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The most prestigious Milletians are now enrolling in a Private Academy. You can too with the Private Academy Box! Open up a box to have a chance to get a Private Academy Uniform, or a Private Academy Riding Uniform. Want more? Then buy the Stallion Package to receive a White or Black Stallion Whistle along with TONS of Private Academy Boxes! Enroll today and find the full details here!
Private Academy Box
Sale Dates: Thursday, April 26, After Maintenance - Thursday, May 17, Before Maintenance
55 Private Academy Boxes and Stallion Packages
Sale Dates: Thursday, April 26, After Maintenance - Thursday, May 17, Before Maintenance
Package Details:
- Each package contains a Stallion Whistle, and 55 Private Academy Boxes.
- Both horses have an inventory size of 6x10.
- The summoning time for both horses is 130 minutes.
- Both stallions are dyable!
- These stallions have the same skills and AoE effect as a Cosmic Stallion!
Item Details:
When you open a Private Academy Box, you will receive a
Free Repair Kit Set (5) and a random item from the lists below. The Free Repair Kit Set (5) contains a Free Repair Kit (Magic School, Trading Post, Bangor Pub), a Free Repair Kit (Blacksmith, Engineer, Alchemist), a Free Repair Kit (Fleta), a Free Repair Kit (General Shop), and a Free Repair Kit (Clothing Shop).
New Items
- Private Academy Junior Uniform (M)
- Private Academy Junior Uniform (F)
- Private Academy Senior Uniform (M)
- Private Academy Senior Uniform (F)
- Private Academy Riding Uniform (M)
- Private Academy Riding Uniform (F)
- Private Academy Riding Gloves
- Private Academy Riding Boots (M)
- Private Academy Riding Boots (F)
- Private Academy Shoes (M)
- Private Academy Shoes (F)
- Private Academy Loafers (M)
- Private Academy Loafers (F)
- Private Academy Wavy Layered Medium Cut Wig (M)
- Private Academy Braided Bangs Wig (F)
- Private Academy Braided Bangs Wig and Ornament (F)
- Private Academy Layered Straight Cut Wig (M)
- Private Academy Side Twist Wig (F)
- Private Academy Side Twist Wig and Ornament (F)
- Private Academy Parted Layered Wavy Wig (M)
- Private Academy Parted Layered Wavy Wig and Riding Hat (M)
- Private Academy Low Bun Wig (F)
- Private Academy Low Bun Wig and Riding Hat (F)
- Tailoring Kit (Enchant: Sonata)
- Celtic Cross (Enchant: Enigmatic)
- Respite Training Potion
- Tumble Training Potion
- Potion Making Training Potion
- Commerce Mastery Training Potion
- Gold Strike Training Potion
- Crisis Escape Training Potion
- Chain Slash 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
Additional Items
- Cessair Commander Boots (Reforge: Rank 1)
- Walking Freakshow 2nd Title Coupon
- Outlaw Witch 2nd Title Coupon
- Crazy Crafter 2nd Title Coupon
- Scathach 2nd Title Coupon
- Merlin 2nd Title Coupon
- Starlet 2nd Title Coupon
- Professor J 2nd Title Coupon
- Milky Way Harp Coupon
- Milky Way Piano Coupon
- Casual Elementary School Uniform (F)
- Casual Elementary School Uniform (M)
- Casual Elementary School Uniform Shoes (F)
- Casual Elementary School Uniform Shoes (M)
- Royal Academy Gym Teacher Outfit (M)
- Royal Academy Formal Uniform (F)
- Royal Academy Casual Uniform (F)
- Potent Finest Shadow Crystal (Quantity: 50)
- Talent Reset Capsule
- Brass Grandmaster Certificate
- Crusader 2x EXP Potion (30 min)
- Combat 4x EXP Potion (30 min)
- Lucky Blue Upgrade Stone
- Lucky Red Upgrade Stone
- Crystal Hammer of Durability
- Enchant Training Potion
- Healing Training Potion
- Party Healing Training Potion
- Synthesis Training Potion
- Fragmentation Training Potion
- Sakura Abyss Training Potion
- Summer School Uniform (M)
- Summer School Uniform (F)
- Summer School Uniform (Giant M)
- Summer School Uniform (Giant F)
- Royal Academy Formal Uniform (M)
- Royal Academy Casual Uniform (M)
- Royal Academy Math Teacher Outfit (M)
- Royal Academy Assistant Teacher Outfit (F)
- Royal Academy Home Ec Teacher Outfit (F)
- Culinary Artist 2nd Title Coupon
- Treasure Hunter 2nd Title Coupon
- Attack Delay Reduction Potion (10 min)
- Unrestricted Dungeon Pass
- Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass
- Lorna Special Gold Coin Box
- Pan Special Gold Coin Box
- Rusty Hammer of Proficiency
- Platinum Hammer of Durability
- Homestead Golden Sprout
- Music Buff Potion (30 min)
- Regular Gem Powder Upgrade Coupon
- Falias Dew
- Falias Storm
- Falias Rain Drop
- Speed Walk Potion 40% (30 min)
- Essence of Phoenix
- Spell Book Repair Quill
- Erinn History Class Blackboard
- Milletian Study Hall Blackboard
- Teacher's Pet Schooldesk
- Night Owl Schooldesk
- Class Clown Schooldesk
- School Bucket
- Life 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Magic 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Close Combat 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Music 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Alchemy 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Martial Arts 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Dual Gun 2x Exp Potion (1 Day)
- Puppetry 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Ninja 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
I dont like to gacha, atleast give the option for JUST the pet.
You had the perfect opportunity with this gacha to re-release the Smart / Clever / Elite school uniforms and wigs or even the After School Uniforms .... instead you chose to release the royal Academy uniforms once again. They were already released during the MMO Junkie gacha and were very common and flooded the market. The desks were also released not long ago and tanked badly in price. I am wondering why you chose to release them yet again, and before you released the Smart/Clever/Elite uniforms again? Now we got all these common uniforms no one cares about anymore when we could have gotten the uniforms and wigs people actually want, and are still pretty rare to find. Pretty much besides the titles, one of the new enchant burns, and the brand new items this gacha seems really lackluster
Just a little feedback.
Literally nothing of the new items out of 45 boxes.
That's the last straw, the last time I'm letting you take my money for literally nothing.
P.S: All that crap in the list... How's it even worth 72$!?
If the pet was made available as a standalone purchase, I would buy one of each.
Good job Nexon... I'm voting with my wallet by not buying this.
Plus.... I have enough pets. There is nothing on the post about what is so good about this pets to sell that bundle.
putting new outfits in shopping bags and wigs in gacha would be more profitable in the long run, but guess good ol Nexon only wants fast cash nowadays....
Gachas are unpopular for a lot of reasons, but this one doesn't seem to really have any redeeming qualities.
-Used to buy pets in the pet shop, then you bought pets in a pet gacha, and now 70+ dollars
-Used to buy character hair,eyes, and mouth through character card(that allowed any and all changes), then a point system(pons), then a gacha to get coupons for the point system
-events barley carry items....i mean... im pretty sure the maintenance SAID new event... (becuase gachas r seen as events now i guess)
Gacha gacha gacha gacha gacha.
Out of all the gachas this^ and the turky/tail event is the worst so far.
Oh, well! Not my marketing strategy that will probably not sell as well as it was intended.
the pet is cute but not worth 70 bucks
i dont mind blasting 500 euros on nexon but not for this
make player version of goddess morrigan dress than il be interested.
No... I personally think the goddess' dresses should be kept to them only because its what makes them unique from players, especially as gods.
We will consider the option of buying the horses separately thank you for the suggestion.
just imagine if they brought back all the payment options like before when new items are put into the game. The players might actually enjoy spending, then feeling like they have a 1% chance, limited time, only way of obtaining any new items.
Not to mention every payment is put into the game from these gachas, gachas in were ppl can obtain little to less then 10$ worth of items for a 100$+ purchase....You would think the selling of items would get lenient overtime, not harder and more stressful, and to top it off keep implementing changes to other optional payments that dont do gachas and replace them with gachas.
If you're going to continue Korea's method of spotlighting new items in gachapons, at least give us the option to buy them in an outfit bag as well.