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@Nexon, it's time to stop.


  • YokkaichiYokkaichi
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,145
    Posts: 323

    OP, I can understand your frustration, but like others have said, Nexon isn't forcing you to buy gacha. If you want a specific item, buy it off another player that had a little more luck. Also:
    Nemesis wrote: »
    How do you spend 9 years playing Mabinogi and still not understand how gachapons work?

  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    I can parrot your dissatisfaction with this, and indeed many other gachas, both recent and not.

    Can't really like how you said everything, but you're obviously upset, so it's like whatever.

    I just don't really like the whole situation.
    Ya'know how they say "vote with your wallet"?
    Well, that doesn't really work with this.

    It's like... if someone on this forum made a poll, saying "Do you like this Gachapon?" and the choices were "Yes, $100+", "Yes, $50+", and "Yes, $1.50+", with "No" being just not voting in the poll.
    Because it never really matters if even a sizable group of extra people buy $0 worth of gacha because there's a handful who've already snuck in a "Yes, $500+" vote, somehow.
    And even a single one of those makes the gacha a success, in NX's eyes. If anything about these gachas ever changed, it'd be through Nexon's own graces, and not through an explicit NEED to change things. I'm talking about their potential rewards/prizes, at any rate.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,245
    Posts: 9,212
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    I just don't really like the whole situation.
    Ya'know how they say "vote with your wallet"?
    Well, that doesn't really work with this.

    This is our situation. It's sad and scary.
  • FluoretteFluorette
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,840
    Posts: 815
    I get your first post, but this is extreme. Gaea and Greta's responses, if anything, were blunt but also to the point. Are you that pissed off that you feel the need to insult and belittle others?
    A nice stroll through town would do wonders to your mood, rather than taking it out on your fellow players.

    On another note,
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    If anything about these gachas ever changed, it'd be through Nexon's own graces, and not through an explicit NEED to change things. I'm talking about their potential rewards/prizes, at any rate.

    I always felt like things were this way with these sorts of games, and not just Nexon's. x_x"
  • AzurexrinAzurexrin
    Mabinogi Rep: 660
    Posts: 14
    edited April 26, 2018
    As a non-premium player that plays once in a blue moon, it doesn't take weeks to earn a few mil. An hour on a weekend nets me around 1m in gold after in-game taxes and then another 3m+ in items. Earning gold in this game isn't as bad as it used to be. Buying gold outright is "faster" but that's considering they aren't religiously playing a game and are using their resources due to time constraints. Personally speaking, end-gamers can easily earn upwards of 7m+ in an hour so I don't really see the issue other than time invested.
  • SorrowwolfeSorrowwolfe
    Mabinogi Rep: 615
    Posts: 13
    I just think that (almost) everyone handled this thread poorly.
    Things didn't need to be said on both sides, and we don't need people harassing each other.

    I think it is ok to be upset, and to voice your opinions about it but people in this thread(not just the OP) should have handled it differently.
    Insults and ganging up on people are not a good way to act on the forums.
    Especially if you want to get a message across or to have a decent conversation.
  • OdinwolfeOdinwolfe
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,900
    Posts: 103
    edited April 26, 2018
    Fluorette wrote: »
    A nice stroll through town would do wonders to your mood, rather than taking it out on your fellow players.

    On another note,
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    If anything about these gachas ever changed, it'd be through Nexon's own graces, and not through an explicit NEED to change things. I'm talking about their potential rewards/prizes, at any rate.

    I always felt like things were this way with these sorts of games, and not just Nexon's. x_x"

    My mood is much better now, after taking care of some business and ranking up my divine shield to rank 1 with an event fine reforge, having a few nice matches of PUBG/CSGO, I'm much less miffed about basically throwing $60 away for nothing.

    Don't think for one second I want to be handed half the new items with one bout of 45 boxes of gach, but to completely get destroyed four times in a row when I want something worthwhile out of the gach, over a period of six months, is just very frustrating, and I don't think anyone can really justify it without calling <those responsible> for these rates, greedy.

    People think too highly of nexon, and give them too much leeway.

    Azurexrin wrote: »
    As a non-premium player that plays once in a blue moon, it doesn't take weeks to earn a few mil. An hour on a weekend nets me around 1m in gold after in-game taxes and then another 3m+ in items. Earning gold in this game isn't as bad as it used to be. Buying gold outright is "faster" but that's considering they aren't religiously playing a game and are using their resources due to time constraints. Personally speaking, end-gamers can easily earn upwards of 7m+ in an hour so I don't really see the issue other than time invested.

    I've made tens of millions off of ADV HM dungeons in the past couple weeks, so that's not an issue, but hunting Reeeeediant streeeeeeng is a whole other issue.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,245
    Posts: 9,212
    Again, I guess I will say this differently; we're not giving Nexon too much leeway. We just have respect for our GM's who are trying to improve the way things are for US. You might not believe it and think we're all just a bunch of brown-nosers. But that's not the case at all. If you can't see that then I invite you to hang out with us on the discord so you have a chance to see how they interact and sympathize with us. They are also players of this game that we have loved and coveted these past 10 years.
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    300-500 boxes is the avg to land a jackpot item(s).

    Anything more is bad luck.
    Anything less is good luck.
    Lady luck is a fickle mistress.

    If it makes u feel any better...I've binged $20k+ on gacha(b4) and had way worse results.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,460
    Posts: 2,529
    edited April 26, 2018
    Rhey wrote: »
    300-500 boxes is the avg to land a jackpot item(s).

    Anything more is bad luck.
    Anything less is good luck.
    Lady luck is a fickle mistress.

    If it makes u feel any better...I've binged $20k+ on gacha(b4) and had way worse results.

    Please tell me you don't mean that in one go. O_O
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    Leinei wrote: »
    Rhey wrote: »
    300-500 boxes is the avg to land a jackpot item(s).

    Anything more is bad luck.
    Anything less is good luck.
    Lady luck is a fickle mistress.

    If it makes u feel any better...I've binged $20k+ on gacha(b4) and had way worse results.

    Please tell me you don't mean that in one go. O_O

    I mean over the course of time. Since I've found a stable avg(on Gachas) I've kind of tone it down. Lost track...but I could be maybe a few hundreds or a grand more in deeper since then.
  • OdinwolfeOdinwolfe
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,900
    Posts: 103
    Gaea wrote: »
    Again, I guess I will say this differently; we're not giving Nexon too much leeway. We just have respect for our GM's who are trying to improve the way things are for US. You might not believe it and think we're all just a bunch of brown-nosers. But that's not the case at all. If you can't see that then I invite you to hang out with us on the discord so you have a chance to see how they interact and sympathize with us. They are also players of this game that we have loved and coveted these past 10 years.

    Katherz is great, and I know for a fact that she does have a positive influence on what ends up here for us, but the fact that she has to pry for what ends up in-game/in the webshop is still a good tell of how the execs want things to be.
  • BronzebreakBronzebreak
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,940
    Posts: 489
    edited April 26, 2018
    Market will support what people will pay, regardless of item value.
    Behaviour that is rewarded with overall support but a few VERY negative reactions is generally continued.
    Support from devs is better, feedback is the same as ever.

    Gacha is a gamble, my theory has always been that you should EXPECT to lose.

    Game is very grindy, and very little new content is added, fewer such that is worth repeating.

    Attacking Nexon on the forums is unlikely to help.

    Attacking other people, especially those who have been around just as long and are typically more vocal/involved on the forums will hinder your argument now and in the future.

    dunno if any of this is news to you though.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,245
    Posts: 9,212
    edited April 26, 2018
    Odinwolfe wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Again, I guess I will say this differently; we're not giving Nexon too much leeway. We just have respect for our GM's who are trying to improve the way things are for US. You might not believe it and think we're all just a bunch of brown-nosers. But that's not the case at all. If you can't see that then I invite you to hang out with us on the discord so you have a chance to see how they interact and sympathize with us. They are also players of this game that we have loved and coveted these past 10 years.

    Katherz is great, and I know for a fact that she does have a positive influence on what ends up here for us, but the fact that she has to pry for what ends up in-game/in the webshop is still a good tell of how the execs want things to be.

    Be thankful we have a sincere advocate at all.

    Wow, this ended up in suggestions? Well at least it wasn't deleted. lol.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,460
    Posts: 2,529
    Gaea wrote: »
    Wow, this ended up in suggestions? Well at least it wasn't deleted. lol.

    Or locked. =D
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,855
    Posts: 790
    edited April 26, 2018
    Reading through this, both OP and the first responder need to chill out. I mean, we see these gacha rants all the time, so to call his comment disgusting and then tell him "you suck" can only naturally lead to... his even worse retort of "no one likes you." (which I thought was hilariously in bad taste yet good in effect because it's so over-the-top childish that there's no real comeback to that. :D)

    Seriously though, who makes the marketing decisions for NA? Can it be devCAT KR, Nexon KR, the NA team?
  • YangKoeteYangKoete
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,175
    Posts: 266
    edited April 27, 2018
    Leinei wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Wow, this ended up in suggestions? Well at least it wasn't deleted. lol.

    Or locked. =D

    A LOT of things end up here for some reason now XD

    Anyway, really, the only times I bought Gacha? When I had $5.00 on Steam I didn't want to spend on anything else and it was a REALLY good Gacha I wanted somethin' from.

    Lookin' at you, Tail Gacha. I may have only gotten a Tiger tail, Ribbon kitty tail and a Crocodile tail for noteable stuff, but I sold those to people who wanted 'em. I'm just tryin' to save for a fox tail (Which are jut ridiculously expensive. 40m? Really?! But hey, I'll save. I'm halfway there.)
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,245
    Posts: 9,212
    edited April 27, 2018
    Reading through this, both OP and the first responder need to chill out. I mean, we see these gacha rants all the time, so to call his comment disgusting and then tell him "you suck" can only naturally lead to... his even worse retort of "no one likes you." (which I thought was hilariously in bad taste yet good in effect because it's so over-the-top childish that there's no real comeback to that. :D)

    Seriously though, who makes the marketing decisions for NA? Can it be devCAT KR, Nexon KR, the NA team?

    First person to defend this guy after page 2. Cool beans. XD
  • TsukoyomiTsukoyomi
    Mabinogi Rep: 530
    Posts: 7
    Odinwolfe wrote: »

    A whole lot of Masochists and Nexondrones on this forum.

    The irl equivalent of a gacha is a table at the casino. When you spend your cash, don't get what you want, and then complain about how unfair it is, how do you expect people not to laugh at you?

    Sometimes you win, but usually you lose. Guess you lost.
  • TaboishiTaboishi
    Mabinogi Rep: 785
    Posts: 2
    I've got to say that Odinwolfe's original post had more emotion than was necessary to get the point across, but I can understand the way they feel exactly. However, the way that they've been treated by the rest of this community, and especially by Gaea, is atrocious. Personal attacks about other people being lazy and belittling people for their financial decisions are not called for. Not only that, but businesses have some responsibility when it comes to providing worth for someone's money, and nexon isn't a back-alley merchant. I don't think attacking someone for calling out something that is low-value like gacha is particularly, especially when you yourselves refuse to buy it and admit its not worthwhile.

    It seems like we can all agree that the drop rates that nexon on gacha has are too low, and can be infuriating regardless of which side of the argument we're on. that's a valid point. It would appear that Odinwolfe was trying to get the point across that gacha is a way to directly support the game, compared to giving their money to gold-sellers in order to buy the item/s that are in the gacha specifically, and that something should be done to incentivise away from this (like making gacha loot, or in-game items more accessible). For all of you criticising Odin for spending on gacha, maybe they don't regret buying it, because they get to support nexon directly? Perhaps they are just frustrated about the fact that people will be more inclined to buy gold because the drop rates are terrible.

    Now for specifics,
    Gaea, Odin never ever said to fire our GM's. They stated whoever is responsible should be fired, which everyone agrees our GM's are not. Additionally, there's been a few people who have defended odin in one way or another, not just THICCtightssavelives. it goes to show your closed-minded approach to this thread.
    Leinei & others, the amount of time to earn a few million gold at a reasonable level without costly gear may not be too bad, as long as you're farming gold the right way. However, do you really think 1 million a day from fomor scrolls is going to be more enticing to people with disposable income than spending an hour's worth of work wages on $20m? I doubt you can make $20m in a day without selling anything you currently own, or buying from the cash shop, let alone in an hour. And if you can, can more than 5% of the playerbase? It would appear that Odin was making a valid point that everyone is ignoring to jump on the bandwagon to attack him and his financial decisions.