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How about that Cave of Trials?


  • Member Bronzebreak
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,940
    Posts: 489
    edited March 16, 2018
    Transformation, Fleet Feet, FH CD L15, Mana Shield, Guard Cylinder + Abyss for Sand Burst/Life Drain.
    BDK smash spider, golem, Siren, Succubus, Tabhartas,
    BDK + FH or Chain spam Claimh, Merrow, Reaper.

    Cry at Duke and slowly whittle with SoG or Water Cannon (using Barrier Spikes to make him unable to do damage).

    I only reached the ML for the first time tonight, and I had a feeling that using the magic cancel chain attack woulda been best, but I wasn't sure if I could deal with Ghast aggro/respawning, so I just killed him over the course of 15 golems.

    Succubus Queen; Got her to 75% over the course of 10 mins, then get crit 1(5?) HKO'd by her thunder, while I had MS up. Also found that non-WotG Dowra + AS set spam do not hit enough to stop her (only missed like 2 clicks worth, may have been able to do with quicker reflexes).
    Didn't spam pots or invincibility frames, save for the Full Recovery pots whenever somebody beefy killed my MS.

    If uhh people want, I can make a guide/how I do it for a mid-level player?
  • Member WolfandWolf
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 786
    I beat the Duke!!! :D I'm very happy with myself.

    Of course the Lich almost instantly killed me when it spawned right on top of me. xD
    Radiant Dawn
  • Member Freakoutcast
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,230
    Posts: 61
    I don't understand how the devs expected elves and giants to beat this. I know humans can just Final Scum their way to victory (like everything else), but with us it's a little bit harder (and don't even BEGIN to suggest Final Shot, it's so useless in comparison that it's pretty much just a bad joke at this point).

    Making it to the Master Lich is easy, but after that I'm just done. I can't see giants doing it either really, I don't know much about them but I'm fairly certain they don't have any massive DPS.

    At this point I just enter the dungeon and leave immediately so I can get the daily done.
  • Member Greta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited March 18, 2018
    I don't understand how the devs expected elves and giants to beat this. I know humans can just Final Scum their way to victory (like everything else), but with us it's a little bit harder (and don't even BEGIN to suggest Final Shot, it's so useless in comparison that it's pretty much just a bad joke at this point).

    Making it to the Master Lich is easy, but after that I'm just done. I can't see giants doing it either really, I don't know much about them but I'm fairly certain they don't have any massive DPS.

    At this point I just enter the dungeon and leave immediately so I can get the daily done.

    I'm like 15k total and i still can't beat Succubus Queen with my Final Hit in Cave of Trials, so i can pretty sure say that i'm not planning to solo things like Peaca Abyss, Rabbie Phantasm, some other HM dungeons or even a Dragon Raid (barely killed Red Dragon once, died at least 6 times and wasted few stacks of 300 HP pots, pretty much my INT/WILL went to 0, never again lol). Really wish i could have that Final Scum you mention about...

  • Member Kokoro
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,155
    Posts: 289
    Final Hit defintely doesn't equal instant victory. Just spamming it and nothing else takes me up to Duke and results in him promptly destroying me.

    I finally beat Master Lich last night! Had to lullaby him and all the Ghasts and then get a lucky Somersault Kick defuff on him because the Chain Crush defuff doesn't seem to work on him for me. Could just be really unlucky.

    I really like the Succubus Queen fight. It's definitely annoying with the Safeguard thing but I feel it's a nice gimmick to the fight rather than just having the normal higher HP and higher damage that normally amounts to difficulty. Anyway yeah she kicked my butt and I doubt I'll ever get to her again.
  • Member Blissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    I don't understand how the devs expected elves and giants to beat this. I know humans can just Final Scum their way to victory (like everything else), but with us it's a little bit harder (and don't even BEGIN to suggest Final Shot, it's so useless in comparison that it's pretty much just a bad joke at this point).

    Making it to the Master Lich is easy, but after that I'm just done. I can't see giants doing it either really, I don't know much about them but I'm fairly certain they don't have any massive DPS.

    At this point I just enter the dungeon and leave immediately so I can get the daily done.

    Pretty easily. Elves can abuse hide, crisis escape, chains, etc.

    It's not difficult at all, especially when elves have shine of eweca and final shot. Or chains in general. (Of course, it depends on stats and skill ranks, but I have little trouble getting Master Lich trying.)

    Final hit isn't all it is cracked up to be.
  • Member yinato
    Mabinogi Rep: 550
    Posts: 22
    edited March 19, 2018
    Hazurah wrote: »
    and don't even BEGIN to suggest Final Shot, it's so useless in comparison that it's pretty much just a bad joke at this point

    Final seriously, final shot + vision of ladeca = spam mag all day. If you can't drop master lich before FS runs out due to a lack of damage, then something's wrong (if you can't kill him due to lag, I can't help you there).
  • Member ShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    Anyone knows how does the rank points works in the game ranking board at festia? I thought it’s based on the clear time but when I cleared cave in 16 mins I got 1992 points but when I cleared it in 7 mins I got 2049 points. There’s not much increase in points despite I cleared it 2x faster than my previous best record.
  • Member Maia
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
    Posts: 903
    edited March 19, 2018
    ShouK wrote: »
    Anyone knows how does the rank points works in the game ranking board at festia? I thought it’s based on the clear time but when I cleared cave in 16 mins I got 1992 points but when I cleared it in 7 mins I got 2049 points. There’s not much increase in points despite I cleared it 2x faster than my previous best record.

    Damage taken and clear time both probably contribute. I could be wrong.

    I imagine elves have the easiest time in trials just like anything else. Final shot until you run out, then just hide. Rinse, repeat. Man I wish I had hide so bad. Giants I feel bad for, I don't know how useful windguard is.
  • Member ShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    Maia wrote: »
    ShouK wrote: »
    Anyone knows how does the rank points works in the game ranking board at festia? I thought it’s based on the clear time but when I cleared cave in 16 mins I got 1992 points but when I cleared it in 7 mins I got 2049 points. There’s not much increase in points despite I cleared it 2x faster than my previous best record.

    Damage taken and clear time both probably contribute. I could be wrong.

    I imagine elves have the easiest time in trials just like anything else. Final shot until you run out, then just hide. Rinse, repeat. Man I wish I had hide so bad. Giants I feel bad for, I don't know how useful windguard is.
    Ikr, as I am getting more and more closer to end game, I have sometimes wished that I picked elf lol The top 2 players in cave ranking board in my server are elves. No idea what races the other players in top 10 are, but I know one of them is a giant. He's a really, really, reallllyyyy rich giant though so that's a given. I can't really imagine how a normal giant player clear cave without op gear though..
  • Member Wolfenstin
    Mabinogi Rep: 545
    Posts: 7
    edited March 19, 2018
    ShouK wrote: »
    I can't really imagine how a normal giant player clear cave without op gear though..
    I've only gotten up to the Master Lich before dying, but I've been trying a combo of things. Tried some ninja earlier today (though I haven't maxed it yet) and unfortunately that only got me as far as the Grim before he caught me off guard (only because I thought having some range might help me dodge some of the attacks).

    Seems the best I've been able to do is just Windguard and bash spam till my finger is sore. Even then the Lich eventually just burned right through all my buffs. I can only imagine what the succubus queen would do to me if I managed to beat the Lich.

    For a lowly, not even near end-game, mostly melee giant, this cave has been unkind.
  • Member Blissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Wolfenstin wrote: »
    ShouK wrote: »
    I can't really imagine how a normal giant player clear cave without op gear though..
    I've only gotten up to the Master Lich before dying, but I've been trying a combo of things. Tried some ninja earlier today (though I haven't maxed it yet) and unfortunately that only got me as far as the Grim before he caught me off guard (only because I thought having some range might help me dodge some of the attacks).

    Seems the best I've been able to do is just Windguard and bash spam till my finger is sore. Even then the Lich eventually just burned right through all my buffs. I can only imagine what the succubus queen would do to me if I managed to beat the Lich.

    For a lowly, not even near end-game, mostly melee giant, this cave has been unkind.

    Master Lich has less effective health than Duke, but he has loads of damage potential. Maybe fighter to daze him?
  • Member Daktaro
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,335
    Posts: 282
    I only reached the ML for the first time tonight, and I had a feeling that using the magic cancel chain attack woulda been best, but I wasn't sure if I could deal with Ghast aggro/respawning, so I just killed him over the course of 15 golems.

    Thank......... you......................... TT ^ TT
    I finally beat the Master Lich for the first time tonight by 1 meteor and then standing in a corner and throwing golems at it oh my god. Forgot summon golem was a thing lol.
    I had tried archery - not enough damage, too slow and misses too often.
    Hydra - his aggro is too fast to place it and then hide again (it might be my lag as well..)
    Fighter - I can never land a somersault kick... my reactions are too slow and/or lag, or he uses the fire thing and I get stunlocked, or he spawns more ghasts and I get stunlocked, or he spams int magic and I die instantly.

    I got the Queen to about half health and then ran out of time because of how long it took to slowly chip away at the lich HP with golems. Used Falcon and a weapon power potion for her, and archery. (Missing about 50% of the time...) Her attacks weren't too hard to dodge, for the sky meteors just stood at the very edge of the map. I preferred this fight SO MUCH to the lich. But to be fair she never casted the soul steal thing so idk how I will do against that...

    I live in New Zealand and the delay is so bad that final shot is basically a joke. You can still miss with it and it does not even affect damage like final hit does. For me, the suggestions to just final shot and then hide on everything... hahaha nooope. Plus have to wait 30secs to hide after last contact with the mob (aside from hydra or golem) so for something fast, powerful and big aggro range like the lich it doesn't really work.
    My chain blade is not ranked, gunner is not ranked, puppets not ranked, I legit just got shine of eweca today so it's rank F and idk how it works lol.
  • Member ShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    edited March 20, 2018
    "Daktaro wrote: »
    "I preferred this fight SO MUCH to the lich. But to be fair she never casted the soul steal thing so idk how I will do against that...
    You will be much happier fighting lich than the queen if she did the soul attack. After I got the Queen's hp to half and got safeguard level 3, she constantly kept on meteoring and soul back to back. I was literally screaming at my laptop screen. Meteor. Then soul. Meteor again. Oh hey look, soul again. At that point I'm never gonna get safeguard to level 2 at least and I just exited.. Like you, my ping is horrible as I live in Asia and I can never cancel soul attack with guns. It's annoying that getting attacked with soul debuffed you to level 3 instantly.
  • Member Daktaro
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,335
    Posts: 282
    ShouK wrote: »
    You will be much happier fighting lich than the queen if she did the soul attack. After I got the Queen's hp to half and got safeguard level 3, she constantly kept on meteoring and soul back to back. I was literally screaming at my laptop screen. Meteor. Then soul. Meteor again. Oh hey look, soul again. At that point I'm never gonna get safeguard to level 2 at least and I just exited.. Like you, my ping is horrible as I live in Asia and I can never cancel soul attack with guns. It's annoying that getting attacked with soul debuffed you to level 3 instantly.
    ohhhhh noooooooooo :(
    so WoTG does not even work because of the delay... rip. the suggestion of using anchor rush people have said seems good. (but my reaction time is so bad probably could not pull that off either, never mind accounting for delay)
    off topic but related to ping, it bothers me so much that for some of us it's impossible to master urgent shot save for giving our account information to someone else.
  • Member Matricaria
    Mabinogi Rep: 930
    Posts: 14
    I spammed Bash up to Duke but... He killed me pretty quick. I have no experience with him, any tips?
  • Member Blissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Matricaria wrote: »
    I spammed Bash up to Duke but... He killed me pretty quick. I have no experience with him, any tips?

    You may notice a certain debuff inflicted with some of Duke's attacks, specifically one with a sword with a red line across. This is called "Bloody Duke", and it has two effects.

    The first is that it lowers defense. Second, it allows certain moves in Duke's repertoire to one hit kill you, no if, ands, or buts.

    The debuff itself isn't a problem if you dodge his one hit kill attack, which is generally just him teleporting into the ground before spring up at your location. Run as soon as he teleports to avoid it. Bashing senselessly will get you killed.

    Other than that, he has nothing really special to compensate.
  • Member Iyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Matricaria wrote: »
    I spammed Bash up to Duke but... He killed me pretty quick. I have no experience with him, any tips?

    You may notice a certain debuff inflicted with some of Duke's attacks, specifically one with a sword with a red line across. This is called "Bloody Duke", and it has two effects.

    The first is that it lowers defense. Second, it allows certain moves in Duke's repertoire to one hit kill you, no if, ands, or buts.

    The debuff itself isn't a problem if you dodge his one hit kill attack, which is generally just him teleporting into the ground before spring up at your location. Run as soon as he teleports to avoid it. Bashing senselessly will get you killed.

    Other than that, he has nothing really special to compensate.

    Isn't it that if you spend too long near the Duke after he comes up from a teleportation, with the debuff on, you'll drop dead?

    It's like, you start out with no debuff.
    He teleports, and if you're not far enough away from him when he comes up, you'll get the debuff. The teleportation is the only thing I've gotten the debuff from so far.
    Then if you have the debuff, and he teleports again, and you don't get far enough away, and stay too close for a few seconds after he's come up, you'll die.

    I've gotten hit by his stab attack, his rose attack, his stun attack where he makes you perform a gesture, and his normal attack, all while debuffed and, so far, the only time I've ever dropped dead is if I don't give him space after he's teleported towards me.

    To avoid this, I've just been running in a straight line away from my starting position as soon as I see the Duke begin to teleport.
    I'm generally not fast enough to avoid GETTING the debuff, but even with human running speed, I'm able to run out of range fast enough to avoid the instant kill range of his teleport.
    Then I can just run back into range to attack. I'm betting it's less of a hassle if you use attacks with more range, but at least it's safe.

    Also, as an additional bit of unimportant info, since you said you didn't have any experience with the Duke before, if you manage to get a Critical Counterattack, Duke will lose more and more of his outfit.
    It doesn't seem to do anything special in this version of the fight, but it's just something interesting.
  • Member Toon
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,460
    Posts: 37
    edited March 23, 2018
    Duke's instant kill move is rng, there is not much you can do to avoid it besides killing him as fast as you can. If you use the demigod shield skill, you should be fine on lich, not take any damage on him. Theoretically humans are the best for caves, as seen here The top scores are elves in NA because there are no strong enough humans. If you have connection issues, use a tunneling service like Mudfish, WTFast or Pingzapper. Another thing that helps is eating Indog Cotton Candy, for when your demi shield is down.
    EDIT: I take that back what I said about humans being better for it, I've managed to beat that human's time by 5 seconds.
    EDIT 2: I take that back again, the best strat for this is FH ele lance with 9 pierce, attack speed delay potion, attack speed set and festia GM wings.
  • Member Bronzebreak
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,940
    Posts: 489
    edited March 23, 2018
    Toon wrote: »
    Duke's instant kill move is rng...

    ...attack speed delay potion, attack speed set and festia GM wings.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the application and activation of Bloody Duke is quite consistent, and that stacking equipment effects does not result in a stronger effect, which would be what is implied by stacking the wings with the pots?
    It's not like the wiki is infalliable, but if any/all of the above information is incorrect, I'd like to fix it.