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The Sandstorm Box is here!
Walk like an Egyptian with the new Sandstorm Box! Open one up to have a chance to receive the Ancient Desert Guardian Outfit, Ancient Desert Warrior Outfit, Altam 2nd Title Coupon, Llywelyn 2nd Title Coupon, Ancient Desert Guardian Pet or the Ancient Desert Warrior Pet. You can even purchase both of the Ancient Desert Pets directly! Check out the full details here!
Sandstorm Box
Sale Dates: Thursday, July 12, After Maintenance - Thursday, August 9, Before Maintenance
Pet Details:
- Both cats have an inventory space of 8x7, same stats, and the summoning time of 150 minutes.
- These cats cannot be dyed.
Item Details:
When you open a Sandstorm Box, you will receive a Potent Shadow Crystal (Quantity: 3), Potent Fine Shadow Crystal (Quantity: 3), or a Potent Finest Shadow Crystal (Quantity: 3) and a random item from the list blow.
New Items
- Ancient Desert Guardian Outfit (F)
- Desert Guardian Outfit (F)
- Ancient Desert Guardian Outfit (M)
- Desert Guardian Outfit (M)
- Ancient Desert Warrior Outfit (F)
- Desert Warrior Outfit (F)
- Ancient Desert Warrior Outfit (M)
- Desert Warrior Outfit (M)
- Desert Guardian Wig and Headdress (F)
- Desert Warrior Wig (F)
- Desert Guardian Wig and Headdress (M)
- Desert Warrior Wig (M)
- Desert Guardian and Warrior Sandals (F)
- Desert Warrior Sandals (M)
- Desert Guardian Sandals (M)
- Desert Guardian Bracers (F)
- Desert Warrior Bracers (F)
- Desert Guardian and Warrior Gloves (M)
- Desert Guardian Tail
- Desert Warrior Tail
- Gold Desert Guardian Wings
- Red Desert Guardian Wings
- White Desert Guardian Wings
- Gold Desert Warrior Wings
- Red Desert Warrior Wings
- White Desert Warrior Wings
- Sandstorm Khopesh Appearance Scroll
- Sandstorm Sword Appearance Scroll
- Sandstorm Bow Appearance Scroll
- Sandstorm Staff Appearance Scroll
- Sandstorm Fan
- Ancient Desert Warrior Whistle
- Ancient Desert Guardian Whistle
- Altam 2nd Title Coupon
- Talvish 2nd Title Coupon
- Avelin 2nd Title Coupon
- Pihne 2nd Title Coupon
- Caswyn 2nd Title Coupon
- Llywelyn 2nd Title Coupon
- Elsie 2nd Title Coupon
- Kaour 2nd Title Coupon
- Eirlys 2nd Title Coupon
- Dai 2nd Title Coupon
- Logan 2nd Title Coupon
- Kanna 2nd Title Coupon
- Dogma of Warding (Gives the ability to learn a Warding Crusader Sub-Skill)
- Dogma of Binding (Gives the ability to learn a Binding Crusader Sub-Skill)
- Dogma of Smiting (Gives the ability to learn a Smiting Crusader Sub-Skill)
Additional Items
- Rainbow Aura 2nd Title Coupon
- Green Aura 2nd Title Coupon
- Red Aura 2nd Title Coupon
- Aer 2nd Title Coupon
- Castanea 2nd Title Coupon
- Neamhain 2nd Title Coupon
- Mari 2nd Title Coupon
- Cichol 2nd Title Coupon
- Morrighan 2nd Title Coupon
- Avelin's Armor
- Avelin's Gauntlets
- Avelin's Greaves
- Altam's Armor
- Altam's Gauntlets
- Altam's Greaves
- Talvish's Armor
- Talvish's Greaves
- Talvish's Gauntlets
- Desert Soldier Camo Uniform (M)
- Desert Soldier Camo Uniform (F)
- Desert Soldier Training Fatigues (F)
- Special Forces Uniform (M)
- Desert Soldier Combat Boots
- Desert Soldier Beret
- Desert Soldier Sunglasses and Beret
- Special Forces Combat Boots
- Altam Fixed Dye Ampoule Set
- Talvish Fixed Dye Ampoule Set
- Avelin Fixed Dye Ampoule Set
- Pihne Fixed Dye Ampoule Set
- Caswyn Fixed Dye Ampoule Set
- Sunburst Ukulele
- Pan's Goldbox Upgrade Coupon
- Lorna's Goldbox Upgrade Coupon
- Kusina 2nd Title Coupon
- Dark Lord 2nd Title Coupon
- Juliet 2nd Title Coupon
- Tupai 2nd Title Coupon
- God's Feather 2nd Title Coupon
- Hamlet 2nd Title Coupon
- Lassar 2nd Title Coupon
- Eavan 2nd Title Coupon
- Endelyon 2nd Title Coupon
- Carasek 2nd Title Coupon
- Ferghus 2nd Title Coupon
- Merchant Imp 2nd Title Coupon
- Pan 2nd Title Coupon
- Andras 2nd Title Coupon
- Redire 2nd Title Coupon
- Unrestricted Dungeon Pass
- Unlimitied Shadow Mission Pass
- Essence of the Phoenix (Quantity: 10)
- Attack Delay Reduction Potion (10 min)(Quantity: 10)
- Homestead Golden Sprout (Quantity: 10)
- Life 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Close Combat 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Magic 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Music 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Puppeteer 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Alchemy 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Ninja 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Chain Slash 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Martial Arts 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Crystal Hammer of Durability
- Golden Hammer of Durability
- Platinum Hammer of Durability
- Rusty Hammer of Proficiency
- Pet Fixed Color Dye Ampoules (Hexes: #FFFFFF, #007BFF, #FFB330, #E05700, or #4A2F29)
- Fixed Dye Ampoules (Hexes: #FFFFFF, #007BFF, #FFB330, #E05700, or #4A2F29)
- Fixed Color Metal Dye Ampoules (Hexes: #FFFFFF, #007BFF, #FFB330, #E05700, or #4A2F29)
would've loved to spend money on this gacha x'D
Egyptians are my favourite part in terms of History, so >u<
I think it's to help unlock a sub skill from the three original crusader skills that you haven't already unlocked. You can unlock sub skills normally through doing certain things in the game; this just makes it easier and instant. I don't think it means that the sub skills are now unlock only through gacha items.
In other news, I think the male outfits would look fantastic if the elf and human male models had just a little bit of muscle. Doesn't need to be giant sized, but the lack of definition is showing here lol.
It would so nice to wear one of these and then go into Longa Desert Ruins/Treasure Dungeon and take screenshots. And with the cat(s) included it would be even better.
Technically you don't have to. This is just an option. No one is twisting your arm.
As for me...these outfits are hot garbage. Pass.
Maybe the Nexon staff are Fate fans... :thinking:
Well we DID have Fate/Stay Night UBW crossover long ago.
How are the stats on the cats? Are they on par with other cats like Bombay etc, or dragons or faeries, or something else?
That outfit is no different from the Halloween one, aside from the cosmetic Egyptian style.
Wanted to rebirth one of my pets into a cat...
I wouldn't even buy the shopping bag for this stuff.
Desert Guardian Outfit (F)
Desert Guardian Outfit (M)
Desert Warrior Outfit (F)
Desert Warrior Outfit (M)
No, but the "Ancient" ones do.
Don't the Ancient ones just give the action to turn into a Kitty? They also have a pose ?
Hmmm... You are actually right. I just realized now what these outfits actually do after you said that. I thought it was Transformation Medals, but i didn't see such item anywhere so it must be an action just like you said. Shame that these outfits don't have animation.
Just imagine if your character could do an Egyptian dance while wearing that LOL.I would have preferred an animation where it turns into a cat and rolls on the ground like the pet...though that might be annoying after a while? It's just so cute.