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Why didn't they just release that for Blacksmithing and Tailoring? They did it for pretty much everything else? Is it that hard to do that?
Tailoring and Blacksmithing have mini games and are multi-try crafting skills. In Blacksmithing there's also the option to add different materials to give your stuff different "finishes" like copper gives a red appearance, silver for silver, gold for gold, etc.
In order for them to put that auto-put materials option, they'd have to revamp the skills in question.
I would love to see the Alchemy Skills get a once over too. Metal Conversion is just ridiculous now.
Wouldn't it also be great for cooking not to eat entire stacks of items? That just seems like a punishment by the devs for us players. Like, "You must work for your stat boosts, and you'll do that by using this purposefully clunky interface."
Also, I don't get the significance of the Metal Conversion mini-game.
AFAIK the metal conversion mini game literally doesn't do anything. It's just kinda there.
Being able to stick a whole stack of food without the entire thing disappearing on you would be divine.
Maybe also a "use same ingredients as last dish", but that would be asking for too much XD
That sounds completely painful. My condolences.