be displayed at log in.
- Scripts would walk the database to confirm the import was successful.
- Mabinogi NA would go back online.
Now, if that's how it would work then that's not really all that bad. But of course, in so many things, the devil is in the details.
I don't really care about names. You change your name all the time when you go onto another game. I mean I love my name right now, but it's a worthy sacrifice for a server merge.
Sorry just scrolling down and this got my attention... IT DOESNT MATTER WHO SAYS WHAT Seriously, The moment someone new makes a account and it comes to picking the server, it already shows it. So telling someone to stop saying like that will make no difference at all.(Only reason i even said anything on this is because when that server is brought up, on this topic, you basically repeat yourself over on it. To the point where you actually went off on me telling me "Dont tell who what to play what server" and so on, when i never once did.)
Also i do like the idea of just being able to pick a server to join, would be amazing but so would a merge. Flat out, people who want to be were more people are, it would be nice to have that option, specially for group events or if you really need a item thats a rare drop, the chances of being able to get that said item threw the drop rate or simply buying it would be nice because since there is more people there would be slightly more of those rare items. Or hell make the housing channel a server cross channel so anyone could get anything on sell from all over and it could literally be a market more so then what it is now, and before someone brings up "Oh but the names and pets will be a issue" Honestly, Blizzard has figured a way around that, You can have the same name and so on, doesnt matter because you have a ID number.
This game can very well do any option at all to make it so people from other servers could hang out/play/trade. Ive seen a few games that are much older, that was able to do something when the player base was getting low, Not dying, but getting low. Its not impossible.