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Ive played Mabinogi for a while now bu7 finally have made a accoun7 for 7he forums. I loved my charac7er so much 7ha7 i had 7o make him in7o a cosplay. Also Im new 7o 7he forums please be nice 7o me as i 7ry 7o figure 7hings ou7 3:
Wa7ering hose pulls ou7 a li77le wa7ering hose which is grea7 if you love wa7ering flowers or wa7ering 7hings you shouldn7 be wa7ering. Bu7 i do believe bird buddy is 7he winner when i7 comes 7o ges7ures 7his 7ime around. 7he anima7ion s7ar7s wi7h y…
When Mabinerd came 7o visi7 my local ci7y we had a similar conversa7ion abou7 7his ho7 7opic. Mab really doesn7 have ano7her dunbar7on, a 7own where all 7he gamers hang ou7 a7.
I personally would love if 7hey made 7he hidden 7alen7s have 7heir own …
Twelie wrote: »
The festival whistle and flute are in the game as tuned instruments, and the lute uke and mando are contest only. I won them from the contest and would love for them to be available for all. I am a strong supporter of them being ad…
Here is my entry!
i know the contest says to dress up your Mabi character as an anime character but i …
If i had made my Mabi outfit in real life that my character wears in game could i still enter in this contest or is it strictly dress your Mabi character as an anime character type of contest? 3: