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Suddenly lag has come and my friendslist is disappearing.
I'm on Tarlach, any other servers experiencing issues?
These forums are being slow, too.
Oh well, wasted that elite pass.
We're also all on Mari. Wasn't it Tarlach and Mari that choked out the other day too?
EDIT @Arjune I've been feeling the commerce cart dislocation bug almost every single run recently since the servers started seizing up. It's costing me so much in xp and ducats since I haven't found a way to rectify it without logging out and back in.
Lame nonetheless.
"Game Launch Stopped"
"This product is currently in use"
Funny thing is, I haven't been home all day, and I just started my PC up.
Nonetheless, we seem to be up and running again! Woohoo!
EDIT: Oh lol i just disconnected suddenly, but had no problems getting back fast.
EDIT again: already disconnected 4 times, i'm getting worried.
even more EDIT: I already disconnected at least 10 times. Help :c