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a friend told me mabi is shutting down? is it?
yesterday a friend of mine who used to play mabi told me that the EN server is being shut down, and i've been feeling extremely anxious ever since. i googled it earlier and couldn't find anything about it, but i'm still feeling really worried. i feel like there would have been an announcement about it, and there hasn't been one as far as i know. i don't see why it would be shut down either. mabi was my first mmo and it's my favorite of all time, it means the world to me and i would be devastated if it were shut down. the game isn't shutting down, right?
they could've just said it to me because they know how important the game is to me and they want me to panic and worry about losing my account like they did last year (they're that type of person). maybe they just want me to feel scared about losing something that has been a big part of my life since i was a child and they're just lying to me. i figured i'd ask anyway though.
maybe the friend heard that mabi was shutting down from someone else and didn't think about asking for proof?
chances are you get bored of the game before that happens
Here is a real example. Runescape Classic will be shutting down at August 6th, 2018.
Here is the proof: -removed-
Also Runescape Classic was 17 years old. That says something. Oldschool Runescape and Runescape 3 is still alive and well.
Nexon would have to inform their customers month(s) in advance if the game was to be closed. (You would also see more panic on the forums.)
So they enjoy provoking anxiety in others? It sounds like it'd be best to burn the bridge with this person and find new friends that are actually mature.
People have been saying Mabi is shutting down since I joined the game nearly 7 years ago. Mabi is not shutting down any time soon. It's still pulling in alot of money. There are still alot of events going on, new content gets released, Updates happen, revampes still happen (and more to come)
Also EN? Do you man EU? If so, the EU server shut down in 2012 due to EU breaking the TOS and going behind KR's back.
If anything, yes, one day the game will shut down, like all games do. This is not happening to Mabinogi anytime soon though.
Supposedly it isn't the first time they've pulled a similar stunt, so eh, take it as you will.
no i meant the EN server, aka the one that i play on... i should've said NA instead, i'm just so used to referring to NA servers as EN lmao.
they said they heard that it was shutting down sometime last year so i don't think it was the g21 announcement (when i told them g21 was coming out they were surprised about it too). i didn't think the game was shutting down so i was very confused haha, now i'm just pissed at my friend for lying to me like that.
in regards to this friend, it's not the first time they've done stuff like this and they've been doing things to scare me like this since we were kids aha... i'm not gonna ditch them for this though, i'm used to their bullshit and they're a close family friend so even if i wanted to i couldn't cut ties with them ^^;
thank you guys for the reassurance about this... i was really worried even though i knew there was no way it was shutting down soon. i've been playing since 2009 (gone through at least three accounts at this point) so i have a very strong attachment to mabi. i get really scared and paranoid whenever people say it's shutting down even if there's no proof to support the claims.
ehhh... chances are of me getting bored of the game before it shuts down are very unlikely considering i've been playing it religiously for almost 10 years. obviously it'll shut down at some point but i'm talking about in the very near future, not further along.
oh, sorry... i've never posted in the forums before so i didn't know about this;;;
i imagine not a lot of money compared to what whales that just buy a billion gachas dump in this old game
RSC is shutting down more so for technical reasons.
To Op: Your friend probably saw the words "finale" and over reacted but did not do any research.