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I'd really like
this event back! It was a lot of fun to be able to log onto all your weaker characters and run with everyone else who also can't kill a goblin to save their lives. The rewards were all mostly expiring so there is no worry about people hoarding (since this seems to be something Nexon really worries about?) and the reforges will really help newer or low income players who wouldn't be able to afford them otherwise.
Though..yes, I would love to have this event back.
Also, I never bothered to afk on my alts, I would rather do other things for sure. Like play the game even!
To be honest, I just used the most recent one in the wiki. Was there a difference in the Jan 2009 one? Wiki doesn't seem to say, or maybe I am blind. (I am blind as heck so I wouldn't doubt it)
Regardless I would be happy with any treasure box event returning, so long as I can get some
freereforgesgoodies!Please no I was never huge on the events that required you to have to pay nx to get anything decent from the event only to still get trash rewards.
Eep, thanks for pointing that out! I completely forgot they did that. Yeah definitely a big no for me, I wouldn't pay NX for keys. :x