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Making a new thread for text errors found in G21 Part 1 storyline.
In case these haven't been picked up yet.

"Atom" Cimeni instead of Aton Cimeni

"Outsie" instead of outside
Both of these happen in "The Conclusion" quest. I think in one of the "Talk to Talvish" options.. not sure which.
Unless Llywelyn just calls him that for some reason lol
Atoms Everywhere.
There's also an awkward typo in white text appearing during Sylvian Dragon fight quest. I think Altam was saying something about not taking any damage to it, but with terrible grammar.
"Are" should be "Our".
YEAH! Thanks on finding that for me. I already finished G21 Part 1 on my character so i couldn't show it myself xD
A minor typo. Should say "I should have died that day."