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same. oh the pain...
Even nails used to be harder to get. It was horrible.
EDIT: sorry, didn't notice that the treehouse was in my inventory until I cleaned it up. Disregard the message.
Iron bars are the only thing that holds me back when I need to make wood boards, I think I'm only 1 or 2 ranks away from bein' able to make 'em but ya know how it is with trainin' Blacksmith.
got 1 backdrop, more than 5 of the new fountain, and 3 carpentry benches (not includin' the one I made, mabi you troll, gave me the bench AFTER I made one...)
so far the backdrop seems to be the only really "rare" item for me...
And the commerce event, the Benches, which is one of the items that I actually want, are the rarest for me. I haven't got a single benches so far. I got tons of the useless stuff like the kiosk, grape basket and fish drying rack. Especially fish drying rack.
I've only gotten the backdrop once (HS level 13 is too low to use it, apparently).
What fountain are your refering to? There's at least two of them. Gotten the busted fountain once, and the round fountain at least twice.
Carpentry Bench I have yet to get as a prize, but I had help making one (and very grateful for it).
I was going to make my park even more enjoyable and beautiful.
You can make the carpentry bench; there is an option for it in the Homestead. In Alexina, the items are priced from ~200k to 1m depending on how many the seller already has on sale. I've seen some even go as low as ~50k and I am not talking about just the Carpentry Bench.
If you have a Vales fire torch thing, I'll glady trade! I got two fountains if you have two torches!
Ended up with 4 backdrops and no fountains. Go figure.
Which fountains do you need? I might have some extra ones depending on which ones they are
To rock (A rhyme), that's right (On time)
It's Tricky is the title, here we go
It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
It's Tricky, it's Tricky (Tricky) Tricky (Tricky)
It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
It's tricky, tricky (Tricky) tricky!!!!!
ooo good to know
the other mochi we got could be, I'd assume this one is too.